Chapter 11

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Dipper was running through the forest, wanting to put as much distance as he could between himself and his family. He knew they meant well, but he needed answers. And Bill had them.

"Where's the fire?" Dipper stopped, looking over to see Bill leaning against a tree. Before Dipper could stop himself, he ran over to Bill and hugged him.

Bill was surprised by this action but hugged the teen back. It had been too long since he last held someone like this.

Dipper quickly pulled away, his face red upon realizing what he was doing. "Sorry..." He said softly, looking down. "It's alright, Dipper."

Bill played with Dipper's hair as the two sat under the tree. Dipper still wanted answers, yet didn't know how to ask. It also didn't help that he kept losing his train of thought with Bill playing with his hair.

"Bill, I need to know something. And you said you'd answer a question of mine truthfully..." Dipper started, moving slightly to look at Bill. "I want to know who this Pharaoh guy is from my dreams."

Bill was quiet for a moment before sighing. "I can't... I'm sorry Dipper. Anything else I'll answer, but not this..."

Dipper stared at Bill as the demon looked away. "You said anything, Bill. Anything I wanted, you'd answer me truthfully about. Well, I want to know more about the people in my dreams."

Bill frowned, knowing he was hurting Dipper. "You'll understand soon enough, Dipper. I truly am sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow. But I simply cannot tell you about your dream people."

"So is that how it is?" Dipper snapped, standing up. "I can ask you anything, only as long as it falls into the right box." He was shaking with anger. "We're just going to play by your rules as you make them up!"

Bill stood, pulling Dipper into another hug. "I want to tell you. But you wouldn't understand. Not yet." Bill said, rubbing Dipper's back. "Please be patient, Dipper. You'll learn everything soon enough."

The demon sat back down, letting the teen sit on his lap. He continued to rock the teen, trying to calm him. He muttered calming words as well, not wanting the boy upset.

It took the demon a while to notice that the teen had fallen asleep. He brushed the boy's hair back from his forehead, seeing the birthmark on his forehead. He smiled at the boy, resting back against the tree and just let the boy sleep.


It was mid-afternoon when the rest of the Pines found Dipper. He was still asleep against Bill, while said demon quietly read to him.

"Cipher, let Dipper go." Ford yelled, moving closer to them. "I'm not forcing him, Sixer. He came to me and fell asleep after we spoke." Bill said, closing the book he had been reading.

"I would ask that you let him sleep, but I have a feeling you won't listen." He said cooly to them. "He can sleep back at the shack. Where he is away from you and your games."

Ford walked over to Bill and Dipper, shaking the teen awake. Dipper slowly woke up, though was clearly still out of it. "Grunkle Ford...?" He gave the teen a smile. "Hi, Dipper. We just need you to walk up enough to get you to come back with us."

Dipper looked around, taking a while to notice where he was. He slowly got up, but it was clear to both Bill and Ford that Dipper wasn't going to be able to walk back.

Bill got up, holding on to Dipper to keep him standing. Dipper looked over, smiling to the demon. "Thanks, Bill." Bill gave him a soft smile. "Anything for you, Dipper."

Ford frowned as Bill helped Dipper back to the shack. He was doing everything in his power to keep the two apart, yet Dipper kept returning to the demon's side.

While Ford was busy with plans, he didn't notice that Bill and Dipper had begun speaking with each other. "I just don't get it, Bill... Why am I only now remembering these things?"

Bill frowned. "I don't know... Are you the same age in your dreams? That could be a reason." Dipper frowned, he had hoped Bill would have some answers for him.

"I'm sorry, Dipper." Bill said, ruffling the teen's hair. Dipper looked up at the demon, smiling at him. "I guess there are a few things you don't know..."

Bill was about to reply when he suddenly fell over. Dipper looked over, holing out a hand to help the demon up. Bill reached for the hand, only for something to stop him.

Looking around, Bill realized that they were back at the shack. Dipper realized this too, frowning slightly. "Don't be upset, Dipper. I'll always be around if you want to talk." Bill said kindly.

Ford though, didn't like that idea. "You will not. I don't know why you keep showing up, but you will leave us alone."

Bill didn't get a chance to reply, as Ford dragged Dipper into the shack. Once inside, Dipper broke away from his grunkle and went up to his room.

Mabel came up shortly afterwards, looking at her brother with concern. "Dipper, you know grunkle Ford is just looking out for us..." She said softly, sitting on her bed.

Dipper sighed. "I know, Mabel. But Bill is actually being nice. And... I don't know... I like being around him..." Dipper said, looking down.

Mabel moved over to her brother's bed, rubbing his back. "He's still a demon, Dipper. We've seen what he can do." She said, trying to get him to see reason.

Dipper looked at her for a moment before looking down. "I know, Mabel. But when I'm with him, I... I don't know how to explain it..." He stated. "Does he make you feel special?"

Dipper looked at her again. But this time it was because she was right. Bill did make him feel special. He was kind to him, was upset when he hurt the teen and treated Dipper as though he was just as smart as Ford was.

"Dipper, can I ask you something? And promise me you won't get mad..." Mabel asked, causing Dipper to raise a brow, but nod. "Do you like Bill? I mean like like-like Bill."    

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