Where is she!

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*Harry's POV*

After the wedding, Immi and the brides maids went for a photo shoot, with the grooms men. Leaving me behind. Not fair I say. Immi and I get, to have out own photo shoot at sun set. Immi's idea, not mine.

After about 50 minutes everyone had returned except Immi and Louis. Strange. I asked everyone else about there were about but they said they we talking back where the photos were being taken.

Something in my stomach told me that something bad has happened to her. I can't quite put my finger on it but I knew that something was wrong. I decide to walk to where the photos were being taken. For some unknown reason, it took a long time to walk there. Longer than I had anticipated. Once I approach where the photographers stuff was I knew something wasn't right.

I looked around for any signs of where they may be or have left to. There was nothing.

"Immi!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Worries sick about where my wife is.

Is she with Louis? Are they together safe? Has he done something to hurt her. All these questions were running through my mind. I sudden scream was cut short. Barley even leaving the persons throat. I knew straight away that it was Immi. I didn't know what to do.

"Immi where are you!" I yelled.

But there was no answer. The sun was beginning to fall. I knew I had to find her before dark. This can't be happening on our wedding day. Another scream was heard. I followed the scream, that lead to me find Immi tied to a tree. Strip naked. No one to be seen. I stood behind a tree as a rather talk figure walked towards her. It was Louis. What was he doing?

The worried look in her eyes made me want to cry. I just wanted to go up to Louis and punch him in the face. I knew once I saw her bare naked, that she had been rapped by him. The photographer was tied to the tree next to them. He must of witnesses the whole scene, helpless at the least. He wasn't with it. he must of been nocked out... But that's not what I am worried about. I need to get Immi out of here. Now!

"Did you enjoy that?" Louis voice is heard.

"Your sick. Why are you doing this? Let me go!" Immi cries.

"Shut up! I am doing this cause I have wanted you to be mine ever since I met you. But Harry had to take you."

"Just let me go please"

Tears start rolling down my face seeming my beautiful girl like this.

*Immi's POV*

I couldn't feel anything. No pain no worry. Nothing. I was tired to this tree, naked. Nothing covering me. Louis a has rapped me and I was sure of it. I can't believe that a person I trusted so much has done this. I hears a voice.

"Immi" It yelled.

Harry. I knew it was him for sure. I went to scream but I was cut short by his rather big built figure moving towards me. Why is he doing this.

I could hear footsteps coming closer to me. I couldn't eve defend myself. I felt trapped. Well I was. I turn to my

Left to see the photographer, gone out hard cold.

"You Psychopath." I yelled.

Fuck. That was a bad idea. Louis turned around with a knife In his hand. Oh shit. What have I done now.

"What did you call me?" he said rather slyishly.

His hand slowly dragging up my thigh. I felt so sick under his touch. I couldn't do anything to stop him.

"N-Nothing" I mumbled. He brought the knife closer to my throat. Was he about to kill me?

"That's what I thought"

He stood away. I was finally able to breathe normally when he stepped away. I had to get out of here. Harry were are you. Right on que, i look slightly to the left to see a shadow. Harry's. I knew straight away. Thank god.

"Do you want me to tell you a story about your sweet..u oh wait no sickening Husband."

I couldn't even look at this person Louis had become. He wasn't the same, I can't believe this person is my best mate. Well was. He is the father if my best friends baby. What would Carmel think about this.

Wait.... that's it. Carmel, is his weak spot. Maybe if I bring her up he might become weak.

"Imagine how Carmel and your bab-"

I was cut of by Louis body right on mine. With the knife to my chest. I took in a sharp breathe. Okay bad idea.

"Don't talk about them. By the time they find out it will be to late."

The cold breeze was starting to pick up. Still tied to the tree naked, I needed some warmth. Soon after I started to shiver.

"Cold I see?"

I just shivered once more. The wing was picking up. I need se some warmth. Now or I was going to be sick.

"I think I can fix that. Maybe a bit of hot and heated sex, will warm

You up."

Nothing was able to come out of my mouth. I was so cold. Like ice. Why wasn't Harry doing something?

I felt nothing has he once again, rapped me. There was nothing, no warmth in it at all. It was just plain nothing. I couldn't, feel the sensation that he had released inside of me. my legs were so weak. I was so weak. I don't think I can make it.

"Ahh! yes! You got me good immi" Louis sickening voice was heard.

I was seeing the world spin around me. Everything was moving around in circles. I large figure was seen, before all went still.

"Put your arms in the air"

Is all I heard before I saw black. Gone. Everything was just gone. Nothing, I could see nothing. It just went black.

*hey all. Yes I am aware it's the second time I have updated today. but I really had to right this chapter.

It was so much fun writing this. It's kinda like a cliff hanger. There is more of this stuff to come. Trust me.

Thanks all so much for the 700+ reads! It means so much to me. I can't thank you enough.

Please remember to comment/vote it would mean a lot!

ILYs and all! *

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