Walking Home With Harry.

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*Immi's POV*

Once the school bell for the end of the day went i slowly walked from the chemistry Lab rooms to my lock witch happened to be on the other side of the school. i got to my locker put my books away and checked my phone ' 2 new messages' One of the numbers was unknown but the other was my mum.

Hello Darling. would you like me to pick you up from school or do you want to walk home? Hope your day was good i wanna hear all about it when you get home. xx love you -Mum.

 'No nee to pick me up mum, i will walk x Thanks anyway,- Immi.

As i turned around a i bumped right into someone. The strong sent of mint, yum is all i could think of. Soon some rather strong arms wrapped around my small yet fragial body. I look up an see its Harry. Thank god its only him.

" Hey, are you alright?" Harry asks.

"Yeah i am fine thank you." I smile back. with a small blush on my cheeks.

"You in a rush to get somewhere? I havent seen someone put their books and shut their locker so quick."

"Haha. no i am not in a rush to go anyway, an you were watching me put my stuff away? DOnt you think that a bit creepy?"

"Well maybe it was creepy, but still." Harry says with a smile on his face.

For about 2 minutes i swear we just stand an look at each other like we are looking at a monseter of some sort. Till i decide to say something to break this silence.

" Well i dont mean to be rude but i better start walking home. My mum is propely worried about me."

" Ok. i will come with you. If thats alright.with you of course."

"Umm yeah sure why not."

Great. now i have to walk all the way home with Harry. Why woud he want to walk home with me.? Odd, but in a way sweet. He is a very attractive guy and caring. However he would never go out with someone like me.

*Harry's POV*

I am so glad she said yes for me to walk her home. I would hate for her to be hurt by someone. Its a scary world outh there. The last thing i want is for her to be hurt by someone on her walk back home. The walk back to her house so far has been to quite for my licking. But at the same time i like that it is just the two of us, an there is nothing distracting us. She is truly beautiful, her Blue eys match her perfect skin tone that fits like a puzzle with her medium lenght blackish hair. She is perfect in every snece of the word. I have never seen someone with such beauty as her. To bad she doesnt see it.

My brain soon landed back on planet earth when her beautiful tone of voice started talking.

" Well this is my house." she saud rather shyly.

"Ok, well i hope you had a good first day.Would you like me to walk you to the front door?"

" It was a good day. Thank you. As for walking me to the door, i dont mind. i am more than capable of walking to the door." she says with a cheecy smile.

"Well in that case if your giving me the option i am going to walk you to your door."

"If you must."

 I walked her to her door to make sure that she was 100% safe and out of trouble. As we got closer to the door i had to  think do i make the move now, or do i wait, casue its to soon. I guess i will have to see how things play out.

"Ok Harry. you can go now. Thank you for walking me home." She says before placing her hand on the dorr handle.

" Oh i see that. Its ok, i enjoyed your company."

"Bye Harry. I will see you tommorow."

Before i could take the chance she is half way through the opening the door. Maybe its best i let this one slide. I shall text her saying something sweet, when i get home. I cant let her slip between my fingers. I curse myself when i realise she doesnt have my number, 'Shit' i say under my breathe. Real smooth Harry. Way to get a girl.

*Immi's POV*

I walk to my room an place my school bag in my room before sitting on my bed and thinking about the situation that almost happened, on the other side of my front door. Oly if i got the courage to kiss his check. But what if he moved away, how awakaward would that be for the both of us. My thoughts were soon cut short by my phone bizzing.

' Hey Girl. We miss you back here. Hows the UK xx?'-Carmel.

Oh how i have missed my girls. I really do miss having there beautiful faces everyday.

'Hey girls, it ok over here. School is school. Miss you too. xx"

Not even 20 seconds later my phone buzzes agian.i Knew for sure it couldnt be Carmel.

'Hey, Hope your first day was plesent. Haz'

How on earth did Harry get my number? All well i better reply. Cause i am that nice.

' Yeah it was good, Thanks for walking me home.'

Before i can even turn my phone off he replies. Wow he must be a quick typer.

' It was my pleasure. GoodNight x'

He sent me a 'x' is that saying something, does he like me or is he doing it to make me feel good. These are the times when I need Tayla and Carmel to talk about these things. I turn my phone off so i am not distracted anymore. I walk down to the Lounge Room and talk to mum about my first day. I didnt mention Harry as i dont want her to know about him quite yet. My mum is very protective when it comes to boys. Like every parent i guess.

*Hey all. sorry i am writing so many chapters atm its just so that there is plabt for people to read.  I am going to update tomoz aswel Make sure you keep reading and comment what you guys are thinking. Love You all xxily*

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