Chapter Ten: Caught Off Guard

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Your POV

The next few days had gone amazing. I loved the dance team I was on. We were each paired together, me being paired with Jimin. The guys on my team were gay, and the other two girls were in relationships already, so me and Jimin being as close as we were, didn't bother anyone.

It was strange to me though. We would exchange kisses before and after practices, he'd come over at night and binge watch Netflix. We'd hold short make out sessions on dance breaks in small dark corners of the studio building. I'd make him dinner...he'd make me dinner.

But there were a few things that just didn't seem right.

He'd never invite me over to his house. He would always come to mine, which wasn't a big deal but it was weird...usually you go back and forth in relationships right? Were we in a relationship? It's been a month since I've met him and I've never felt the way I feel about him toward anyone else.

I'm drawn to him. Like a damn magnet I always look for him wherever I go and he's always there. I love it...and I hated it. I loved it because I loved being around him...I adored him and every quirk about him: how his eyes disappear when he laughs hard, how he always seems to fall over when he laughs too hard, how he licks his lips, how he brushes his hand through his hair ALL THE TIME. But I hated it...I hated that this seemed so easy...something wasn't right.

But what was even more that he never made a move on me past making out. Not once. first...I thought maybe he wasn't attracted to me like that...but any time our make out sessions got a little too heated I could feel his arousal on me. He never pushed it further...and I understand being a gentleman...but I was getting frustrated. I wanted more with him...I wanted to see if there really was a connection. The sexual tension between us was always thick and he'd always glare at me with lustful eyes, but never acting on it.

As I was just getting out of the shower, I heard a knock at my door and I just knew it was Jimin. I hurried to put a sweatshirt and sweats on...but I stopped myself. I made sure the towel was wrapped around me tightly and tucked so it would stay up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath before opening it up to see Jimin standing there.

As he took in my, less than appropriate attire, his eyes went wide and his mouth hung open.


"Uuuuuuh." He looked up to me. "Bad time?" he asked swallowing thickly.

"Not at all, come in."

He hesitated...and I smirked but opened the door wide for him to step in. Once he was inside he turned to face me and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him softly. His hands hung in the air not knowing where to go and I couldn't help but giggle into the kiss.

"Are you not going to hug me back?" I whispered on his lips. I then kissed him again, this time more aggressively and he wrapped his arms around me placing his palms on the middle of my back. I traced my tongue over his lips an heard a low moan as he pulled me closer to him. My body was pressed against his as our mouths moved together and our tongues caressed each other.

Kissing Jimin was like taking a drug. I always forgot about everything around me, and all I could focus on was him. The way his lips moved, tasted: the way his hands felt on me. As I deepened the kiss tilting my head, his grip on me tightened and the movements of his mouth started to increase in pace and I held him even closer to me. He tried to pull back but I wasn't finished with him. I moved my kissing down his sharp jawline and to his neck sucking softly. I heard him moan slightly as he moved backwards to sit on the bed. I straddled him keeping my lips attached to his neck, using my tongue to trace circles across his skin. He moaned again and I sucked even harder on him. His hands slowly moved from my back to my waist and his grip tightened...almost to the point of being painful but I didn't care. I finally got him where I wanted him and he was not getting away from me.

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