Chapter Twenty: The Reason Why

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Jimin POV

The first few days with her was hard. She had so much energy from being turned that she started breaking everything in the house. Good thing was, she took her remedy every morning without being told. She was good at that...unlike me. We came up with a story on how she had fallen ill and would be excused until further notice but with every intention on coming back. It was fine because her dance partner was me and I only went to work for a few hours every couple of days. I wanted to be with her as much as that she wasn't human I could actually touch her...kiss her the way I wanted to and be open with her.

Our relationship seemed to grow stronger...but there was one problem.

She wouldn't let me mate her. She wouldn't even let me tell her how it was done. She was so bent on being mad at me she said THIS was the only thing that was keeping her sanity. We did have the conversation that eventually we would...she said she would. But It killed me knowing her mark was not on me...that my mark wasn't on her for everyone to see.

Try as I may, there was no convincing her otherwise. I could grant her this...I understood why she was doing it...I just didn't like it. But if I was patient with her...she would come around.

"You're doing it wrong."

"How do you stand wrong?"

I chuckle. "You're standing like you have a stick up your ass."

"Can you please demonstrate that?" she said sarcastically.

"I just mean that you are standing really need to move. You're a dancer you should know."

"Ugggghhhhh." She groaned. "I can't do this!"

"Yes you can...your physical human nature will come soon I promise. You just have to be patient."

"How do you control your strength so well...I mean...all those times we were together...intimately?"

" me...that takes years of practice." I said exhaling deeply. "And I promise you it was NOT easy."

She giggled and rolled her eyes. "You made it seem pretty easy."

"That's because you didn't see the aftermath of it all."

"What do you mean?" She asked sitting on the porch swing with me.

She started to rock it back and forth gently and I gave her a smirk. "Do you have any idea how much I jerked off during the time we first met until the first time we had sex? God, I felt like a teenager all over again."

A slow smirk spread across her face and her eyes danced with mischief. "I bet that's a pretty sight." And she bit her lip.

"You'd want to watch that?"

"Why not? You've asked to watch me. How is that any different?"

"Because when a woman touches herself...its art. The way her hands move, her back arches and her legs curl in pleasure..." I close my eyes as I remember the night I asked her to do it. "God and her breasts bounce softly in place...her hand gently gliding over her skin...oh god and your noises...its like living art." I open my eyes to see her staring at me deeply. "When guys do's a frustrated panting lump, pumping a rod for a minute or two." I reached out and pulled her bottom lip from her teeth. "Totally different." 

She planted a kiss on the pad of my thumb. "As...incredibly inappropriate and erotic that was also quite poetic."

I chuckled again. "What do you want to do today?"

She let out a sigh leaning back into the swing. "I'm not sure...honestly I don't know if I want to do anything...I'm still taking all of this in."

"It's a lot."

A comfortable silence fell between us as she scooted over a bit allowing her body to lay across the swing with her head in my lap. She closed her eyes and relaxed into me as I played with her hair that was sprawled out on my leg. I started to stroke her face with my fingertips lightly as I allowed my thoughts to get away from me.

She is so incredibly beautiful...the longing to mate fueled through my veins...I wanted her to be mine...I know she was...but I wanted to act to confirm it. Looking out into the distance I started to wonder how I would feel. My feelings were already so strong for her and mating would only intensify that feeling. I don't know how I could love her more than I do now. I don't know how she doesn't have that pull...that need. How is it she can resist me if I'm her mate.

Maybe she didn't love me the way I thought she does...

"Jimin." I heard her soft voice say. I looked down to her to see her blue eyes sparkling to me. "What is it?"

"Nothing...why?" I traced the side of her face with my palm and the warmth I felt was enough to make my heart squeeze.

"You're lying." She said bluntly. "Something is bothering you."

I had to look away from that she was one of us she had an impeccable 6th sense. Stronger than even Jins. I took a deep breath not wanting ot lie to her...but not wanting to tell the truth either. When I looked back down to her she was staring daggers into me. "I's really nothing to talk about...I'm fine."

She leaned up to actually sit in my lap sidways swinging her arms around my neck. She snuggled her nose into my chin so that her forehead was on my temple. "Please tell me." She whispered. She allowed her fingers to trace circles on the skin of my neck and I turned to her kissing her softly. "You're going to be mad."

"That's fine."

I chuckled, then sighed. "I just am worried..."

"About what?"

"I deeply for you. You are always on my mine and you know how badly I want us to mate." She nodded slowly. "I just...I just don't see how you can deny me so easily...don't get me wrong...I understand your reasoning...I just don't see how you can do it. No amount of anger would make me want to keep you from being eternally connected to you. makes me think that maybe..."

She interrupted my thought by turning my head and planting a kiss flush t my lips. Her mouth moved lovingly against mine and her hand cupped my face keeping me close to her. I placed my hands on her waist and when she pulled away she was sure to look me in the eyes.

"I need you to listen to me very...very carefully. Park Jimin." I swallowed thickly and nodded looking into her alluring eyes. "It kills me...every day to wait. I don't even understand the pull...the need entirely...but what I do know that I feel physical pain each and every day that I don't have that connection to you." She stopped and searched my eyes. "But I still don't know how I feel about this...I don't know if I would have chosen to turn and, not to pour salt into the wound but you took that choice away from me. THIS is a choice I have...and I want to be sure that I made the choice because I wanted to and not because of some powerful supernatural force. I don't mean to put you through that because I love you...god do I love you...but I need to do this...If for anything I need to feel this longing long enough to be undoubtedly sure that I would have chosen this regardless of what happened."

Her honesty was brutal and beautiful....and again...though I didn't make it hurt any less. I placed my hand on her face rubbing he cheek with my thumb. I pulled her to me and kissed her softly over and over.

"Thank you, baby."

"For what?" She whispered against my lips.

"For your honesty...for staying with me despite it all. I will wait for you...just...please don't break my heart."

She smiled and kissed me again. "That isn't part of the plan, Jiminie."

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