Chapter 9

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Dipper sat on his bed, wishing he had kept his mouth shut about his dreams. Ford was in deep research mode and wouldn't let Dipper leave the house

Not only did Dipper miss the forest, but he was also missing Bill again. There was just something about the demon that the male teen was missing.

"Dipper! Come down here!" Mabel called, causing Dipper to groan before heading down. He was about to ask Mabel what she wanted but stopped. Standing in front of him was a tall blond male.

"Bill?" The brunet says softly, unable to hide the smile on his face. "Hey Dipper. I wanted to see how you're doing." Dipper sat down on the couch, Bill sitting down beside him. "I'm doing alright. Ford more or less has me on house arrest."

Bill nodded, resting against the back of the couch. "Has he come up with an answer for what the dreams mean?" Dipper nodded, though didn't say anything. "Dipper?"

Dipper looked down, thinking about what Ford had said and how Dipper felt when he woke. "He thinks that..." Dipper sighed. "He thinks that my dreams are memories from a past life..."

Bill raised a brow at him. "And you? What do you think?" Dipper looked up at him. "I don't know... I never really thought about these kinds of things before..."

Bill nodded, raising a hand and letting it draw patterns on the back of Dipper's hand. Dipper smiled, enjoying the interaction. "How would you feel if they were memories?" Bill asked, not looking up.

Dipper thought about it. How did he feel? "I don't know... It would be interesting to learn about the person I once was. But at the same time, it kind of scares me..."

Bill looked at Dipper's hands for a while before speaking again. "Ancient Egypt was beautiful. Though I guess humans would say different." Dipper shook his head. "No, you're right. I mean, yeah, there have been some dark times, but just think about everything they were able to do."

Bill looked up, seeing the shine in the brunet's eyes. He smiled, happy that Dipper saw that Ancient Egypt was more than just pharaohs, slaves and bloodshed. "I'm glad to hear that. I rather enjoyed it there."

Dipper sat up, his eyes wide. "You were actually there? What was it like? Really like?" Bill turned Dipper's hand over, tracing the lines on his hand.

Bill continued this action for what felt like hours before he spoke. "For me, it was breathtaking. Seeing the progress humans made, the simple lifestyle of the common people..." Bill looked at the brunet. "Back then, I didn't mind being human. Having my powers made me a god."

Dipper had closed his eyes as Bill spoke, trying to picture the ancient civilization. "Amazing..." Dipper said softly, opening his eyes to see Bill watching him with a soft smile on his face.

Bill and Dipper continued to speak for a while, neither noticing the looks they were getting from the rest of the Pines family members.

Ford looked at Mabel, who was smiling at the two males on the couch. "Mabel, please explain to me why Cipher is here." Mabel looked over. "He came by to check on Dipper."

Ford raised a brow, looking back over to the males. The two were quite close to each other as Bill spoke quietly.

"I'm surprised by how well they're getting along." Mabel said, looking to Ford. "Cipher knows how to get others to trust him. Keep an eye on your brother, Mabel. We don't know what Cipher is up to."

Mabel nodded as Ford and Stan disappeared into the basement. Deciding it was the perfect timing, she ran up to her room, grabbing the sweater she had just finished.

Dipper was resting against the back of the couch, listening to Bill's stories. He loved hearing about the history from someone who had actually been there. "And then there was the one time..."

Bill was cut off as Mabel landed on the sofa between Bill and Dipper. Dipper sat up, frowning at his twin. "Mabel, what are you doing?" She just smiled before holding out a bright yellow sweater to Bill.

Bill looked at the sweater for a moment before taking it. "Thank you, Mabel. Though, you didn't have to waste yarn on me." Mabel shook her head, waving away the comment. "It's the least I could do. Now, try it on!"

Dipper chuckled as Bill slowly pulled the sweater on. He was surprised that it fit him rather nicely. He looked at Mabel with a smile. "It's amazing. Thank you, Shooting Star."

Mabel grinned, then turned to look at Dipper. "Go put yours on, Dip-Dot. We can all match!" Dipper looked at Mabel, frowning. "No, Mabel. I'm not... Mabel, I said no!" Dipper called as Mabel ran upstairs.

Dipper sighed as Mabel came back down with a blue knitted sweater. "Mabel, I don't want to wear it..." Bill noticed the sad expression cross Mabel's face. "Dipper, if you wear it, I'll answer any question. Truthfully."

Dipper looked at Bill for a moment before pulling the sweater on. Mabel grinned widely, happy to see her brother wearing the sweater she had made for him. "Not that bad, Dipper."

Dipper blushed slightly, leaning against the couch again. "Oh, I should get started on lunch." Mabel said, watching the two males. Bill nodded to her before turning his attention back to the brunet.

Once Mabel was gone, Bill stretched out his arm, playing with the curls in Dipper's hair. Dipper blushed more but didn't try to move away.

Bill continued to play with Dipper's hair while the two sat on the couch. Dipper enjoyed this. It felt relaxing and somewhat familiar.

"Cipher, get away from my great-nephew." Ford called, causing both boys to look over. "He's not doing anything, Grunkle Ford..." Dipper said, a small pout forming.

Ford looked between the two. "Dipper, it's Bill Cipher. He's not your friend." Dipper frowned, crossing his arms. "Says you..." He muttered, looking away.

Ford looked at Dipper, confused. "Dipper...?" Bill smiled to the brunet. "Feeling's mutual, Sapling." Bill said, getting a smack from Dipper. "I told you to stop calling me that."

Ford looked between the two, before turning his full attention to Dipper. "Dipper, are you saying you and Cipher are friends?"    

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