Searching For the Perfect Gift.

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*Harry's POV*

Fucking hell I hate searching for birthday gifts. Immi is really hard to buy for, like come on. Seriously. Her mum gave me some ideas about what to get her, but nothing is catching my eye. Maybe, a necklace or a bracelet would be nice... I have shopping. I don't see how girls find it fun.

I walked into Immi's favourite expensive jewellery store. She told me there was this beautiful ring that she really wanted. Ring? I walk over to wear the ring is and my phone rings. Great, who the fuck could this be?

It's Tayla, better answer it.

"Hey Tayla, what's up?"

"Hey Haz. Where you at?"

"I am looking for a gift for Immi.. A ring to be precious."

"Wow! Why a ring?" She said in a cheeky tone.

"Well.. Umm.. Can you come help me pick I will explain here."

"Alright be there soon."

An with that he was gone. I only had just made up my mind that I am going to Marry Immi. An I will ask her on her birthday. Perfect? Let's hope, Tayla should be able to help me. Oh speak of the devil she walks in.

"Soo.. where's the ring?"

I smile at her, I have to admit. even though she is Immi's best friend me am Tay have become quite close. I point to the ring that I am going to get.

She looks and the ring than at me, than back at the ring. Umm ok?

"Is it ok? Do you think she will like it?"

"Harry is beautiful. She will love it. She won't say no! That's for sure."

"Well I hope not."

Within 3 minutes of looking at the ring I brought it. I was expecting the ring to be the hardest thing to buy, but that was easy. Now the last part, to ask the question and let's hope the answer is yes.

"Wanna grave some food? I am a little hungry." I say.

"Wow you sound like Niall. But yes that would be lovely."

We walk to the food court with is around the corner from the store we were just in. We take a set in the middle.

"It's beautiful Harry, she is so lucky."

I smile and feel my checks go red. I the most luckiest guy to soon be able to call her mine. So is I t know what she is on about.

"Thank you. Can I ask, how will I ask her. I haver done this before, an I only plan in doing it once."

"Well umm, I don't known just get in one knee and ask, but make sure it's at the right time."

We grave some food and make small talk as we eat out lunch. I can't believe that I got a wedding ring in my jeans pocket and is planning in proposing on Friday. If you said that I would be proposing to Immi 10-11 months ago, I would of laughed at you.

" Do you think I should ask her infringement if everyone, or?"

"Harry stop freaking out. It will work out. Just you do what you feel most comfortable with."

"Ok. Thanks for the help."

"More than, happy to help. Oh why I remember, what's going on with Louis lately.. He be acting really strange."

" Yeah I thought something was going on, he was planning on asking Carmel out, but I don't he has yet.. so I don't know what's wrong with him."

I was worried I was the only person seeing these problems. Louis has been acting strange. But maybe some family stuff has occurred that is bothering him.... It could be anything.

" I went an seen Immi before I came here, an Louis was at the house. he said he was getting his 'phone'. "

What the fuck? Why is he at Immi's house. There is something really wrong with him, an I think I need to find out. Or someone needs to.

* Tayla's POV* (short)

I can't believe that Harry is going to ask Immi to marry him. Like that is a huge step for the both of them, sure they are cute and all but wow. I am quite jealous to be honest, Harry has spoilt her so much with that ring. I will shot her personally if she says no! I wish Niall would hurry up and ask me out. I am

Sick of waiting.. Well that's if he even likes me.

" You ready to head back to Immi's?" a low raspy voice cuts my day dreaming short.

" Yep, let's go."

I am so not with it today. But I think the reason is, why Louis is acting so strange. Something isn't right, I just can't put my finger on what it is. Harry and I walk to our cars witch are parked pretty close together. We say our goodbyes an make our way back to Immi's place. Now there are two things I need to keep a eye on. 1 being this weeding that has come out of the blue and 2 Louis strange behaviour. Fuck I have todo everything around here, bit yet I am the youngest pretty much.

* Harry's POV*

I don't know what I am going to say to her when I ask her. Oh lord this is all to much. No wonder men are so worried to ask girls to marry them. I remember what my dad said to my mum when he asked her to marry him...

I trust you. I believe you. I believe in you. I adore you. I accept you. I want you. I need you. I cherish you. I have you. I love you.

That's it! I can say that! It's perfect, she will love that! I am quite happy with myself at the moment. All is goon to go perfect. For once.

* hey all you beautiful people. Sorry for the late up day been sick and busy so I haven't had time. I know This is a short and shitty chapter bits that all I could do right now. I hope you all are loving the book so far! Pls Comment/ vote all that jazz. It means a lot! I am really happy with how the book is going! ILYs xo*

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