Chapter 7

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Bill was spending a lot of time with Dipper and Mabel through mostly with Dipper. He would wait for the twins in the forest before joining them on their activity for that day.

Dipper was slow to admit it, but he was enjoying the time he spent with Bill. The demon made things more interesting but still controlled himself. This level of self-control was something that interested Dipper.

"Hey, Sapling!" Bill called as he saw Dipper walking into the clearing. Dipper looked up, smiling as he saw the demon. Neither knew why, but they both enjoyed the other's presence.

"Hey, Bill. Have you been waiting long?" Bill shook his head, smiling. "Not really. No Mabel today?" Dipper shook his head, sitting beside the demon. "No, she's spending time with Candy and Grenda."

Bill nodded, resting back against the tree as Dipper pulled out the book he was reading. Noticing the book, Bill smiled. "Are you enjoying it, Sapling?" He asked, wanting to make sure he had gotten Dipper the right gift. "Yeah, I am. It's the latest book in a series that I like. Thank you for it."

Bill smiled, petting Dipper's hair. Dipper was surprised by this action but found it rather relaxing. He relaxed against the blond, letting him continue. This surprised Bill, but he was happy nonetheless.

Dipper was quiet as he read. Or tried to read. His mind kept going back to his dreams. They had continued, and he even seemed to be remembering them better. Dipper wanted to ask Bill about his dream but didn't want the demon poking around in his mind.

"Sapling? Are you alright? You're quieter than normal." Bill questioned, putting a hand on Dipper's forehead. Dipper looked at the demon, causing him to pull his hand back.

"I'm fine, Bill. Just been getting strange dreams lately..." Seeing the look on Bill's face, Dipper quickly added, "I don't blame you. I was just... Telling you..." Dipper looked away, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Could you... Tell me about them?" Bill asked, leaning over. Dipper felt his mouth go dry as he stared into Bill's eyes.

And before he could stop himself, Dipper was telling Bill everything about his dreams. He told him about who was there, what happened. Everything. Even the things he didn't think he remembered. He told it all to the dream demon in front of him.

Dipper finally came to a stop, realizing what he had done. Bill was speechless, just staring at the brunet. Neither saying anything.

Just as suddenly, Bill got up, walking away. "Wait, Bill..." Dipper started but stopped as Bill vanished. The brunet sat there, just staring at the spot the blond had vanished from.


The next few days past by without much happening. And that was what upset Dipper so much. Nothing was happening. He hadn't seen Bill since he vanished in the forest, and he missed him. The demon made things more enjoyable.

"Dipper, may I speak with you?" Ford asked one afternoon. He sat down next to Dipper, noticing the book in his hands. "How much time did you spend with Cipher?"

Dipper looked at Ford confused. "Mabel told me. Now, how often were you seeing Cipher?" Dipper looked down. "I was seeing him every day until a few days ago..."

Ford just looked at Dipper in disbelief. "Dipper, what made you think that spending time with Cipher was a good idea?" Dipper frowned, looking down. "He seemed different. Not good, but different..."

Ford sighed. "I know how it feels, Dipper. He's like a friend. But Bill can't be trusted." Dipper looked up. "I know, Grunkle Ford, but... Bill..."

Ford shook his head, knowing that Dipper was in too deep with the demon. "Look, Dipper. Get some sleep. You look like you need it. After a good night's sleep, go for a walk. That'll help clear your head."

Dipper nodded, though was still upset. He messed up a possible growing friendship with someone who was quite like himself. And he was upset with himself.

Ford pat Dipper's shoulder before leaving him alone in the room. Sadden, Dipper hugged his pillow. "I shouldn't have told him..." Dipper said before lying on his side to get some much-needed sleep.

"Pharaoh?" I called, as he had left me alone in the throne room. I wanted to head back to our room, but I didn't want to get in trouble if he did come back. "Pharaoh?" I called softly, scared.

"Well, if it isn't the pharaoh's pet. Did he forget you?" The lady said, looking me over. I tried to back away, but there was nowhere for me to go. "Aw, the pet is scared..."

I looked at the door, wanting Pharaoh to come back. "Please... Pharaoh won't..." But I was pushed down before I could finish. "The pharaoh won't know about this. Because you won't tell him."

I frowned, wanting nothing more than to be somewhere else. "I'll tell him! I'll tell him everything!" I shouted, hoping it would scare them. Instead, they just laughed.

"Find that funny, do you?" I looked over, seeing Pharaoh at the door. I was so happy to see him that I got up to run over to him, hugging him tightly. "I told you nothing will hurt you."

I felt Pharaoh pick me up, holding me close to him. "Leave. Don't let me see you two here again." I placed my head on Pharaoh's shoulder, just wanting to sleep the events away. "Sleep, my Asteraki. I'll always protect you."

I felt a kiss on my cheek, making me smile. "Thank you, Pharaoh..." I said through a yawn. Pharaoh chuckled, kissing my head. "Anything for you."

Dipper sat up in bed, his hand on his chest. He could still feel the fear, still feel the love. He wanted that. He wanted to feel like he did in his dreams.

He looked over at his sister, sleeping peacefully on her bed. He smiled at her before turning over to go back to sleep.    

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