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Two weeks later and Fletch and Richard are still on rocky terms. Fletch was heading to Anges office as Sacha approaches him, "Fletch you are needed on Darwin to help out with a transplant."
"Who's leading it?" Fletch asks.
"Jac is. She doesn't particularly want to do this with you and neither do you but she can't do this without you." Sacha says.
"Let me tell Ange and then you can give me the patients notes." Fletch sighs and walks to Anges office.

When he is in her office, he wraps his arms around Ange and rests his chin on her shoulder, "I'm going down to Darwin."
"Huh? Why?" Ange asks.
"Cause Jac needs me to help out with a transplant patient." He sighs heavily.
"Is there not anyone else who can help her?" Ange asks.
"No one as senior." Fletch says as Sacha walks in and hands him the notes, "Mrs Byrne? Didn't Jac used to date a Byrne? Erm... A Joseph Byrne?" Fletch asks.
"Shit..." Sacha mutters.
"I'll break it to her." Fletch sighs as he gently kisses Anges temple and heads to the door, "Come down to Darwin at the end of your shift." 

When Fletch gets to Darwin he spots Jac and inhales deeply, "I didn't tell the kids to say what they did the other week." Fletch says as Jac ignores him, "Right. Erm. So here's the thing. The patient is Faye Byrne."
"What!" Jac yells as she snatches the notes from Fletchs hands.
"I'll go get her. Sacha is bringing the heart to us in 30 minutes." Fletch mutters as he walks off.

As he heads to the stair case he is met with Ange pushing Faye.
"Ah. Mrs Byrne. Just the patient I'm looking for." Fletch smiles.
"She was bought up to Keller and I was just bringing her down to you." Ange smiles.
"I was just saying to her that my husband says you are spoken for." Faye says.
"That's news to me. Who am I dating then?" Fletch asks.
"A self centered bitch on Darwin." She spits.
"Right, let's make these things clear. I don't know whether I'm spoken for, I am on the fence with it, and you have no right to talk about Jac like that. I know you have history with her, but she is willing to do this operation even though she knows who you are." Fletch spits.
"Fletch... Somethings wrong." Ange says as she walks off.
"Ange? Right erm... DOM! Take Mrs Byrne to Jac. Somethings wrong with Ange." Fletch says as he passes the patient to Dom and runs in the direction Ange walked off in.

"Ange. What's wrong?" Fletch asks as he runs after her. He assists her to sit down. She pulls a scan out of her pocket and hands it to Fletch. He turns it over and his eyes meet Anges, "Are you okay with... That..."
"I don't know Fletch. Its a bit of an ordeal don't you think." Ange sighs.
"We will, work things out. Together. With Dom, Chloe, Evie, Mikey, Theo and Ella." Fletch smiles as he wraps Ange up in his arms. Jac walks in as Fletch spins around and knocks the test behind him.
"Fayes asking for you." Jac says bluntly.
"Look, Jac... We are kinda... Busy. You need to find another Nurse." Fletch says.
"Are you kidding me! I don't want one of those crappy agency nurces, I need you. I want you." Jac says.
"Lofty is a good nurse." Fletch defends, "You can have him."
"I'm not having that curly headed twat operate on my patient." Jac yells.
"Get out." Ange spits. Jac steps outside and pulls her phone out dialling a number.

"Hi. It's me. Jac. Erm, are you in the area?" Jac asks down the phone.
"Medical emergency? I'm on my way." A male voice says down the phone. Jac smiles to herself and heads back to Darwin to find Faye, her patient.

"So... You and Joseph? How's that?" Jac asks as she sits beside Faye.
"There's nothing to say. We broke up a while back, Ryan lives with him." Faye explains as Jac nods. Nicky knocks on the door.
"Jac, there is a doctor waiting for you." Nicky says.
"Ah. Can you send Faye and put her under, we'll be starting the operation soon." Jac asks Nicky as she nods polietly.

Jac walks to her office and sits down as someone follows her. The door shuts and Jac looks up.
"You look good." The male smiles. Jac stands up and hugs the male.
"It's good to see you." Jac smiles.
"It's really good to see you, Jacqueline Naylor. I missed you."
"I missed you too Doctor Byrne." Jac smiles. She wraps her arms around him as Joseph places a delicate kiss on her lips. Jac smiles into it as Joseph holds her closer. The door flies open to a worried and distressed Fletch. Jac turns to him.
"One, ew. And two, Jac, please I need your help." Fletch says as his lip wobbles uneasily.
"Fletch?" Jac says as she runs over to Fletch and sits downstairs, "Right, Joseph go do the op on Faye, Nicky can support you." Jac says urgently as she sends Joseph on his way, "What's wrong?"
"It's Ange?" Fletch says as a sob escapes his lips, "She's dying."

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