Liam How Could You?

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*Tayla's POV*

I wake up to voice yelling and screaming at each other, who Is awake at this time of the morning seriously. I climb out of my bed and put some jeans and a simple t-shirt on before slowly opening my door to listen to the 2 people fighting. I open enough for me to see two rather tall bodies. I couldn't quite pick who the two tall bodies were but that didn't matter at this very moment at time, I just needed to know who they were. One of them had to be Niall I am sure of it, considering that he wasn't in bed when I woke up.

"I didn't mean to do it! I wasn't thinking straight. Immi is going to kill me isn't she?" said this unknown person. What did Immi have to do with any of this?

"You got that right what were you thinking...Carmel is one of her best friends, there is no way in hell she is going to let you cone anywhere near her or anyone that is close to her." Yep, that's Niall. What is and this unknown person talking about. Something to do with Carmel and Immi, seriously what has happened.

I open the door further so I can try and see who the other person is more clearly. Didn't really help until Niall said the person's name.

"Liam, I still don't understand why you would pay Louis to date Carmel than try and kill Immi, on her wedding day. Her wedding day, the day that meant so much to her and you did this, why?"

Holy Fuck! Liam payed Louis to date Carmel and attempt to kill Immi, what on earth is going on. i don't even know what I am meant to be thinking right now. I close my eyes and try to imagine Liam doing something like that to his own sister. I take a deep breathe trying to calm myself from the news I have just taken in. Carmel how is she going to feel, she loved Louis and now that she has a baby to look after she is going to be heart broken. Immi oh my god what is she going to think about her own brother doing this behind her back.

"Tayla?" A voice broke me from my thoughts. Fuck I have been caught eves dropping. This can't be good, I knew that what they were talking about was serious but I didn't think I was going to be caught.

"Oh Liam, what are you doing here?" I said being dopy, even though I clearly knew what he was doing here. Fucking confessing that he planned the last few events, that have torn Immi, Carmel and Harry right in the heart. They have no idea about any of this, for a fact neither did I until now. Liam was looking right at me, like he was about to kill me. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"You heard everything didn't you? TELL ME!" Liam shouted.

"Okay yes I heard everything you said." I said tears forming in my eyes. I was scared and worried for my own safety, I thought that Liam would never hurt me, he wouldn't would he?

"If you say anything to anyone, I will kill you myself. Got it?" I shake my head as fast as I could, just for him to turn around walk away.

I slid down the wall in shock, did Liam jus threaten to kill me? I landed on my bum and started to cry, tears falling from my eyes like a water fall. My body is in shock every noise I hear I flinch I feel my heart beat at 100 miles an hour. I sat leaning on the door frame for like 1 hour before I heard Liam leave and slam the door shut behind him. My whole body is shaking, I am breathing heavily not being able to control my actions. I closed my eyes and saw Liam standing there with blood running down a knife he hand looking right at me It's not real. It's not real. I kept saying to myself. But my mind wouldn't let me believe it.

"Tayla, are you okay?" A voice a rather beautiful voice, Irish. I could feel the heat of someone else's touch, on my thigh.

*Niall POV*

There she is, Tayla is sitting against the door frame in a whole world of pain, no more than pain, her heart would be shattered, and she would be confused, lost and disappointed in Liam. I know she must be so lost and frustrated about this whole situation. If I was her I would be to, my heart hurt for her. I needed to comfort her, say sweet things to her. I stood about 10 feet away from her watching her whole world crash right in front of her eyes and mine. I watched as every sound came to her attention, she flinched. It was upsetting to watch someone you love and cared for be in pain.

"Tay, are you ok?" I knew the answer to it, but I just wanted her to talk at least I needed some sort of comfort. She looks up at me with watery eyes. What am I meant to say to make her feel better, nothing. I felt her warmth, of her body start to lean against mine. I pulled her into my chest, and rubbed small circles on her tummy.

"Niall, did you know about what Liam did?" said her very soft and faint voice. What do I tell her, there is nothing really to tell besides the fact that I only found out today about his plans that ruined her heart, will upset Immi and Harry and Carmel for that matter. How will I ever explain that I had something to do with it? I didn't think it was going to get as far as it has that's for sure. I just looked at her, and kissed her forehead.

"I only found out today, baby I am so sorry for all the pain he has caused you." I said taking her hand in mine.

"Why did Liam do this?" I look at her deep in the eyes. I think I need to tell her the truth. She needs to know why he did what he did. In a way what he did was for good reason, but not to the extent that he took it.

"Liam, wants to protect Immi from Harry. He knows what Harry is really like and doesn't want his sister to go through it. Harry has already hurt enough girls to last a life time.

"Harry wouldn't hurt Immi. He loves her." She raises her voice.

"Tayla, we will talk about this tomorrow. You have had a big enough day and its only lunch time." I stand up and pull her up with me. Taking her hand in mine we jump into the car and drive to get Nando's for lunch. My favourite food, something that Tayla isn't a huge fan. The fact that she hasn't said a word since we talked on the floor, is bothering and upsetting me.

"Tayla do you want anything?" she doesn't answer. "Tayla?" Not a word. That's not much help I think to myself. I knew she was upset but not this bad. When we arrive home she gets out the car without even waiting for me. Opens the front door and goes straight to her room slamming the door behind her. Maybe it's best if I leave her alone for a bit so she can recap everything that has happened. In the mean while I think I might just ring Carmel and get to bring Maddi over, haven't spent much time with her and the baby since she came along to be honest. Just as I lay down on the couch I hear someone scream. Tayla!

I jump off the couch and run to Tay's room, trying to open the door, but I can't it's locked. Why would she do that? I knock on the door and hard and fast as I can. Nothing not a movement or sound could be heard from her four walls.

"Tayla are you in there. You okay?" I yell starting to get worried. No answer, not even a small movement so I know she is okay.

"TAYLA! OPEN THIS DOOR PLEASE BABY! TAYLA!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I hear something move. A scream was heard before it could even leave her throat. I knew it was her, she was hurt or in some sort of pain and I couldn't get to her.

"TAYLA!" I scream even louder than before. Still nothing. Next minute BOOM CRASH goes something or even someone. I pushed and shoved on the door but it wasn't budging. I needed to get to her ASAP.

"LIAM DID THIS TO ME!" said Tayla through the door. She was alive, at least she was okay. Right? Wrong.







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