The New Student.

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*Immi's POV*


Today is my first day of school. I can't remember the name if the school but I know it's HCCS. I woke up at 7:15am. For some reason I woke up 15 minutes early today. I guess it's to make sure I hav everything prepared. By the time a get in this stupid uniform, do my hair and make up its 7:50am. Still plenty of time. We now live in a double story house an I have the biggest room in the house. So I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mum is making breakfast.

" Morning Imogen. Would you like some toast before we head off?" She questions.

" Umm. Yes please mum. Just one piece of toast with Nutella." I smile back, while I pack my food for school.

"Now Imogen, when I drop you off at school you go straight to the front office and tell them you the new student and your name ok. Make are you have everything packed and that you...."

"Ok mum! I get it calm down. I know what to do. We have been through it 50,00 times already. I will be fine can we just go now. Please?" I say in a puppy voice.

My mum just smiles and nodes her head. The drive from our house to school is about 10 minutes so I decide to text the girls and see how everything is going.

No reply. Oh yeah time zones. Opps. The car comes to a short but yet sudden hault.

" Bye honey. Have a great first day!"

Bye mum. "

*Imogen's Mum POV*

Oh I hope she has a good day. Driving away from her school was easier than I thought It would be. She is be fine Sharon.

*'Phone buzz'*

' I am fine mum really. x' - Imogen

' I am glad. Have a great day, text me if you need anything. Love you. xx'

*Immi's POV*

I walked through the front gate and got a few stares as I slowly walked towards the front office. Why are they all staring at me? Anyway. When I get to the front desk. I introduce myself and say that I am the new student.

" Oh yes. Just wait right here we will get someone to assist you. With you way around. Won't be a moment." They lady says in her work voice.

"Imogen Payne?" A young lady asks.

"Yep that's me. It's just Immi If you don't mind." I say to quick.

She gives me a small nod.

" I'm Tash. I am in all your classes, so I will be helping you. If that's ok?" She says with a rather strong British accent.

" Sure. Well I don't know anyone. So that would be greatly needed." I say back.

She takes me to my locker, shows me where my class's will be and the toilets and other important places I need to be aware of. She is rather nice.

" Well first we have class we have Maths. So grave your maths stuff and I will met you in class were just in that room over there." She points as she walks off.

Great maths. The subject that I am good at. But I wish I was at a Normal level. I shut my locker and walk over to the classroom. The teacher came not long after I got there an opened the door letting myself as 3 other students in. After about 3 minutes Tash walks in the door. I have already taken my seat at desk. She and 2 other boys walk in the door.

" Hey Immi, come sit here with us." She says rather loudly.

" Oh uh. Umm are you sure? I don't think there's room for me."

" Yes there is. You can sit next to Harry. He won't bit. Believe me. Come on."

I look at Harry and the other boy.Well of I want to make friends now is the best time to start.

" Ok. Why not."

"Yay!" Tash replies.

I walk over an place my books on the desk, and take a seat.

"I'm Harry and this is my best mate Niall."

"Hey. Immi is it?" Niall adds.

"G'day. An yeah it's Immi. Nice to meet you."

"I can already tell your from Australia!" Harry almost screams

Ouch my ears. His eyes are these soft green, with a sparkle in them. He has a huge and very attractive smile. His dark brown curls cover and shape his face perfectly. Why does he have to be so attractive. His deep voice gives me chills down my spine. I then realise that I was am just staring at him! Oh My God Immi your so embarrassing.

" Haha. Yeah I am."

Soon enough as Liam was about to say something the teacher started talking.

~ Lunch Time~

*Tash's POV*

I take off from class and go straight to my locker, than to find my boyfriend Zayn. As I amWalking towards were we hang out I am joined by Niall and Liam. When we get closer, Zayn and I make eye contact!he stand up an starts walking towards us.

"Hey Beautiful"


"Vas Happening?"

" Not to much. There is this new student her name is Immi. She has came all the way From Australia."

" Wow. Where is she?" Zayn asks.

"At her locker outing her books away with Harry. They have hit it off pretty well. I am sure he will bring her over when he comes over."

I say and kiss him. As we eat each other faces off. Niall and Liam talk about random things that I don't understands.

"Well are gonna go pee. Be back soon. Sick of watching you eat each other's faces" Niall says.

"Just cause you haven't got someone. Go marry good Niall." Zayn bites back with a laughs.

*Immi's POV*

Harry and I make out way to my locker. I take look over at Tash's locker she isn't anywhere to be seen. Great who I am going to hang out with.

Harry reads my mind right away.

"Don't worry I know where she is. I hang out with her."

Am I that easy to read?

"Oh, that's good then. I won't be alone."

Harry smiles at me then. Shuts my locker for me.

" I won't let you be alone. Neither would Tash. Alright? Wanna come to my locker than we can go over to the group from my locker?" Harry asks.

" Sure. An thank you." I reply back with a smile.

He gives me a small nod and smile. His locker isn't that far away from mine witch is good I guess.

|*I am so sorry that is really long. I got carried away with ideas. But the next chapter should be a bit smaller! Hope you all are enjoying the book so far! Means a lot love you!*|

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