Chapter 22

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Bill lied next to Dipper on his bed. He had made the bed slightly bigger so that the two could lie their more comfortably.

Dipper was resting his head on Bill's chest while the demon played with the brunet's curls. Both were enjoying the silence of the night.

Dipper rolled over, looking up at the blond, smiling sadly. Bill noticed this, pulling the teen closer. He knew what was on the teen's mind. It was on his as well.

Come the morning, the twins would be heading back to California. Dipper had promised Bill they'd stay in contact, but it would still be a long time before they'd seen each other again.

"I'm going to miss you, Sapling. I finally find someone and I can't be with them..." Bill said, sounding more upset than Dipper had ever heard him.

"I know, Bill... But I'll be back before you know it..." Dipper kissed the demon, hoping to cheer him up.

"I just... I wish you could stay here..." He said, wrapping his arms around the teen. Dipper frowned. "I know... I do too..."

Bill nuzzled his face into Dipper's hair, holding the teen close to him. Dipper let Bill do this, not wanting Bill to let go.

Dipper was starting to fall asleep when an idea came to him. "Bill, do you have a computer?" Dipper asked, a smile on his face.

"Of course I have a computer. I may be a demon, but I do like to stay up to date with everything." Bill said, confused about what Dipper was thinking.

Dipper sat up, his grin widening. "We can video chat while I'm away. Not while I'm in class of course. But afterwards and on weekends and holidays..."

Bill grinned, hugging Dipper. "Dipper, you're a genius. I can't believe I didn't even think of that." He kissed the teen, laying them both back down on the bed.

Both males smile as they let themselves fall asleep. They would still miss each other, but they hoped the video calls would help.


Dipper and Bill stood at the trunk of Dipper's car. They had been trying to pack everything but was having a few problems.

"I don't get it. I was able to fit everything coming here..." Dipper groaned, having to pull out everything once again.

Bill smiled, leaning against the car. "Are you sure you don't want my help, Sapling?" He teased, knowing how to get everything to fit.

Dipper looked over at the smirking demon, giving a sigh. "Yeah, alright. Go for it, Bill." Bill grinned, moving over to put everything into the car.

Off to the side, watching the couple were Ford, Stan, Wendy and Soos. Ford had just finished explaining to the two who Bill was, since Dipper hadn't the previous night.

"Wait, so the blond dude is the same triangle that attacked us?" Soos said, getting a nod from the elder twins. "And now Dipper is dating him..." Wendy said in disbelief. "It would seem so..." Ford answered.

The four looked over as Bill closed the trunk with a slam, grinning to the brunet beside him. "He seems so normal though..." Wendy said, not realizing how loud she had voiced her thought.

Ford looked at Wendy, then back to the two males. Bill smile had since faded as he spoke with Dipper. "Even so... I still don't trust him..."

Mabel came over to them at that moment, looking both happy and sad. "I wish the summer could last longer. I'm going to miss this place and everyone in it so much."

She gave Wendy and Soos hugs before turning to her grunkles. "Take care of each other, okay." She said, getting a nod from them both. Smiling, she gave them both hugs before slowly making her way over to the car.

"And don't bother Ford and Stan too much, okay. I want you to still be here when I come back next summer." Dipper said, getting a nod from the demon. "I'll be on my best behaviour. Promise."

Bill gave Dipper one last kiss before going over to join the rest standing by the shack. Dipper looked over at his twin. "Ready?"

She nodded, going over to get in the passenger seat. Dipper looked over at his family and friends. "You all better stay in contact with us."

Everyone nodded, giving the twins sad smiles. Dipper got into the driver's seat, started up the car and turned it around. The two gave everyone one last wave before Dipper drove off for their other home.

"Will you be alright, Dipper?" Mabel asked once the shack was out of sight. "Yeah. Bill and I worked some things out. Not as great as staying here, but it'll work for the meantime."

Mabel smiled at her twin. Glad to know that he and Bill had been able to work something out for each other. "Last year of high school. Then we'll be back here for however long we want." Dipper smiled, looking back at the road.

As Dipper drove past the sigh for Gravity Falls, he heard a soft song in the back of his mind. We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day. Dipper smiled, knowing the song was true.    

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