Chapter 4

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I sat on the floor next to the throne. Pharaoh had brought me along with him, stating that it would be more fun for him if I were with him. I didn't understand how it would be more fun, as I knew his meetings were boring.

I was feeling tired as the elders droned on and Pharaoh played with my hair. I had given up on trying to listen to anything they said, knowing I wouldn't understand a majority of it. And yet...

"Is having him here really needed?" I heard, only because Pharaoh had tugged hard at my hair. "What do you mean by that?" I moved slightly, wanting him to let go of my hair.

Pharaoh let go, but only to round on the men in front of us. "We only meant..." "Are you telling me what to do? That I cannot do something?" The men shook their heads, but I could tell Pharaoh was getting angrier.

"Pharaoh... I'm tired..." I yawned, causing him to come back to me. "I know, Asteraki. We'll only be a little longer." I pouted, wanting to head back to his room. "No pouting. Let us finish up this meeting, then you can sleep." Frowning, I nodded, getting a kiss on the cheek, causing me to blush deeply.

Since that night we shared our first kiss, Pharaoh had been quite open with his affection towards me. This hadn't gone unnoticed by others, as I often saw them staring at us when Pharaoh hugged or kissed me.

"Pharaoh Bilamonahan, perhaps it would be best if he went to lie down now..." Pharaoh turned to look at the men but said nothing. "Perhaps we should continue. As I was saying, the farmers..."

I stopped listening after that, choosing to rest against Pharaoh as he began to play with my hair again. He had gone back to being gentle, and it was making me tired.

I hadn't realized that I was falling asleep until I felt my body become weightless. I opened my eyes to see that Pharaoh was over me, clearly walking. "Pharaoh...?" He smiled at me softly. "Just go back to sleep, Asteraki."

I wanted to do as he said, but at that moment something caught my attention. Something was burning, and the fire was still going strong. "Phar... Pharaoh...?"

Pharaoh looked at me sadly. "Forget you saw anything, little star." He kissed my head and I felt my consciousness slip away.


When I woke up, I felt someone running their fingers along my back. Smiling, I turned over to look at Pharaoh. "Good morning." He smiled, kissing me. "Good morning, Asteraki. Sleep well?"

I nodded, moving closer to him. I knew he liked when I rested on top of him. I liked it too. He was always warm and kept a hold on me as though he was scared I'd disappear.

"Pharaoh, are you busy today?" I asked, looking up at him. Pharaoh sighed, running his fingers through my hair. "It would seem so... I'll have to leave soon as well..."

He didn't have to say it for me to know I wouldn't be joining him today. "We can go for a walk later, little star." I nodded slowly, getting a soft kiss on the forehead.

Pharaoh got up and dressed, letting me stay in bed. I didn't mind this, as my head had started to spin as I tried to sit up. I didn't think much about it since I knew I could just stay in bed.

"Are you okay, Asteraki? You're looking pale." Pharaoh said, sitting next to me, putting his hands on my cheeks. "You're warm... I'll get a healer to look after you."

I nodded as I let him lie me back on the bed. He kissed my head again before getting up and leaving.

Frowning, I pulled the blanket over me as I closed my eyes. I figured Pharaoh would send someone my way as soon as possible but wanted to get some more sleep before they came.


It was dark out when I woke up. This confused me, as I had figured I'd be woken by either the healer or Pharaoh himself. Yet I had slept the day away.

I slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As I did that, the door was flung open, letting me see a woman standing at the door. We stared at each other for a while before the woman spoke. "There's a miscreant in your bed."

Pharaoh soon walked over, looking at me on the bed. "He's mine. How are you feeling, Asteraki?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to me. "Better... My head still hurts..." I said to him softly, a little nervous about the woman at the door.

I guess Pharaoh noticed this, as he brushed my hair back in a calming manner. "She won't hurt you, my little star. This is my wife-to-be. Her name is Nilanah."

I looked past him to the woman. I gave her a small smile and a quiet "Hello". She, on the other hand, just continued to frown. "Why is there a child in our bed? And why are you treating him like..."

Pharaoh turned, causing the woman to stop talking. "He is mine. How I treat him is my chose." I could hear the anger in his voice, making me wonder once again why he cared about me so much.

The woman seemed shocked at Pharaoh's sudden mood shift but quickly composed herself. "Forgive me, my Pharaoh. I was just surprised to see him. I am glad, however, to know that you'll be a great father to our future children."

I didn't need to see her face to hear the double meaning in her words. She didn't like me, and she was clearly hoping Pharaoh would get rid of me once they started having their own children.

"Nilanah, Asteraki will be treated with the same respect you give me." I blinked, looking up at him. This also surprised the woman. "The same? But the boy is just..."

Pharaoh got up, walking over to the woman, closing the door behind him as the two left the room. I didn't need to hear Pharaoh to know that he was making sure that she followed his rules.

Pharaoh came back by himself, noticeably upset. "Pharaoh..." I said softly, holding my arms out for him. He didn't often let me comfort him, but I felt useful when I could.

"I know she doesn't like me..." I said softly, holding on to him. He looked up at me before giving me a deep kiss. "I will always pick you over anyone else."

I felt my cheeks flush at his comment, hiding my face in his neck. Pharaoh chuckled softly before falling back on the bed with me on top of him. "Asteraki..." Pharaoh said, holding my face to look at me. "I love you, my Asteraki."

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