No way!

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Planning this whole wedding is driving everyone a little crazy. Immi has become super stressed out and Harry is going mental. I don't see the big fuss, over a wedding. Louis and I have become really close over the last 5 days. I mean super close. We have has sex twice... Without protection. Opps. I haven't had my period since the last time we had sex, but there is nothing to worry about cause I am due in the next 3-4 days.

"Carmel!" I hear my name being shouted.

Oh fuck, what have I done now. This can't be good. I walk to were the voice could be heard. It was my mum. what does she want?

"Yeah? What's wrong." I ask not caring the slightest bit.

"I have been told. Here go do this, now!" she shoots at me while chucking me a box.

How the fuck did she find out. Who would have told her about Louis and I having sex. Whoever it is! I won't be fucking happy! I take a look at the box that she threw at me, it's a pregnancy box. She honestly thinks I am pregnant. Laughter soon takes over me, I can't be pregnant an I know it.

I walk to the bathroom am take the test. I have never done one of these before, so I have to read every step to make sure I do it right.

About 3 minutes later. I take a look. oh fuck. I am in trouble this can't be happening. A knock at the door, makes me realises that I am still standing frozen looking at what the test says. Positive.

"Carmel? Everything ok."

I hear my mums voice break through the thick door. What am I going to tell her she is going to kill me, not only me Louis aswell. I can't let that happen.

"Oh yes. Everything is fine. It's negative. Nothing to worry about."

Fuck I just lied to my mum. This cant be good. If she knew the truth, I wouldn't even know what would happen.

"That's good then. I'll let you be."

I give a small smile only to realise she can't see me. I need to tell Louis and the girls about this, I can't keep it from them. Or maybe I can. No I need to tell someone. Louis. He is now a father, fuck he must be the first to know. I guess I better call and get him to

Come over so I can explain how his while life is going to go out the window.

*Louis POV*

Just laying in bed is all i plan on doing today after my plan went out the window to murder Harry, my love for Carmel took over. I could never hurt her. So I guess I will need to accept the fact that Harry and Immi are going to be married.

Just as I start to doze off my phone starting buzzing at me. Fuck. I curse myself who in earth would this be. Carmel. It's a text

'Hey Lou. You need to pay a visit. Now!'

Oh Lord. This can't be good, she never says I need to pay her a visit. Something is clearly very wrong and I need to go see what it is.

'Okay, be there in 10' I type back as I start to put my shoes on.

Nobody is home, thank god, so I dot have to explain myself to anyone. I jump in the car and make my way to Carmel's house. Witch sadly has to be at the other end of town almost. The drive to her house seems longer than normal. I guess I am just worried about why I need to pay a visit.

Once I pull up at her house I walk to the door, making sure I knock loud enough.

Within seconds her little brother opens the door. Well not little he is about 12. Luke.. I think his name was, can't quite remember oh well, he isn't all that important.

"Hey bud, ya sister around?"

"Yeah. In her room."

I give him a nice smile before makings way to her room. I knock on the door. For some reason or felt like I was knocking on the door of a criminals cell. Somewhere I don't want to belong.

Carmel opens the door quite slowly. She looks like she has been crying, on no this can't be good. At all.

"Lou, I am just going to go straight to the point. I am aware you may not like it but it's just how it's gonna be."

I have no idea what she is on about. I will soon though. Let's hope it's not as bad as it could be.

"Ok, fire away."

I say in a cheeky tone, trying to lighten the mood. Didn't work.

"Louis William Tomlinson. You are a father. I am pregnant."

What!!! Ok that is as bad as it gets. nothing can be worse. Shot! Since when, we have only had sex twice... without protection. Oh crap! I knew I should have used protection. I don't even know what to say. I am just looming at her, with blank emotions. I probably look like a ghost.


I hear a soft voice say.

"I-I. I don't know what to say." I stutter

"Neither did I. It's only the early stages yet. I am about 1 week in."

"So it's real. We are going to be parents. An we are keeping the baby. Have you told ya mum or anyone else."

I am going to be a father, this can't be good news at all.

"Well.... I have kinda told mum. She thinks it's negative. An I am not gonna tell them yet. It's a busy time, cause of planing the wedding. You know."

She what! Lied to her mum, ok now that's not good! What if she finds out. I am gonna be dead meat. I won't be allowed to see her anymore or have anything to do with the baby if she keeps it. Agh! Next time I have sex and if I ever do. I am going to use protection. I am going to be a father.

"Soo.. what do we do from here?" I wonder

"Well all we can do is wait really. I'll mess to tell my mum sooner or later. But for now, just kept it on the down bar. An I mean, just you and me. Got it?"

"Yep! Go it. Look I know I didn't take to it very well, but I am going to help you."

She gives me a small kiss in the

Lips, an a smile. Just enough for now. Well I guess sex is out for a while than.

* Hay all! Really sorry for the late update! It's not the best but it's all I could do right now. Hope you all like it. This baby thing is gonna be a big topic for now. I am aware it's short but yeh!

Please Commer/Vote all that jazz. I love all of my Jazz tappers! You guys are amazing! Can't thank you enough for getting to to almost 600 reads! Means a lot!

ILYs and all! x*

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