This Can't Be Happening!

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*Immi's POV*

I haven't seen Harry in about 5 days. I have texted and tried calling him! But he hasn't been answering! I have become quite worried, he always answers his phone.

I run down stairs to tell mum I am going for a walk. As normal she says be home before dark. I put my black VANS, on and run out the door. I don't even know where to start looking. Well a good start would be his house right? wrong. I got there and he was nowhere to be seen. Hmm, I checked the local park, pub.

Even though I knew he wouldn't be there. I even checked school that's how fucking desperate I am to find him. The sun was setting and the moo was rising, an I still haven't found Harry! I had this worries sick feeling in my stomach, and it wasn't good.

I rang his phone one last time. It went straight to message bank.

"Hey Haz, it's me when you get this message ring me back. I Love you!"

I left that message on his phone praying The Lord that he is alright. Now I have to walk home without any saturation or success. I day so sick in the pit of my stomach. I don't know where he is.

*Next Day*

The next morning was here before I knew it. All I could do last night was !toss and turn. I checked my phone for anything from Harry. Nope nothing. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach began to grow! I got out of bed and went down Stars as graved some toast.

"Morning darling. Haven't seen Harry around in a while. Is everything ok?"

" Oh yeh..... He is fine... Just super busy."

"Oh yeh. Well I am off to work. I will se your tonight. Love you."

"Bye. Have fun. Love you."

Mum shut the door and I buts yes into tears. The amount of tears that fell from my eyes, I swear to god it could if been a waterfall. I went back upstairs and it changed. As I was getting changed my phone went off!

I walked as quick as possible over to my phone. Humongous for joy that it would be harry. I unlocked my phone and went to my messages, it wasn't him. It was some unknown number. It read 'call harry'

Something told me, that thing sweet right. I don't know why but it just didn't sit right. I texted back.

'Who is this. An how did you get my number'

The person on the other end must if been a quick typer, the texted back.

'If you call, you will find out.'

I knew that this wasn't right. If this was the only way I could find Harry, I would do it. I'll do anything to find him safe. I went to my call book and presses Harry's number. It picked up with in seconds.

'Hello? Harry are you alright. Where are you. Why haven't you been answering my calls.'

'Sorry to ruined your relief, but this isn't Harry. ' Who the fuck is this. ' He is here with me. And you won't see him ever agian. Your 'boyfriend' doesn't want you anymore.'

I couldn't bring it upon myself to say anything back. I just stood there in shock. Harry had been kidnapped. It finally clicked! That's why he head t been calling me back.

" Let harry go right now! Or I will..."

"Or you'll do what? Call the police."

"Yes! Just let him go. He hasn't done anything to hurt you! Please just let him go!"

"Oh, I see harry has been keeping this

A bit secrete from you! Your so nieave. your poor little girl. Anything you want to say to harry."

What has he been keeping from me? He said he wasn't keeping anything from me! He promised! What was this person even talking about! He doesn't even know Harry, like I do. Does he? Who am I kidding.

"Let him go please. You don't understand. I Love Him. Please just let him go!

"Aww. You love him. Well

Sorry to break your heart, pretty girl. But he doesn't love you. If he keeps these secrets from you. Am I right?"

By this time I was historical! Balling my eyes out! He it's right! He doesn't know what we has been through together!

"Please I beg you. Let him go! You can have me instead. Just let him go."

I could harry in the background screaming. But I couldn't quite make our what he was saying.

"You would trade yourself for him? Do you have any idea, what he is hiding from you!"

"I don't care what he has done! Just let him go and have me instead."

I could feel the smirk on his face grow, even though I can't see it! This man is a a selfish, stuck up person who has no care for anyone else but himself.

"Take me. I ask you! Release Harry."

"I am sorry. But what is done is done. Now say goodbye to him."

"No!! No!! please you don't understand! Just let him go!"

The thought of not seeing Harry again, brings my anger to a boil! I had todo something! I can't let him go this easy! This person is sick in the head!

"Harry!!" I scream.

The phone line is cut dead! No, this can't be happening! What am I supposed todo now! I fall to the ground in tears, there is nothing I can do. He is gone. I will never see him agian.

"Harry!" I scream before chocking on my tears. He is rely gone.

No I can't let this happen. I put my shoes on an run out the door! Slamming it behind me! I run to the only person I knew would care to help and it was Tash. I knock on her door. She opens the door within second. It's like she was expecting me.

"Immi. Is everything ok, you alright love? Wanna come inside"

"I can't stay and, chat I need your help! It's harry he is in trouble. Someone has taken harry and is going to hurt him!"

"Ok. Let's go!"

"Are you sure. I don't know anything."

" I don't care. I know someone who will know"


"Liam. Liam Payne"

Oh fuck. What am I going todo.

* G'day all, thanks so much for reading this still means a lot! 200+ reads means a lot! Cheers. Hope you are liking it so far! Comment/vote all that jazz. ILYs and all. X. *

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