Chapter Sixteen: Jimin's Prisoner

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Jimin POV

"What in the hell happened?" Namjoon shouted.

"I...I could smell her..."

"You didn't take your remedy before you left the house?"

"I didn't expect to be gone so long...please...yell at me later, we need to get her to the house!"

Namjoon, Yoongi and I carfully moved her from inside the studio and into the car. Taehyung and Jungkook were erasing the security camera footage and Hoseok was preparing for her wake up. Once we got in the car Namjoon handed me a bottle of the remedy and I took it quickly. Our driver was still human and he didn't know what we were, so we had to be careful.

"Tell me what happened!" Namjoon demanded.

"Its not much of a story Joon...the remedy wore off and I bit her."

"Why were you in the studio to begin with?!"

"We fought...I thought I was losing her so I went to cool down...I was just going over the routines I didn't hear her doing the same thing. I lost track of time and that's when I started to smell her..."

The smell of her was delicioius...holy shit. I held her in my arms as she continued to bleed from the spot on her neck...and I panicked.

"You know what you have to do." Namjoon said.


"It's either let her die or turn her...and you better make up your mind quick because her pulse is low."

I groaned...I didn't have time to make this decision...this wasn't even supposed to MY decision in the first was hers. But the thought of losing her shot pain straight through my body and I was being selfish. Even if she hated would be better than her death.

I groaned and instantly bit harder on her neck...I drained as much blood as I could without over doing it and immediately after I bit my own wrist placing it at her mouth.

"Come on baby, drink."

She moved her head slightly and her lips parted just enough for me to get my blood to trickle in her mouth. I was afraid it was too late and then she started to suck.

"Oh...thank god...good, baby...a little more."

She drank from my wrist slowly and once she had the right amount I pulled my wrist from her mouth then licked her wound on her neck to stop the bleeding. There would be two marks there when she wakes up...and I'm not sure if I was prepared to tell her what happened. I held her close to me her face in the crook of my neck. I placed kisses on her face and though I was scared, I couldn't help but smile at the small trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. She was officially connected to me forever, mates or not.

Once we made it to the house we sent our driver away and I carried her into the living room.

"What's the verdict?" Hoseok asked as I reach the couch.

"Jimin turned her." Namjoon deadpanned.

"I fed her in the car...she was almost gone."

I stroked her hair and focused on her face. The only think I could think about is how hurt she looked just before she left. Guilt was burning me from the inside and I couldn't help but press soft kisses to her lips. She was everything and she didn't even know. The only solace I held on to was that now that I was the one to turn her, and she as my mate, that maybe the connection from making her, that pull, would be so strong that she would forgive me.

Maybe...I could spend the rest of eternity trying to make her happy. I knew that Hoseok and Namjoon were talking but when I heard a loud gasp my head shot up to see a shocked looking Jin staring back at me.


"I didn't mean to." I cried.

His face softened a bit as he walked over kneeling in front of me. He held her face in his hands and a tear left his eyes. "Is...she?"

I shook my head. "No...I turned her."

He relaxed a little relieved that she wasn't gone. "We need to make her comfortable...let me shower her."

"NO!" I shouted "I will do it."

"No you wont." Namjoon commanded. "We need to talk and discuss the plan for the next several weeks and YOU will not miss it...Jin already knows what to do. He can shower her, dress her, and make her comfortable in the guest room next to yours. That will be her room until I deem her fit to leave this house. And YOU," He said pointing at me. "Will be the one to explain to her why she is trapped here."

I turned to Jin who had a sad smile on his face. "I promise to be gentle...and you know I won't do anything to her.

I nodded. "O-okay...but she doesn't have any other clothes."

"I have something for her." He said as he slid his arms under her. "I promise she'll be beautiful." He then lifted her and I felt empty again without her in my arms.

"She always is." I whispered to myself as I watched him carry her away.

"JIMIN!" I heard Namjoon yell.

I sighed heavily and walked over to his office where Yoongi and Hoseok both were. I sat in front of Namjoon waiting for the scolding.

"Listen..." he started. "...I'm not going to sit here and lecture you on how fucked up this situation, Yoongi and Jin are all going to be taking turns training her. You are the oldests and she is going to need someone to show her how human. It is going to be very strange for her...she isn't going to know what's going on...she wont understand it...and even more she is going to feel violated. turned her...she is your responsibility now."

"I have every intention on mating her."

"Yeah well...when that time comes you'll know."

I nodded. "You're not mad at me?"

He took in a deep breath. "I'm very irritated with the situation we have been delt...however in the light of it have your mate as a vampire now and she will be stronger...she will be able to protect herself from things humans normally can't. And I want to see you happy."

"Thank you, hyung."

"Don't thank me yet. We have no idea what kind of mind frame she is going to have when she comes out of this. Hoseok changed the locks on that door. They lock from the outside...when she can be trusted to not wander away from the house we will remove them...but until then...she's YOUR prisoner."

I swallowed hard. I hated that...this was my punishment for not taking my rememdy. I allowed my head to hang. "What do we do first?" 

For the next several hours we went over a schedule where everyone would help her to relearn human nature. Her morality will still be in place but she will need reminding to not use her strength or her sense of smell. She will have to use the remedy every day and losing your sense of smell is hard at first...she will struggle with it. She will have to be carful not to bite anyone or any living thing. She will have to have regular feeding appointments so she can drink real human blood.

I made my way slowly to the guest room where Jin was. He put her in a light, fitted, long sleeve black dress the stopped just above her knees. Her hair was dried and he curled it and he put black ballet flats to her feet.

"She will wake up in a few hours you know."

"Yeah I know."

"I'm going to stay here...Yoongi will be here too for when we tell her."


I walked over and sat on the other side of her. She looked so's hard to imagine a blood thirsty beast growing inside of her. I looked up to Jin who gave me another sad  smile.

"I'm going to go get Yoongi...we'll be up in about an hour...make your peace with this and stay strong okay?"

I nodded and he left. love, please, don't hate me for this.

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