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Fletch stared at Ange in shock, "Do either of them know?"
"No Fletch..." Ange whispers as Fletch leads her to his desk chair and sits done, pulling her onto his lap. She snuggles into his chest as he strokes her head gently.
"You are perfect Ange..." He whispers into her as she chuckles. The door flys open and Richard, Essie, Chloe and Dom look in at them. Ange jumps from Fletchs lap.
"Who's my father!?" Dom yells at Ange.
"Dom. You need to calm down." Fletch says as he reaches for him.
"I don't care that Ange is gonna make a step father our of you for me and Chloe. We like you Fletch, we really do but I need to know who my father is." Dom says.
"Mum?" Chloe asks a very pale and unstable Ange.
"Ange?" Fletch approaches her as she collapses, "Ange!" Fletch grabs her and sits down as he pulls her limp body into him, "I've got you... Its okay..." Fletch whispers as Richard approaches her and reaches to hold her shoulder, "No! You have no right to touch her!"
"Why!? I care about her too Fletch! She's the mother to my nephew!" Richard yells.
"You have no right yelling that. That needs to come from Ange!" Fletch shouts. Dom starts to put pieces together.
"Fletch. I'm gonna ask you. Because I trust you. Is my Uncle in this room?" Dom asks as him and Chloe sit either side of Fletch.
"Yes he is Dom..." Fletch whispers as Dom nods.
"Thank you Fletch..." Dom whispers.
"Come here..." Fletch wraps his arm around Dom as Chloe snuggles into him and Fletch remains supporting Anges body.
"Thank you... Dad..." Chloe whispers and smiles up at Fletch. He gently kisses Chloes forehead as Ange shuffles awake, "Mum!"
"Don't do that to us again..." Fletch smiles down at her.
"Mum, Fletch told me... I asked him because I knew how hard it is for you." Dom smiles.
"Thank you..." Ange smiles up at Fletch.
"Dom, do you want to go out for a drink later?" Richard asks him.
"Thanks for the offer, but, I'd much rather go home with Mum... And Dad and meet the Fletchlings?" Dom asks as he smiles at Ange and Fletch.
"Sounds like a date mate, well it is if your mum and sister are up for it aswell." Fletch chuckles.
"It's a Saturday... Can we go now?" Chloe says.
"Well Mum can't work cause she's fainted, me and you have done our operation and Dad needs to look after Mum soooo..." Dom chuckles.
"Come on then. You." Fletch points at Richard, "You have to make it up to me and my kids." Fletch spits as him and the Goddard stand up and walk to his car.

The Goddards and Fletch arrived back at Fletchs house and he unlocked the door, "Kids! I'm home!" Fletch yells as a sleepy Evie stumbles towards her father.
"Theo and Ella have been sick, I think they've got a bug that's going around school. I'm so tired Dad. After you left this morning they've been puking none stop." Evie muttered as she collapsed into her fathers arms.
"Why didn't you call me?" Fletch asks his daughter as he picks her up and carries her to the lounge as the Goddards follow.
"Cause I thought I could handle it, Mikey went to Grandads so I only had to handle them two." Evie says rubbing her eyes as running could be heard from upstairs and vomiting, "I'll go..."
"No you won't. You will go have a nap and I'll see to Theo and Ella." Fletch says as Evie nods and heads to her room.
"You are a good dad, Fletch." Ange smiles.
"I'll be back down in a minute. Best see the worms." Fletch says as he kisses Anges head gently and walks out.

Ange smiles as she watches him walk upstairs.
"You seem happy Mum" Dom smirks, "Essie reckons you two hooked up in the lift."
Ange glares at her son, "Oh my god, you did!" Chloe chuckles.
"The pair of you shut it." Ange chuckles.
"Could he have gotten you pregnant?" Chloe asks.
"Maybe... But I'm not sure... How do you two feel about that?" Ange asks.
"Mum! That's amazing. It really is." Dom smiles.
"Yeah. It's great Mum." Chloe smiles.

Soon after, Fletch came down the stairs. "Just got Theo back to sleep." He sighs and slumps into the arm chairs, "I'm sorry that this day has gone wrong." Fletch says as Ella walks downstairs and cuddles into him.
"Which one is this?" Chloe asks.
"This is Ella, the second youngest." Fletch smiles.
"Daddy, is this our new family like you said?" Ella asks.
"Maybe sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Fletch asks feeling her forehead.
"I feel icky daddy..." Ella says.
"Yeah. You do feel quite warm. I'll get you some calpol." Fletch says as he stands and picks Ella up and she wraps her arms and legs around him.

Ange watches Fletch walk out of the lounge and Chloe and Dom smirk, "He does have a good ass" Dom says as Ange looks at him shocked.
"I'm sorry what!?" Ange says in shock.
"Sorry Mum gotta go, Lofty is having a crisis." Dom says as he stands up.
"Yeah I best be going too, Cam and Nicky are meeting me at Albies. Bye!" Dom and Chloe run out laughing.

Fletch walks back in with Ella sleeping peacefully in his arms. "Come upstairs..." Fletch whispers in Anges ear. Fletch heads to Ella's room as Ange follows him. Once Fletch layed Ella down, he turned to Ange and picked her up.
"Fletch!" She giggles quietly as he carries her to his room. When they got to his room he layed her down as he climbed onto her.
"We didn't finish in the lift." Fletch whispers seductively. Ange chuckles as they kiss.

Jac climbs out her car swinging Fletch house keys around her fingers. He'd given them to her after the incident at the school. She knocks on his doors and isn't met with Fletch. She unlocks the door and walks inside, "Fletch?" She yells into the eerily quiet house. She hears something coming from Fletchs room. She heads quietly upstairs and swings Fletchs bedroom door open. Fletch flies away from Ange and wraps his dressing gown around himself.
"Jac... What are you doing here?" Fletch stutters.
"Seeing that we were over, I was returning your house keys, but now I know you were serious about kissing that bitch earlier." Jac spits. Something snaps inside of Fletch.
"You do not get to call her a bitch! Just because you are pissed that you couldn't be happy with me and I've found happiness with Ange doesn't mean you can lash out at her. I spoke to Hansenn today, the DON has been transferred to Keller. You will not have to worry about me any more." Fletch spits as he heads over to an emotional Ange and hugs her tightly. Jac spins around and is faced by three of the fletchlings, "Get out." Evie spits.
"No one gets to call my superhero a rude word" Theo says.
"At least Ange stays with Daddy unlike breaking his heart." Ella says as Jac storms out and Theo sprints to Anges arms. Fletch looks at Ange and smiles softly.
"Oi mister. Be careful, I don't want you giving Ange your illness." Fletch says as the Fletch lings all giggle with Fletch and Ange. Fletch wasn't aware of the underlying secret that Ange was growing.

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