Welcome to The World.

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*Immi's POV*

I woke in my own bed. I have no idea how long i have slept for... days maybe i dont know. Nobody has woken me up. I sit up and all lthe blod rushes to my head. I take a look around and find Harry laying on the ground, cold. His body was shivering. He must be so cold. A knock at the door, makes me slightly jump.

"Harry. Its Sharon."

Fuck its my mum. Is aware of the stuff that has happened to me. Surely she would be aware. My thought are broken as harry slowly starts to wake up. Those beautiful green eyes stare rigth at me         A small soft smile creeps onto his face.  So beautiful.

"Go back to sleep, i will get it."

I mouthed thankyou back to him. As i layed back down onto my pillow he got up t answer the door to my mother. I hope she was aware of what had occured on my wedding day. Well she must be aware if she has let me sleep,  for such a long time. Harry opened the door to talk to my mother, about god olny knows what.

"Really its happening already..." Harry said to my mother.

"Yes, how exciting, just let Immi know and if she feels up to going to see her."

"I will. Thanks Shaz."

A small luagh leaves my mums mouth before Harry closes the door. A huge smile was planted on his sxy feautures. I was a bit worried, the only time i have seen him smile like this since the day i lost my virinity. What the fuck had he got planned.

"You up for a trip to the hospital?"

"Umm.. why?"

"Carmel has gone into labour."

"OMG! No way. i have to go see her now. I have to be there! What are we waiting for!"

I jumped out out of the bed, faster than i ever have. I put on my jeans and a nice t-shirt and my cream flats.

"Wait are you sure about this? Are you ready."

"Harry she is my bet friend, i have to be there."

He gives me a small smile before taking my hand and guiding me down the stairs. Once we reach the bottom of the stairs Harry graves his keys an informs my mum that we are going to the hospitial. She seemed more than happy for me to go, witch  i was thankful for.

It ws about a 10 minute drive to the hospital. Every set of lights we went through, for some reason we caught all the red ones. I thought to mysef only my bad luck or bad timing either one. We would have arrived at the hospital at least 3 minutes earlier if we didnt catch all the red lights.I was relived when  i saw  the huge building with thousands of light.

Harry parked the car as quick as he could, clearly not caring about how the car was parked. It was lop sided. He was sure in a rush to be Carmels side with this baby. Fuck, what is he going to be like when we have kids... If that ever happens. I take a quick look back at the car to mae sure it was safe and locked up.

We rushed through the main doors and to the front office.

"Carmel Hood. Please"

"5th Floor. Room 35."

We thanked the lady before, taking each others hand and running as fast as our feet would let us. We didint even think to take the elevater, instead we were stupid enough to take the steps. Harrys idea not mine.

Once we reached the 5th floor we sprinted down the hallway to room 35. Once we reached the door we could hear a baby cry. Carmel was the only patient.in the room. The three other remaining beds were empty. Lucky.

I slowly walked towards her bed. She turned her head to face me, with a huge smile on these stunning features. She looked quite relaxed for someone who has just giving birth to a baby. The baby, oh my where is this new born. I have to see it.

"Hey, you made it?" She says in a soft tone.

"Of course i would come. I have to see this baby."

"Thanks. Where is Harry?"

"He is waiting out the door, he didnt want to be unwanted company. He thinks you hate him for what happened, with Lou-"

"He is more than welcome here. I dont hate him for what he did. Your safe and thats all that matters."

I gave her a small smile and pulled her into a huge hug. It feels so good to be able to have one of my Best Friends back to herself.

"Harry.. you are more than welcome to come in." Carmel slightly rasises his voice.

"You sure? I dont want to be unwanted or cause anything."

"Harry... Immi is safe thanks to you. He doesnt matter to me, anymore."

The smile on both there facess when they both, were finally on the same page. I am really glad that everyone is now on the same page. The room was no longer full of tention.

"So, where is this beautiful baby, you have givin birht to" Harry breaks the silence.

"She is right here."

 "Its a girl!" I chirp.

Carmel sits up straight in the uncomfortable, an leans over to some kinda bed looking thing. An out comes this beautiful baby. Its her daughter.

"Thought of a name yet?"

"Yeah, i have. I am going to call her Maddison Grace Tomlinson."

"Beautiful" Harry and I say in sync.

She was beautiful, and the name matched her perfectly. Carmel would be a great parent. Waht about school? Will she do online schooling, we start back in like 2 weeks. Lucky we only go for 4 weeks as this is out last year. That doesnt matter right now. I am just really happy that Carmel and bub, are doing well. I will inform the rest later, but i think its nice just having us in the room.

Welcome to the world Maddison.







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