08: my girl

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  The days until Ryan left for tour came quicker than I thought. Tomorrow Ryan and his brothers would be on a flight to London and to kick off the start of The Click Tour: Part Two.
   I sat on my couch focused on the paper that was due at midnight. The whole room was dark with only the sun coming out from the clouds lighting up the room every so often.
   I typed furiously, trying to pump my word count with any bullshit I could think of.
  "Is that Owen's essay that's due tonight?" Jess asked coming from the kitchen with a mouthful of mac n cheese.
   "Yes and I forgot about it because Ryan and I we-"
   "Ryan? Oh, Ryan!" She said mocking a damsel in distress voice as she leaned on the wall. He covered her eyes with the back of one hand and the other hand held the mac n cheese that she was too lazy to put in a bowl so it stayed in the pot.
I mocked her too, giving her an annoyed looked as I continued typing on my laptop.
"Boom," I said clicking save on the document and pressing turn in. "1800 words done in two hours."
"Hey Lo," Jess said from the big window. She moved the curtains so she could see out the window. "You might wanna come see this."
I set my laptop on the coffee table and joined her at the window, looking out.
There he was. Ryan held a dollar tree poster board that read OHIO COME DOWN in big letters. The letters weren't as big as his smile though.
"Okay," Jess said backing from the window and took a huge spoonful of the Mac n cheese. "If you don't date him, I will."
I rolled my eyes at her and threw on my coat and scarf.
"We aren't gonna date," I said grabbing my keys.
"Okay love bird, you go have fun now. Leave little old me by myself."
"Oh go get laid," I laughed and left the apartment. As I did I heard Jess yell 'you go get you laid' before I closed the door.
I jumped down the stairs, running as fast as I could to see Ryan, who I hadn't seen the past few days because of how busy he was with the tour and how busy I was with midterms.
   "Ryan Metzger, what are you doing?" I asked as I shut my apartment complex door behind me.
   "You said you'd like someone to show you around New York City so why not today?" He said folding the poster board.
   "Did you finish packing yet?" I said as I tried my hardest to move the short pieces of hair that the wind kept blowing behind my glasses.
   "That's beside the point," he said with a laugh. "The point is is that we are gonna have a full day together, best friend to best friend, and soak it all in until I see you at our final show here in NYC."
   "Ryan, I didn't get tickets. The New York show was sold out when I checked," I said looking at him in confusion.
   Ryan smirked and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out two lanyard passes that read V.I.P ALL ACCESS on them.
   "You did not," I said looking at the laminated passes.
   "You can bring Jess too, I thought she'd like to come," Ryan said pointing up to our window where you could faintly see Jess staring as she ate her pot of Mac n cheese. She gave a little wave and smile.
   "City boy, you're the best," I said smiling, bringing him into a hug.
   "Gotta get you to our show since you just heard us a few weeks ago." He laughed.
   We smiled at each other and climbed into his car.
   "You're not going to almost kill me this time, are you?" I joked, buckling my seatbelt in.
   "Well i hope not," He said starting the engine. "Adam and Jack wouldn't have a producer on stage anymore."
    "Yeah that's what they'd lose," I said giving him a look as he laughed. "So where are we starting on this fine tour?"
    "Where we started," He said giving me a smile. "Central Park by the entrance we almost got arrested for trespassing is."
   "Oh the greatest memories of us two is being drunk off my ass with you," I smiled and turned the radio on as he drove. Burn The House Down started playing through the speakers. "Holy shit, it's you!"
   Ryan laughed at my excitement, probably a little too much excitement on my part. I couldn't help it. From what Ryan had told me, they had worked very hard and are making it. I couldn't be more proud.
    As the song ended, Ryan parked the car on the side of the road and we walked into Central Park, eyeing the playground we drunkingly played on. The playground was now scattered with little kids of all ages. All with happy smiles and laughter. It warmed my heart as I stared.
   "Aren't they cute?" He asked, referring to the little little kids.
   "Yeah," I said with a smile. "Yeah they are."
    Ryan looked at me and saw something in my eyes that I knew I was radiating off.
    "Alright, lets go," he said and held his arm out for me to interlock my own with his.
    We passed many places and many people. It amazed me that in the time I've lived in New York, the only time I had visited the park was with Ryan our first night.
   It was much more pretty in the daylight, with the sun sparkling off of the ponds and people crowding the fountains.
   There was a street performer playing his ukulele on the side of the fountain and we stopped to give him a listen.
   He was playing My Girl by The Temptations as a woman made the beat with a box. The song was lovely on the ukulele and I fell in love.
   People crowded around and was listening to the man singing over his think beard. Even though he had the beard, you could see the smile radiating from it as he sang the famous lyrics.
   "My girl," I sang under my breath with a slight smile. Ryan looked down on me and I continued to sing. "I don't need money fortune or fame, baby. I've got all the riches in the world."
   "Sing it, Lauren," he smiled. He started to sing along with me and we dramatically swayed side to side with the happy tune, making us laugh.
   "Look at these two love birds right up here in the front, give them a round of applause," the guy singing said into his microphone. The people around us started to clap and I could feel my face fire red from blushing.
   Ryan laughed and put a twenty dollar bill in the ukulele case and I was shocked at his generosity.
   "See? Calling people out give you good tips," the guy at the mic said laughing, causing the crowd to laugh. "Hey you over there in the red hat yeah-"
   "We started out here and at Washington," Ryan said shrugging. "I know how hard it is sometimes."
   I smiled and we continued our walk around the park.
  Stop after stop, we explored the vast city in the daylight we had. We stopped for a famous coffee, walked the streets and saw many people, and just had a blast the whole day.
   "Do you still need to pack?" I asked, sipping on the top lid of my to go cup from the coffee shop we stopped at.
   "I mean," he said shrugging. "Yeah a lot actually."
   I let out a laugh and patted his back.
   "Oh Metzger," I said letting out a sigh. "I think the next stop on our city adventure should be your closet to pack."
   "That's no fun, I can throw some clothes in a bag tomorrow and we will be good."
   "So you're gonna get up at four am just to pack for your flight? Yeah don't think that's happening." I laughed, opening my car door.
   "Boy, you got me there," He laughed and entered the car himself, driving us towards his apartment.
  When we walked in, Jack had already had his suitcases perched by the door ready to go.
   "Sup fuckers?" Jack asked walking into the kitchen area throwing an orange up in the air and catching it as it fell. "Dude you know we leave in like 6 hours right?"
   Ryan looked at the time and it was 10:30. He looked back at his brother and gave him a look.
   "I'm getting there, I'm getting there." He said, reassuring him that he will be ready for the morning.
   "Well, I already packed up the equipment so you're welcome," Jack laughed. "Hey Lauren, think fast."
   Jack threw the orange lightly at me and it hit my shoulder and fell to the floor with a thud. The two started laughing as I shot Jack a look.
   "What is up with you two and launching fruit at me?" I laughed and threw the orange back at Jack.
  "Alright, truce," he said laughing. "While you two pack, I'm gonna go chill in my PJs and relax."
   "You and your hand have fun!" Ryan said to his brother who was already down the hallway.
   "Yeah, yeah," Jack laughed, waving his brother off. He disappeared into his room and closed us off with his door.
   We walked down the hallway and started at his closet, staring at the many clothes displayed.
   "Okay," Ryan said examining the plan ahead. "We have fifteen shows, so that's fifteen outfits. Plus off days but I can wash clothes."
   He went on and on with his plan, talking to himself out loud. I sat on his white bed and watched as he did his math, solving the problem of packing.
   Within a matter of an hour, Ryan's next month and a half life was sitting in front of us in the kitchen by Jack's bags. Ryan felt accomplished and I could see that because he had a victorious smile on his face.
   "Alright, I should be getting home," I said with a yawn. "Jess and I need to watch last week's This Is Us and I promised I'd come home tonight."
   "Are you still taking Jack and I to the airport tomorrow?" He asked pointing at me like it was something he just remembered.
   "If you still need me to then yes," I said. "6 AM, right?"
   "Yep," He said with a smile.
   "Thanks for today," I said. "I needed it."
   "Anything for my Lo," He said. I smiled and we hugged. I left the apartment, closing the door behind me quietly since it was nearing midnight.
   I called Jess, realizing how early I'd have to get up.
   "Don't tel me you're staying the night." She said answering on the first ring.
   "No," I laughed, walking to the elevator and pressing the down button. "I was calling to say we can watch our show tomorrow since I have to be up early and we don't have classes."
   "But Lauren," she whined. "We've been putting this off for days."
   "What a few more hours? It'll be fine." I reassured her.
   "I guess," She said and the phone called ended in a click.
   I laughed and stuffed my phone in my pockets and walked out of the apartment complex and into the cold where my 6 block walk would start.
  In the morning, I threw on Ryan's sweatshirt that I still had, and still smelled like him surprisingly.
I tiptoed quietly around the apartment, pouring two travel mugs full of coffee. I shut the door quietly behind me, making sure Jess wasn't woken up because if she is up before 9, she is a she-demon who cannot be tamed.
I walked towards Ryan and Jack's apartment, holding the two mugs in my hands. I sipped on mine while I made sure Ryan's lid was secure.
The sun was just peeking over the horizon, making the buildings glisten from it hitting the glass.
The scenery, that is usually bland, made the walk pretty fast. I buzzed Ryan and Jack's apartment and Ryan's voice came over.
"On our way down," He said. Within a few minutes, Ryan and Jack were wheeling bags out of the door. Ryan popped the trunk of his car open and they both flung the bags in the back with care.
Ryan tossed me the keys and we climbed in, this time me in the driver's seat.
"So are you guys excited?" I asked, handing Ryan his travel mug.
"Tired," Jack said, staring straight forward to the headrest in front of his face. His eyes were dark underneath and he hugged his pillow to his chest with both arms.
Ryan and I laughed as we started towards the airport.
We were almost there when someone running a red light zoomed in front of us. I slammed on the brakes and laid on the horn.
Jack's face thudded against the front seat, jumping him up.
"Alright, I'm awake," Jack said looking around.
"Jesus, Pearson, trying to kill us?" Ryan said to me, mocking me from the other week.
"I'm not a bad driver," I mocked his voice in a dramatic tone that made both of us laugh.
I pulled into the drop off section of the airport and parked the car to help the guys get their things out from the back.
Once the car was unloaded, Jack gave me a big hug.
"Take care of my plants for me," He said into my shoulder. "And don't eat my pizza rolls."
"I won't," I laughed. As we ended our hug, Emily and Adam parked behind us. They both got out of the car, Emily helping Adam.
"Are y'all ready for the tour?" Adam said, very energetic.
"He added espresso to his coffee this morning," Emily said to me as she walked to me. We stood by each other as they gathered their things.
"Lauren," Adam said giving me a hug. I hugged him back. "I am not ready for this 78 hour flight."
"Neither are we," Ryan said. "Since someone let him drink espresso." He pointed towards Emily's direction in a playful way.
"Hey, he woke up way before me, don't give me that," she laughed, holding her hands up in defense.
"Oh my gosh guys!" I heard a familiar voice from behind us say. We turned around and Natalie stood their with her full face of makeup and threw suitcases. She ran up to the boys and hugged them each, giving Ryan an extra long hug.
Emily looked at me and gave me a low key annoyed look behind her hand so Natalie couldn't see.
Ryan came up to me and gave me a hug as everyone talked.
"Alright, Ohio. I'll see you in person in a month, got it?" He said with a smile.
"I've got my tickets hanging up on the fridge," I smiled up at him.
"Cmon, Adam and Ryan!" Natalie said at the door with Jack. Adam was saying goodbye to Emily as Ryan was to me.
"FaceTime when I get to London?" He asked me.
"If you're not busy,"I laughed. "Now go have fun, I can't wait to hear all about it."
He smiled and ran up the sidewalk and to the door to meet Natalie and Jack. Adam trailed behind him and then disappeared. Before they did, Ryan flashed me a final smile.
"I don't trust that Natalie bitch," Emily said staring at the door. Her face got surprised look. "Excuse my rudeness."
"Oh no," I said, keeping my eye on the door as well. "I don't trust her either."
But what should you care who Ryan fucks or not? My thoughts started up. My body tended at the voice I hadn't heard in a week. My hands clenched into fists and I could feel my nails digging into my palms.
-suuuper long chapter I apologize
-I really need to stop writing these at 11 pm huh
-chapter song is surprisingly not an AJR song wow. It's My Girl by The Temptations :)

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