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"What are you doing down here? You aren't supposed to come in this way." Jac says as the gentleman dressed in full black approached her.


The whole hospital fell into complete darkness, apart from the wet lab where Sacha, Essie, Gaskell and Henrik were.
"What was that?" Essie asked looking at Sacha.
"Don't know." Sacha replied.

On AAU, Raf ran over to Donna, "What's going on?" Raf asked.
"Power cut. The back up generators should be kicking on soon." Donna said.
"Right. I need to get one of the patients out of here." Raf said as he walked over to the patient who had a cesarean, "Out of the darkness and into the light." Raf shouted as he pushed the
patient to the lift. As they reached the lift Fletch ran up behind them.
"Raf have you seen Jac?" He asks as they all climb into the lift.
"Not since your girlfriend gave me a letter to give to Hannsen." Raf says smirking.
"She is not my girlfriend. We are just friends." Fletch insists.
"Whatever you say. I said the same thing about Essie, now look at us, we are married. Won't be long until it's you." Raf smirked as they reached the floor of the wet lab, "Your stop."
Fletch climbed out of the lift as he walked down the dimly lit hallway as he heard another bang, "What is going on?! Let's find Jac and get out of here. Come on Fletch. She messaged you to come talk. Come on Adrian grow a pair of balls." He whispered as he looked around.
"Help." A soft voice spoke out.
"Huh? Who's there?" Fletch calls out looking around.
"F-Fletc-?" The voice stuttered before silence.
"Jac?" He called as he ran down the hallway to the bottom of the stairs, "JAC!" He shouted as he picked her up and held her cold, limp body against his, "It's okay. I am here now. HELP!!" Fletch shouted as he heard footsteps run towards him as he backed up the stairs, "Who is there?!" 
"Fletch, it's Essie, Sacha, Henrik and Gaskell. Where are you!" Essie shouted.
"The stairs. Quick. Come to Darwin theatre. Henrik the hospital needs to go on lockdown." Fletch shouted as he began walking up the stairs to Darwin as the others caught up to him.
"Fletch? Why lockdown?" Henrik asks.
"There is a shooting. Jac has been shot. That second bang? I believe it might have been someone else has been shot." Fletch shouted as the five of them ran to theatre.
Fletch watched the operation commence, "Fletch, Essie, get all of the patients off of Darwin. If no one is out there, who ever it is will think it's been abandoned." Henrik shouted as he did so as Essie helped him. Henrik, Sacha and Gaskell continued to operate in silence, listening for anyone on the ward.

As Essie and Fletch pushed the last patient outside, the police arrived and stopped them re-entering the hospital. About 15 police officers who were armed with guns headed in as Fletch tried to follow.
"I am sorry Sir, but you must stay outside." The police officer said to Fletch.
"My colleagues and friends are in there. Her husband is in there. We can't do anything to help the patients as we haven't got the stuff we need." Fletch shouted as Essie released what Fletch was saying.
"We need to get fluids." Essie adds.
"Until the basement and this area has been cleared you can't go in." The policeman says as Fletch walks away and kicks the metal bar.
"Crap." Fletch says, "Jac and Raf are still in their!! What if he goes to Darwin and tries to break in!!" 
"Fletch breathe." Essie says.

Minutes later Fletch overheard the police officer, "There is movement on floor 3. All forces to floor 3." 
"That's Darwin!" Fletch says as he and Essie run over to them.
"I'll call Sacha." Essie says.

"Essie?" Sacha says.
"Sacha. I need you all to hide. He is on Darwin." Essie says, "Please keep quiet. Hide behind equipment. Whatever you do. Protect Jac. Please." Essie says.
"Okay Essi-" Sacha whispers as he suddenly goes quiet.
"Sacha?" Essie says. Suddenly she hears a thud, "GET YOUR POLICE OFFICERS TO THE THEATRE'S!!" Essie cries to the police officer with them.
"Essie? What's going on?" Fletch asks.
"He is outside the theatre..." Essie says as they hear ruffling from the phone. Essie says as she puts the phone onto speaker.
"Fredrik, please stop. We need to take care of Jac. She is in a critical condition. We need to focus on her. Put the gun down." Henrik says.
"Turn the phone off. And I'll leave you be." Fredrik says.
"I... I..." Sacha stutters.
"Sacha. Do it." Essie says as the doors open and she ends the call, "Fletch. We have too." She says as they push their way past the police and run to Darwin.

"Fredrik stop!" Henrik shouts.
"I shall not stop. I don't listen to you father!" He shouts as they hear foot prints run towards them, "Stop!" He shouts as he turns to face Fletch and Essie pointing the gun at them as the police surround them, "Any of you move. Jac dies." 
"Everyone put your guns down!" Henrik shouts as he walks out the room with Sacha and Gaskell as the push Jac out, "Fletch, Essie. You guys and Sacha will put her in a room and connect her to all of the machines necessary. You do not leave that room until I come to you." 
They nod as Sacha walks towards them, "If she dies!" Fletch says as he approaches Fredrik.
"Adrian!" Sacha shouts as he walks after them.
"How is she?" Fletch asks as he sits on the edge of her bed.
"We removed the bullet. But there was a lot of damaged tissue. Let's just hope no one else has gotten hurt." Sacha says as they hear two more earth shattering gun shots.
"Essie. Come with me. Fletch stay and protect Jac." Sacha says as Essie and himself run out to the hallway where Fredrik was laying on the floor. They heard a sobbing woman shout as they run around the corner to find Ollie shot in the head and Morven putting pressure on the wound.

Fletch nervously sat on the edge of Jac's bed, unaware of everything that's going on. One of the police officers walks into the room Jac and Fletch are.
"Mr Fletcher isn't it?" The officer says."
"Yes. What's going on?" Fletch asks.
"We have discovered all the 4 gun shots. The first was Ms Naylor. The second was a patient who had shrapnel. We found her outside a lift. We couldn't open the lift as the hospital was on lockdown. The third was Mr Valentine he was shot in the head and the fourth was Mr Johansen, he has died." He says as Fletch looks at the officer.
"The patient. Male or female?" Fletch says nervously.
"Female. Why?" The police officer asks.
"Shit. Shit... Raf..." Fletch whispers as he runs out the room, "Essie, get your phone from the staff room." Fletch says as he runs downstairs alone to the basement with Sacha.

Fletch kicked open the lift and fell to the floor in tears, "Raf!" He sobbed as Sacha pulled him up.
"We need to get to Essie." Sacha says.
"W-We can try and get him into theatre." Fletch sobs.
"Fletch, we can't." Sacha says.
"We can!" Fletch shouts.
"We can't he has gone. He is shot in the jugular." Sacha says as Fletch falls back next to Raf and he pulls his head onto his legs as Essie walks over.
"R-Raf." Fletch sobs as his tears hit Raf's head and Essie clutches her hand over her mouth as Sacha pulls her into a bear hug.
"Come on you two. Let's get Fletch back to Jac and you are staying with me, Essie." Sacha says.
"The kids and Emma..." Fletch sobs.
"I'll see what I can do." Sacha says as he begins to walk away with Essie.
"Don't tell them about Raf or Jac. I should be the one to tell them. Not even Emma." Fletch says as Sacha nods respectively as Fletch walks back to Darwin.

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