Chapter Thirteen: Jiminie Boy

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Jimin POV

I'm going to kill them. All of them. Slowly...starting with Jin hyung. Not only is he telling the worst, and corniest dad jokes ever, he's not letting her glass empty at all. I'm almost positive she has nearly drank that entire bottle herself. Then Namjoon keeps telling stories making me look stupid. Yoongi keeps staring creepily at her. Tae wont stop flirting with her. Hoseok keeps making inappropriate comments and Kookie...well Kookie isn't stopping any of it.

The only good thing about all of this her laughter. I had never heard her laugh so much between all the interaction she is having. She is really enjoying herself...or is that just the wine?

"Baby." I called to her placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Hmm?" She responded looking at me with her smile.

Her eyes were red rimmed and glossy, and I think it's from crying as she was laughing so hard. "Are you drunk?" I asked her.

"No." She giggled even more.

"Not yet anyway." Jin responded filling her glass while emptying the bottle.

"Oh jeeze...did I drink all of that?"

"Not still have some in your glass." Jin joked.

She picked up her glass taking a few sips before she turned towards me. She placed her soft and warm hand on my cheek pulling me in toward her and kissed me softly. "Thank you for letting me come. I'm having a blast."

"Speaking of coming..." Yoongi started. "Have you fucked yet?" he asked looking directly at her.

I was eyes went wide and I wanted nothing more than to lunge over this table and strangle him. What the fuck? I was about to scold him for asking such a vulgar question, but Y/N spoke first.

"" She replied exasperated. I turned to her as she looked at Yoongi. "He says he likes me...he says I'm his...but he wont do it."

I stared at her appauld...this has to be the alcohol...and part of me isn't even mad. She is so fun when she's drunk.

"What the fuck is your problem Jiminie?"

"I don't have a problem."

I heard her laugh a little harder. "Jiminie!" she repeated. "I like that. Park Jiminie. Has a nice ring to it."

"You think so?"


"Yes baby?"

"Why wont you have sex with me?"

My eyes widened again at her question and I felt like I was on the spot.

"Yeah, Jiminie...why not?" Tae teased.

"I don't think this is appropriate conversation for dinner." I replied super annoyed. They knew exactly why I wasn't slamming her on the table right there, right now. I started to get angry. They were making jokes about this and it wasn't funny.


She smiled when she turned to me. "Yes Jiminie?"

"Are you ready to go home? Dinner is over and you've had a lot to drink."

"Let her stay here." Jin insisted.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Whyyyyyyyyy?" She whined. "Don't you like me Jiminiiiiiieeeee?"

"Of course I do baby, but this is a house full of men."

"Gay men...gaaaayyy." She dragged out the end of the word. I could hear the rest of the table attempt to hide their laughter but failing miserably.

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