Chapter 8

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Mabel stared at her twin as he sat on the back porch. He had finally come of their room, but she could tell he wasn't any better.

He had his notebook out but was currently staring out at the forest, as though he was waiting for something. Or someone.

"Give him time, Ford. He'll come around. The kid is just confused." Stan said, trying to calm Ford. "He's not acting like himself, Stanley."

Mabel walked back in, looking between the two before speaking up. "This was just left at the front door. It's for Dipper."

The elder twins looked at Mabel, then at the box in her hands. "Who is it from?" Ford asked, taking the box from her. "I don't know. It was just left at the door with only To Dipper written on the top."

Ford looked at the box before sighing. "Maybe this will bring him out of his rut." Stan and Mabel both nodded as Ford went out the back door.

Dipper sat with his notebook resting against his legs. Ford looked over, seeing that Dipper was drawing someone. "You're getting quite good, Dipper. Who is that?" Dipper shrugged but kept drawing.

Ford sighed, placing the box down. "That's for you." Dipper looked over, putting the book down before opening the box. The first thing he saw was blue and black tissue paper. He slowly pulled the paper away to see a large, green leather-bound book. On top of it sat a note. 'A hunger for knowledge should be filled. Enjoy.'

Curious, Dipper opened the book to find it filled with all types of information that he had been wondering about. "But who...?" Dipper looked up at Ford, who just shook his head. "None of us know. It was just left here for you."

Dipper looked back down at the book, running his hand over the papers. "History, lore, mythology... This book has everything I'm interested in." Dipper frowned. "I wish I knew who sent it..."

Ford ruffled Dipper's hair. "I'm sure the sender will make themselves known. Until then, get your mind off this by reading." Dipper nodded, turning the pages to read.

Ford smiled, heading back into the shack. Stan and Mabel had been watching, surprised by Dipper's change in attitude. "He seems happier. What was that book about?" Mabel asked, looking at Ford.

"Dipper said it held everything that he was interested in." Ford said, smiling as he watched Dipper read. "Maybe this will help him." Stan and Mabel nodded in agreement before each went their own way, leaving Dipper alone to read.


"Did you guys know that there are near a hundred pharaohs in Egypt that were completely erased from history?" Dipper said one morning as he joined everyone for breakfast. He had been reading his new book every day since getting it, and he couldn't have been happier.

"That's quite understandable. If they were disliked by the people or were killed by a jealous pharaoh, their name would be removed from their records." Ford said, clapping Dipper on the shoulder.

The four ate quietly before Dipper got up. "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back later this afternoon." He said before grabbing his bag and running off. He didn't see the smiles on his family's faces as he ran out the door.

Dipper felt a little nervous about going back into the forest, but he missed it. He missed a lot of things but tried not to think on them much.

He slowed his pace as he came to a clearing, looking for a good place to rest. "It's nice here. I'll give you that." Dipper spun around hearing the voice. "Bill...?"

Bill smirked, walking over to Dipper. "The one and only, Sapling." Dipper smiled, patting the spot next to him, which the blond sat on. "So, what have you been up to?" Dipper asked, curious as to where Bill had been.

Bill rested back against a tree. "Travelling... When you spoke about your dreams, it reminded me of something I... Honestly, Sapling, I thought those memories were long gone..." Dipper looked at the demon next to him, surprised by his words. "How about you, Sapling?"

Dipper looked down, not wanting to look at the blond. "Nothing much really... There wasn't really anything to do." Dipper said softly, causing the blond to frown. "Sapling, I'm sorry about disappearing on you..."

Bill moved closer to Dipper, placing a hand on the brunet's shoulder. Dipper looked over, locking eyes with Bill. An implacable blue... Dipper thought, unable to look away.

Bill was the first to look away, not noticing the blush on Dipper's face. "Sapling, are you still having those dreams?" Bill looked over to see Dipper nod. "You should tell Sixer about them..." "He won't listen."

Bill looked over, frowning. "Sapling, he can help you. Tell him you've been having them for a month now. He'll listen." Dipper shook his head, frowning. "Sapling, please. Talk to him."

Dipper look at him confused. "Bill, why do you...?" Bill shook his head, letting Dipper know he wasn't about to answer the question. Dipper frowned, wanting answers. "Bill..." He sighed. "I'm sorry, Sapling."

Dipper jumped up. "Do you even know what those words mean? Or are you just saying words you hear others saying?" Bill went to open his mouth, but Dipper just shook his head, starting to walk away. "Sapling, where...?" Dipper spun around. "Stop calling me that! I'm not Sapling, or Pine tree or any other name you give me. My name is Asteraki!"

Dipper and Bill were quiet for a moment before Dipper's eyes widen, his hands clapping over his mouth. Before Dipper could move, Bill grabbed his hand, half dragging him back to the shack, much to Ford's annoyance.

"Sixer, listen to what Dipper had to say." He let go of Dipper's hand, looking at the brunet. "Tell him everything, Dipper. He'll help." Bill gave Dipper a hopeful smile before leaving.

"Dipper, what's going on? Bill looked almost worried." Ford lead Dipper back into the shack and down into the lab. "Do you remember those dreams I told you about? I'm still getting them..."

Ford looked over, surprised by this bit of information. "Every night?" Dipper gave a nod. "That is quite interesting..." Dipper looked down. "Grunkle Ford, I... While in the clearing with Bill, I... I called myself... A different name... The name of me in my dreams..."

Ford was quiet as he looked at Dipper. He was more than a little confused at this bit of news. "A different name? I think it would be best for you to tell me everything from the beginning."    

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