Chapter TwentyFour: Nomad

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Jimin POV

We were sweating, and twirling, our heads were pounding with the music, and I had her body floating above me in all her glory. All of us were panting heavily and my heart was full of joy. Our team was on point. I slowly pulled her back down into my body and when I saw her face she was smiling wide. She giggled and I leaned over her kissing her flush on her lips and the dancers behind us "oohhed and awed" us. I let her go and she walked away gracefully to get her water. I stared after her and when she threw her head back taking a drink she winked at me as she swallowed.

Ever since that night in the livingroom she had been way more affectionate towards me and I am NOT complaining. She was insatiable and I loved every minute of it. I think she is starting to make up her mind about mating, but I didn't do anything to pressure her. I wanted her to make that decision on her own without any influence. I walked over to my belongings while she talked with one of our dancers and I saw that I had a notification of a text from Namjoon.

Joon: We need to talk.

Me: Is everything okay?

Joon: Nomad

I stopped what I was doing and looked up to Y/N and she was still happily talking with our dancer. She looked over to me and must have noticed my freaked out look as she politely excused herself from her conversation and made her way over to me.

"Babe, what's wrong. You look sick."

"Umm...well there is an issue." I wasn't sure how to tell her. I know Namjoon told her there were Nomad vampires and Clan vampires but I don't think he elaborated how dangerous Nomad vampires can be.

She stepped closer to me placing her soft hand on my arm. "What is it?"

"We need to go to Jin's office with Namjoon." I said only loud enough for her to hear. I turned back toward our team. "Alright everyone, you have the rest of the day and weekend off! You deserve it!"

They cheered and high fived each other as I took hold of Y/N's hand pulling her with me.

"Jimin should I be scared?"

"Um...I don't know yet, baby." I stopped in the dark hallway and pulled her close to me. "But I promise you nothing bad will ever happen to you. Okay?"

She nodded and we continued our way to Jin's office. When we got there, all the rest of the guys were already there waiting.

"Sorry." I said. "We were in the middle of a rehersal I didn't hear my phone."

"It's fine, Jimin." Jin said smiling.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked a little worry in her voice.

We sat down at the table with the rest of them and Namjoon cleared his throat. "There is a Nomad in the area, and I do believe he is going to be coming this way."

"What makes you say that?" Hoseok asked.

He paused for a moment clicking his tongue. "It's Jackson."

My stomach clentched and my blood boiled just hearing the name. I made fist and slammed it down on the table causing Y/N to jump at the sudden loud sound. I turned to her and grabbed her hand kissing her knuckles. "Sorry." I mumbled. But then I turned back to Namjoon with a fire in my eyes. "You're not going to let him near us right?" He sighed deeply and I eyes him. "Right!?"

"Jimin...if he doesn't cause trouble...I'm not going to banish him. It's been well over 100 years since we've seen him."

"What does that matter?" Tae chimmed in. "I have no interest in seeing that cocksucker."

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