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Dipper smiled, glad to be back in Gravity Falls. He had missed everyone, but mostly a certain blond demon that had stolen his heart.

He knocked on the door to the Mystery Shack, not wanting to just walk in. He was quite surprised by who answered the door.

"Dipper!" The blond grinned, tackling the teen in a hug. "I missed you too, Bill." Dipper laughed.

Bill got up, helping Dipper back to his feet. The two shared a quick kiss before walking into the shack.

"Ford and Stan are out at the store..." Bill explained, noticing Dipper's confusion at the empty shack. "They let you stay here alone?"

Bill nodded, smiling proudly at himself. Dipper couldn't help but smile back, glad that Stan and Ford were slowly warming up to Bill.

"I have something I want to show you... If you're up for a short walk..." Bill said, seeming a little nervous. "Of course, Bill. Lead the way." Dipper replied, curious about what Bill had to show him.

Taking his hand, Bill lead Dipper out of the shack and into the forest. He tried to keep a steady pace, but his excitement got the better of him multiple times.

Once they were close enough, Bill stopped, turning to Dipper. "Close your eyes. There's a path, so you won't trip." Dipper nodded, closing his eyes and letting Bill lead him to the surprise. Bill was glad that Dipper trusted him, or the surprised wouldn't have the same effect.

Slowly, he lead Dipper, only going about another twenty steps or so before Bill stopped again. "Okay. You can open your eyes, Sapling." Dipper slowly opened his eyes. In front of him stood a simple light brown and white cottage. He just stared at before turning to Bill.

"I figured that, if we're going to be living together, we might as well have our own place. That is... If you still want to live with me..." Bill said, nervous at how quiet Dipper was being.

Dipper turned to Bill, kissing and hugging him. "Of course I still want to live with you, Bill. This is... This is amazing." He smiled. "You're amazing."

The two kissed againbefore heading inside for Dipper to see everything. At the door, however,Dipper stopped. "I love you, Bill." He said, holding on to the demon. Billsmiled, leaning in. "I love you too, Dipper." He said, giving his lover anotherkiss. "Now, let me show you around."    

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