Chapter 5

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AUTHORS NOTE: Can I just say that I'm surprised by just how many people are reading this. Thank you, everyone, for giving me a minute of your time. It means so much to me. And now, on to the story!

Present Day

Dipper woke up but didn't bother to open his eyes. He had been having strange dreams the last few days, and the previous night's sleep was no different. He had spoken to Ford about them, but apart from them being continuous, Ford didn't seem to think there was much to them.

He had spoken to Mabel about the dreams once, and she had decided that he was just reading too much and his mind was just being overactive. He figured she was right, though didn't know where the setting of Ancient Egypt came from.

Sighing, Dipper got up, stretched, and headed down and out of the shack. He knew his grunkles didn't like when he went into the forest by himself, but Dipper was a nearly seventeen-year-old. He knew how to look after himself. As long as a certain someone (something?) didn't bother him.

"Hi'ya, Pine tree!" Speak of the demon. Dipper frowned, not wanting the demon around. "What do you want, Bill?" Dipper sighed, turning to look at the floating triangle.

Only there wasn't a floating triangle. Instead, there was a man standing behind him. To say the guy was handsome would be an understatement. He had tanned skin, slightly on the bronze side, with his right eye a stunning blue and his left a golden yellow, and blond hair with black tips.

"Bill...?" Dipper sputtered, seeing the man of his dreams. Quite literally, as he looked similar to the pharaoh guy. "The one and only, Sapling."

Dipper stared at him, confused as to how Bill suddenly had a human form. Hell, Dipper still had marks on his arms from when Bill had taken over his body last month.

"Do you like it, Pine tree? I recently got my hands on something that allows me human form." Bill grinned as he ran over, grabbing Dipper in a tight hug.

This surprised Dipper, as he didn't even think Bill knew what a hug was. "Isn't this great, Sapling? Think of all the human things I could do!"

Bill set Dipper down, grinning widely. Dipper raised a brow at the demon. "And why did you suddenly decided to get your own human body?" Bill gave a laugh. "Oh, I used to have a human form a long time ago. Stopped using it when humans stopped taking me seriously."

Dipper wanted to say more but was stopped as Bill grabbed him again. Only this time, he was spinning Dipper as they danced. Dipper was confused, mostly because Bill seemed to just be having normal human fun with him.

Dipper was surprised by the fact that he was enjoying himself as he danced around the clearing with Bill. "Having fun, Sapling?" Bill asked. "Yeah, I think I am..." Dipper replied softly. "Good."

Bill soon came to a stop, causing Dipper to frown. But he understood why. Ford had come into the clearing. "Dipper? What are you doing here? And who is that?" Dipper looked at Bill. He knew he had to tell Ford the truth, yet he couldn't.

"I'm saddened, Sixer. I thought you'd recognize your dear old friend." Bill said, lying his arm around Dipper's shoulders. "Pine tree here knew it was me right away."

Ford looked at the two males before him. "Cipher, what are you doing here?" Bill shrugged, as though even he didn't know what he was doing there. "Just passing by, Sixer. I saw Pine tree here and decided to play with him."

Dipper had to think about that. Bill had been rather playful, and Dipper had been enjoying it. "Dipper?" He looked at Ford. "I'm fine, Grunkle Ford. Bill was just..." He stopped, looking at Bill. "Why were you dancing with me?"

Bill just gave the teen a smile. "Another time, Sapling. Sixer here has far too many questions for my liking." Dipper raised his brow, but Bill just ruffled his hair. "See you around, Sapling. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Bill disappeared, leaving the two Pines rather confused. After a moment, Ford walked over, placing a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Let's head back, Dipper. I do have some questions for you."

The two went back to the shack, Ford pointing for Dipper to sit. He did this, with Ford sitting across from him. "What all did Cipher do with you?"

Dipper told Ford what had happened with Bill. Once he was done, Ford just stared at him. "So, you're saying he was just acting like a normal human." I nodded, thinking on the matter. "Believe me, I'm just as confused."

Ford rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh. "Do be careful, Dipper. Cipher's mind works in strange ways." Dipper nodded. "Of course, Grunkle Ford. I know how dangerous Bill can be."

Ford nodded, getting up from the table. Dipper just continued to sit at the table, thinking about how much Bill looked like the pharaoh from his dreams.

He could see the similarities, such as his face, voice and body. But there were also small differences, like his eyes, skin tone and hair. "Stupid Dorito..."

"What did Bill do this time?" Mabel asked as she walked into the kitchen. Dipper looked over, giving a smile. "He popped up this morning. He's got a human body now."

Mabel froze, staring at her twin. "A human body? What does he look like?" Dipper raised his brow at her, which she just waved away. With a sigh, Dipper began to describe the demon.

Dipper could tell as soon as he was done what Mabel was thinking almost right away. "Mabel, no. It's Bill Cipher, a demon." Mabel pouted, but she knew Dipper was right.

The two twins were quiet for a while after that before they ate and decided to wander through the town. They still had to let Stan and Ford know, but that didn't take too long.

Mabel was happy as she skipped down the road while Dipper walked behind her. He was glad to see her back to her happy self. "Dipper! Let's get ice cream!"

Dipper frowned at his twin as he pulled out the small change in his pocket. "I don't have enough money..." He felt a hand on his shoulder, cutting him off. Looking up, he saw Bill smiling at him.

"Bill? What are you doing?" Bill just smiled to him. "Let me treat you two. Pick out anything you want." Mabel's eyes widen at the demon before her. "Really? Yes! I'm getting the triple-décor sundae!"

The brown-haired female ran off ahead of the other two. Dipper stared at Bill before following after her with the blond at his side.    

AUTHORS NOTE 2: Finally with the Mystery Twins and the rest of the Gravity Falls characters we know and love. Apart from a few of Dipper's dreams, this will be the norm. Hope you enjoy!

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