The Search For Harry.

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*Liam's POV*

About 20 minutes after Tash called all the boys, they had arrived.

"Thank you all for coming. Immi is really worried about Harry. We need to find him. Once again, his drug debut has got him In trouble." I say as I walk toward all the boys.

"Hmm. He needs some help." Niall adds.

"Isn't that we though Immi had done?" Zayn says wrapping his as around Tash.

Eww fucking couples they make me sick.

"Where is this Immi anyway?" Louis questions.

"She is in her room. I think it's best if we leave her there."

"Agreed. For now we need to focus on finding Harry."

We all sit at the dinging table t and discuss, all the places harry could be. But we knew that if he was kidnaped he wouldn't be there. Something soon clicked on Louis face and you could tell. He sat up straight in his chair and looked around as if someone was watching, who shouldn't be.

" What if his drug dealer has him. holding him at his own house?"

"Yes! Why didn't we think of that." Niall shouts. Ouch my ear.

"Does anyone know who is drug dealer is or might be?" I ask.

It was silent for about 10 minutes as we were all thinking. Nothing was clicking in my head. The look on everyone else's face, was the same.

"Found him yet?"

A small delicate voice Brooke us all from our thoughts. Immi.

"Immi, you shouldn't be here. We are trying to find Haz." Louis says. Fuck real smooth Lou.

"I don't care. I can help as well to the best I can. An moody can stop me!" She is almost crying you can see it in her eyes.

They are no longer that bright shinning blue. They are dark, dull with no emotion behind them what so ever. Not having Haz, around is really starting to affect her.

"Come here. Let's see what we can do. "

Tash says. Thank god she is here.

For the next hour or so, we think about all the people that have come in and out of Hazza's life in the last 2 years. Nobody seems to stand out.

Except this guy that bullies Harry, at his old school. If I remember rightly his name was Matt. He hates harry for no reason. Noisy really knew why. I don't think k Matt has any idea either.

"What about that Matt.. Dude, from Harry's old school. The one that bullied him."

All their heads snapped looking at me straight in the eye. Scary. Lots of eyes looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

They all give me small nods. Even Immi. Maybe harry told her about his bulling history.

"Do you think that he could be a drug dealer though?" Tash said.

"Well it's always seems to be the people you least expect." Niall answers her question.

*Louis POV*

This whole Harry shit isn't good. I mean like, does Immi know the full story of this. An are Immi's friends back in AUS aware of this. Tayla and Carmel would have to be aware of this by now. Sure to god.

"Well we need to find out where this art dude lives."

"I can see if Carmel or Tayla can track it down, there good with all this technical stuff. "

I think my heart skipped a beat, at the sound of hearing her name. Carmel, it's so beautiful. Anyway, focus Louis this isn't about you.

"Yeah. If that could help do it. It's all we have at the moment." I add.

"What about the local phone book or something, surely it would be in there." Zayn said.

Bout time he said something, I don't know what it is, but it seems like he knows something that we don't. Maybe it's just me. Well what he said is a great idea though. I guess he isn't all just a pretty face, he has brains.

" That's a really good idea. Only if we knew his last name!" Liam bites back.

Wow tension is in the air today or what? Last name... What about his school year book? It would have to he in there. Fuck Niall reads my mind. Why can't I say something smart.

"What about his year book. Harry has it under his bed in a box with all his other stuff."

*Immi's POV*

This is all to much for me to take in. I need to just leave and go for a walk. Away from all this madness. I need some space, fresh air.

"I'm going for a walk." I got right out of my chair and Walked out.

The fresh air hit me like I was being stabbed in the back. It was a shock, but soothing. Relaxing almost. I walked for I don't know how long. It was pitch black, by the time I has realised that I was far away from Liam's house.

I slowed my pace slightly so is it tracks to far. I walked about 20 feet, when I heard screams. Not girl screams but boys, fighting screams.

"Get off me Matt! I don't know what I have ever done to you! Just let me go! Fuck!"

I knew that voice, an the name Matt made me realise. It's Harry! This is were Matt is holding Harry. In a fucking small house at the end of a alleyway.

"You won't get away till you give me my money! Or I will take that precious girl you call your girlfriend! Oh how I would love to fuck her. She would be a good loaves and a good fucking partner. Don't you agree!"

This person is sick in the head. I would never fall to his power that he thinks he has. The screaming I the house was very loud. I was suprised, that nobody in this neighbourhood, had called the police.

"You will not lay one of your fucking filthy hand on her! Don't even breathe on her! She is mine. Fuck off. If you let me go I will pay you, back ok. Please just don't touch her! She has nothing todo with this!"

Harry is shouting. What am I doing. I need to get the others here to help me. I have found harry! Thank god that I went for this walk! I have found him. Now it's just to get him out if that suck mans house.

*hey all. Not very good I know. Been really tired. Anyways please comment/vote and all that jazz. ILYs and all.*

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