Chapter Fifteen: Whoops

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Jimin POV

"DAMN IT!" I shout as I pound on our front door. I lean there, fist clenched and forehead on the door.

She had it all wrong. Of course I want her...of course I want her to be close to me...I want nothing but that...but how could I be mad at her. I had been denying her for nearly two months now... what else was she supposed to think?

I couldn't help but to tear at the thought of how he was feeling right now. Unwanted...unloved...alone. None of which were true...I wanted nothing but her...I love her and she doesn't even know...and she could never be alone...never ever. I turn and slid down the door on my bag placing my elbows on my bent knees and my face in my hands.

This hurts...I've never felt this kind of pain before, it's almost unbearable.

"You okay?" I heard a soft voice from above and when I looked up I saw Tae walking down the stairs.

"Not now Taehyung."

"Now seems to be a pretty good time to me."

I lowered my arms and looked up to him. "Really? Not now."

He sighed heavily making his way over to me and sat down next to me. "I know you don't want to talk and that's fin but you should listen. I love Yoongi more than I have ever loved anyone...for a long time. And I know you know but he was human before i turned him, but did I ever tell you what happened?"

"No." I deadpanned. Why was he telling me this now?

"Well to avoid too many details things were getting...heated and I hurt him. I hurt him bad. We were making out hard...we had already done a few things but this would have been the first time we would actually have sex...he knew what I was...and he consented to trying...more. But I got so...out of control I ended up throwing him against a concreate wall. Broke his arm completely...shattered his shoulder blade, dislocated one of the discs in his back...even broke a few was bad. He was in so much pain I didn't know what to do. Not only was I hard as a rock, the person I loved most was in so much pain I couldn't focus enough to help him. We stayed like trying to regain focus to help him and completely failing. He was in pain for hours...hours, Jimin. Until I was able to pull myself together enough to call Jin hyung for help."

He took a pause and I couldn't look away from him. He looked like he was in such pain.

"I almost lost him because of that...with all the damage that was done, his broken rubs had punctured a hole in his lung...there was so much internal bleeding that he was dying. I almost killed him. So Jin told me I needed to make a choice...let him die...or turn him. I tried to get Yoongi to comprehend what I was asking him...and he says he consented...but sometimes I wonder if he would have rather died."

"Don't say that. Yoongi loves you...its sickening."

He laughed. "I know he does. All I'm trying to say is you need to tell her. She needs to understand why it's so hard for you to touch her the way she deserves...the way you want to touch her...the way she wants it. She may not believe you at first but if she really is your mate...she will come around."

"She just think's I don't want her. She think's im ashamed of her." I shook my head in shame. "Thanks for the talk Tae but I need some air." I stood up and he did too. "I think I'm gunna go for a walk."

"Alrght well...don't be long okay?"

I nodded and headed out...I needed something to distract me...I needed anything to pull this pain away from me...would she accept me if I told her? Would she laugh in my face? Would she even want me?

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