Chapter TwentyEight: Jimin Was Right

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Jimin POV

I was back in the studio. I ran here...I was so angry...part of me thought about just breaking everything off with her. She was torturing me, and she knew it... but I knew I would never do that, I loved her too much. I'd let her torture me for centuries if it meant I got to stay with her. But it still made me angry, and I was tired of keeping that hidden. The only two ways that I knew how to release that energy was either to burry myself inside her, or deafen and exhaust myself rehearsing.

That's what I was doing now. The room was blaring with the same song on repeat and I did the routine over and over and over again. All I could focus on was her...she was my motivation, she was my reason, she was my reward. Everything in my life, revolved around her and there was nothing I could do to change it. Finally the intensity of my anxiety became too much and I let out a loud yell falling to the ground and slamming my fists on the wood. There were indents made, and Namjoon is going to kill me for that, but I didn't care. I dragged my body up to turn of the music and when I did, my heart sank to what I heard next.


"Y/N?" I whispered out.

I ran as fast as I could hearing her continued struggled screams coming from a studio room down the hall.

"STOP!" I heard again.

Finally I made it to the door but something was stopping it from opening. I heard another yell from the only person I've ever loved and something in me stnapped. I took hold of the door bars and pulled them clear off the handles. I then used my nails to tear the door off the hinges and throw it to the side.

Momentarily, my world stopped as I saw her. She was pressed up against a wall, her shirt ripped open in the front, and his hands down the front of her pants. Her eyes locked with  mine and I saw red. The ridiculous amount of strength that pumped through me was frightening. I got to them in a flash and grabbed him by his hair pulling him back. I then gripped his arm and threw him clear across the room, his body breaking a stack of speakers.

I could hear him laughing as he slowly got up from the ground. "Ah...Jiminie...nice of you to join us. Unfortunately, I must leave." That's when he bolted from the room.

"J-Jimin." I heard whipered from in front of me.

He leaned into me and I immediately wrapped my arms around her. She was shaking, but not crying. My anger was completely gone as I felt the fear shiver out of her body.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I was looking for you." She said simply still shaking. "I ran into him when I got here and he said he saw you come in here all upset." I held her close as her whispering tickled the skin on my neck. I tried to focus on her words and not the tingling feeling I was getting. "I got in here and he barricaded the door and pinned me against the wall...he said he always wanted a thick girl as a mate."

"That fucking..."

"He licked me...said I tasted like I taste like oranges?"

"Oranges and honey." I responded as I remember the savory taste of her entirety. "Where did he lick you?"

"On my neck." She pulled from me and looked up to my eyes. "It was slimy and gross."

"That's because he wasn't me...he was trying to mate you." I said as I combed my fingers through her hair.

She shuttered again and mumbled into my neck. "Your tongue doesn't feel slimy..."

I had to laugh at that. But then it got serious. "My love, are you alright?"

She took in a deep breath and let it out against my neck again. "Yeah. I'm fine." She replied. "I should have listened to you." She said a little quieter.

"Let's not talk about that now."

"No." She said pulling from me and sitting down on he floor. She pulled me down with her and I sat cross legged in front of her. "I need to say something..."

"What is it?" I asked holding both of her hands tightly.

"I am so sorry, about making you wait. I need you to know that I made the decision a long time ago to concent to it. I had the idea that it needed to be this special occasion. With that in mind it never seemed to be the right time. Never seemed to be special enough for you. I am so sorry...I never meant to make you feel like you weren't special...that I didn't want to be with you. I was so caught up in the 'decision making' thing that I almost forgot why I stayed to begin with."

Her eyes were sincere and beautiful and I couldn't stop myself from lifting my hand to her face and pull her into me as I leaned. Our lips met and that same spark I felt whenever I touch her, kissed her, pulsed throughout my body. She was like a drug, taking away all the pain of the world with just the taste of her lips.

I pulled away keeping my hand on her face as she leaned into it with her eye closed. "I promise you...wherever you want to do it...however you want to do it...whenever you want to do it. I'll be there, ready." She opened her eye and her gaze pierced through me. "I promise." I stopped breathing momentarily taking in the love she was showing just in her eyes.

"I love you, so much." I whispered to her.

She moved gracefully into my lap straddling my hips. Her arms wrapped around my neck and her forehead gently Rested on mine. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "I love you more." She whispered.

"Not possible." I said. I sighed deeply looking into her eyes. "We will make it special."

"We don't have-"

"I know we don't." I interrupted her. "But I want it to be special. I want everything you just said, right time, right place, right everything. Because that's what you deserve...that's what WE deserve. I want to look back on it and remember that it was amazing and magical." I kissed her nose. "Like you." I smiled at her.

"I'm not magical." She giggled.

"Oh but you are." I said making her face me. "You have this capability make all my troubles disappear...make all my fears bring only good to me. And that baby is pure magic."

"Well then you are magical too Jimin, because I feel that same way whenever I'm around you."

"Good." I smiled down to her.

She returned the smile and I couldn't help it. I leaned in and kissed her softly over and over a few times. When I pulled back I let out a sigh looking over to the broken door. "We have to tell Namjoon." I tunred towards her. "You're going to have to tell all the guys what happened."

She nodded and shifted to get to her feet. She held out her hand helping me to my feet as well. "I'll get stronger with time? Is that really the only way?"

"Unfortunately." I said pushing her hair behind her ear. "Be patient, you'll find your strength."

She nodded and we walked towards the door. When we looked down the hallway we saw that each door had been pulled off each door to the studios.

"Well, looks like I wont have to kill him after all."

"Why do you say that?" She asked taking hold of my hand.

"Cuz Namjoon will after he see's this." I said pulling my phone to call him.

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