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*Harry's POV*

I could see Immi facial expressions how much pain she was in. I didn't take any time trying to find a car park, I just pulled up at the main entrance, ran around her side of the car and opened the door, and she climbed out of the seat and nearly collapsed so I carried her into the hospital bridle style. I looked around the huge room for anyone but there was not a single soul in the room. Immi soon started screaming witch put pressure on my emotionally and mentally. Her pain brought me strong worry and I felt my tears starting to swell in my eyes.

"HELP! ANYONE I NEED HELP" I shouted at the top of my lung, and within seconds 20 people came from nowhere.

"How may we help you sir?' I nurse said to me in a rather calm voice.

"My wife, she has pains in the tummy and she is pregnant. Help her!" I yelled, I didn't have time for people to ask me questions, about why I needed help I just did I had my wife screaming and crying in my arms, couldn't they tell I needed help.

"Ok sir, we are going to take your wife now. What's her name and how far along in the pregnancy is she?" The middle aged lady asked.

"Imogen, her name is Imogen, but likes to be called Immi. An I am not too sure how far along she is, just under half way I think."

"Thank you sir. Just take a seat in the waiting room we will let you know as soon as we can..." The lady said taking my wife out of my arms and placing her on a bed. She was in so much pain, her eyes had tears falling from them and her hands on her belly holding.

I take a seat In the waiting room twiddling my thumbs, I need to know what they are doing to her, is she ok, is the baby ok. All these questions were going through my head I couldn't take it any longer. I got up out of my seat and went outside to get some fresh air, I needed it I can tell you that. I need to tell the other of the dramatic situation.

*Immi's POV*

The pain was unbearable, it was growing within seconds. I knew something wasn't right, I could feel it. That lovely nurse witch name I couldn't quite pick up came in with sheets of paper on her hands and a very serious face. I had this feeling that it wasn't going to be and I am not prepared for it right now.

"Mrs Styles, there is something I need to tell you." She announced.

"If it's bad please spear me some tears and not tell me at this moment." I said with a hick up in my tone.

The look on the lady's face changed from a concerned and bad news face to a small smile. Strange if you ask me. Why was she now smiling, I don't understand. Maybe she is giving me a smile to make me feel better, and then dump the bad news on me.

"Oh Mrs Styles I don't think you will be upset by this at all. Would you like us to get your Husband so I can tell both of you the news?"

I gave her a nod and she smiled back and left the room to go and collect Harry. It was within seconds that I could hear them both coming towards my room. I felt the baby starting to move with excitement, I thought to myself on how strange it is for the baby to know when Harry is around, I think its super sweet and loving. The baby was kicking extremely fast, faster than normal.

"Immi, how are you feeling?" Harry said grabbing my hand and kissing my forehead. "Everything ok Doctor?"

"Well Mr and Mrs Styles I am glad to say that your baby is fine, more than fine." Said the Nurse not Doctor Harry.

"Oh that's great news, so I can leave now?" I asked rather urgent to get out of this hospital bed.

"Well, there is one other thing... I don't know if this is something you have wanted but you are having twins"

My heart beat faster at her words, TWINS. I am having twins to babies. The words didn't hit me in a negative way, but hit me with a positive outcome. Harry and I are going to be having twins. I am so happy right now.

"Really there are twins inside that small belly of hers?" Harry asked.

"That correct, Congratulations, I will give you both some time, you are free to leave when you like." The nurse said leaving the room.

I looked Harry right in the eye and a smile formed on both of our faces. I felt his hands form on my stomach, and move around trying to get the two small babies in there to react. They did as I though kicking back, one of the small feet hitting Harry right in the hand. I had to laugh at reaction on Harrys face.

"Twins, why hello there, it's your daddy speaking, I can't wait to meet you, your mummy and I can't wait till you join us in this world. I love you."

I had tears forming in my eyes and a smile from ear to ear on my face. Harry is going to be the best father ever, and I am proud to say it. I am carrying 2 small babies in my tummy, two small lives that I have created, two lives that I will watch grow old.

"Come on Harry lets go home and take these little one with us." I said looking down at the small little feet kicking at my belly.

Harry helped me off the bed and we walked out of the hospital and to the car. I needed to tell everyone else about the great news.

"Harry I need to call the others and tell them about our news. Have you got my phone?"

"No need to baby, they are all aware. Everyone is meeting us back at mine, just sit back and relax, okay. It's been a long few days."

Harry placed his hand on my upper thigh and started rubbing small circles to calm me. It was working perfectly. No music playing just his touch and those small bodies moving around in my tummy was the perfect thing.

"Harry, I can't believe we are having twins, even though there not yours I want you to treat them like they are okay?"

"Of course I will Immi, don't you worry. We will be great parents."

I smiled at him before I closed my eyes. I haven't had time to just lay or sit with my eyes closed and take everything in. But right now all that mattered to me was that I needed to find names for these small bundles of joy.

*Hey all,

Hope this chapter is okay. I know it been getting boring lately but I promise that it's going to get more exciting. I have been really busy so I haven't had time ti update as much as I would like to, but that's how it works, please keep readying my books.


940+ reads is amazing thank you all so much. I can't believe it.

ILYs and all.*

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