Chapter 16

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"Pharaoh!" I called, feeling more scared then I have ever felt. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Yet I didn't know what. Opening the door, I called out. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Nothing. It wasn't even that no one replied, it was that there was no one talking at all. The place was too quiet. And that worried me.

I went back into the room, closing the door before hiding under the bed. I just knew something bad was going to happen. And Pharaoh wasn't here to protect me.

I heard the door open, but the person said nothing. That wasn't Pharaoh. I put my hand over my mouth, not wanting the person to hear me.

The person walked around the room, making me wonder what the person wanted. I could hear them going through things, yet it didn't sound like they were taking anything.

That's when I felt something grab my ankle, pulling me out from under the bed. I panicked, trying to hit or kick the person. I didn't even seem to hurt them.

I felt something sharp go through my stomach, causing me great pain. I cried out, wanting the pain to stop. But the pain continued, spreading through my body.

"Give this one to your little pharaoh." Once again, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach before heading the footsteps leaving the room.

The room was silent as I laid on the bed. The pain in my body was overpowering, and I couldn't do anything about it. My body hurt anytime I tried to move, and I couldn't gather enough strength to call out for help.

"Asteraki, I'm..." Pharaoh called only for his voice to fall before he started to shout. "Get the healer! Someone get the healer now!"

I felt his warm hands on me, pulling me closer to him. "I'm here, my Asteraki. I'm here. Just hold on a little longer. Where is that healer?"

I opened my eyes slowly to see Pharaoh's face. He was crying. "Pharaoh...? Why are you crying...?" I asked, painfully raising a hand to wipe a tear away.

Pharaoh held my hand, giving it a soft kiss. "Shh... Don't push yourself, my little star. Save your strength." I felt confused. What was he talking about? What did he mean 'save my strength'?

"My Pharaoh, the healing has gone..." Pharaoh turned around. "The find someone else! There has to be more than one healer here!"

There was silence. Why was he so worried? If anything, I was starting to feel better. The pain was even lessening.

"My lord... The boy is already gone. Leave him. It's your wife you should concern yourself with now." A man said, and for a moment I thought I saw Pharaoh's eyes flash red. "I said to send for help! Listen to your pharaoh!"

I felt sleepy suddenly, lowering my arm to lay it beside me. "Stay awake Asteraki. I'm not sending you with Anubis just yet."

Sending me with Anubis? My mind was fogging over, but I could tell that what he said was important. Anubis was important.

Oh... That's right...

Dipper sat bolt up in his bed, a sharp stabbing pain in his stomach. He almost missed the fact that Mabel was standing over him. Or that Ford and Stan were at the door.

"Dipper, what happened?" Mabel asked, worried about her twin. "My... My dream, or... Or my memories... I... I died... No, I... I was killed..."

Ford walked over to Dipper, sitting on the bed next to him. "Can you feel the pain?" Dipper nodded, though the pain was subsiding.

"Has anything like this happened before?" Dipper was quiet. Should he tell him? "Dipper, I need to know if this had happened to you before." Dipper shook his head. "No... This is the first time..."

Ford nodded, getting up and leaving the room. Mabel took his spot, sitting beside her twin. "Does it still hurt?"

Dipper shook his head, though only then realizing that his hand was still resting on his stomach where he had been stabbed in his dream. Or memory.

He looked down, pulling up his shirt slightly to look at his body. He was relieved to see nothing. Nothing except...

"I don't remember you having those..." Mabel said, looking at the two marks on Dipper's stomach. "That's where I..."

Dipper suddenly stood, going over to the door. "Where are you going?" Mabel asked, watching Dipper put his shoes on. "Out... I want answers... I need them..."

He passed by Stan, quickly going down the stairs. He could hear Stand and Mabel behind him but ignored their calls. He knew the best way to get the answers he needed.

He had just gone outside when Ford called for him. "Dipper, get back in the shack." Dipper looked back before turning around and running off into the forest.

"Bill!" Dipper called once he reached a clearing. "You called, Dipper." Bill said, right behind the brunet. Dipper spun around, hugging him.

"I need your help, Bill." The teen said, holding him tightly. "What's wrong, Dipper? You can tell me anything. And I'll do everything in my power to help you."    

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