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Jac and Fletch jumped into their own cars as they knew there wasn't enough space in Fletch's car for the 6 of them. Fletch lead the way only slowing down at the crossings and Jac sped after him. When they arrived at the school, the paramedics had already gotten there. Jac and Fletch jumped out of their cars and ran over to Iain knowing he'd tell them what's going on.
"Iain! What's going on!?" Fletch yelled at him.
"Fletch, Jac! Thank god you are here. There's been an attempted abduction. The person is still in there along with one classroom of children. We have every right to believe that he is armed with a gun and want's one of the children." Iain says.
"Which class is it?" Jac asks.
"Class 1A, I think." Iain says as Fletch and Jac look at each other distraught.
"Emma and Theo's room." Jac mutters as Ella, Mikey and Evie run over to them. Evie had been crying. Fletch wrapped his arms around Evie and pulled his other two children in for a hug. Jac paced around nervously. Fletch walked over to her and put a hand on her back.
"Fletch... How are you not stressed about Theo?!" Jac says as she freaks out.
"I am stressed but I need to stay calm for you." Fletch says and holds Jac's forearms gently.
The police walk over to the doctor and nurse and they look up at them.
"What's going on?" Jac asks nervously.
"Someone is in there trying to get his daughter he hasn't seen in 6 months. He is threatening to kill the teacher if he doesn't get her. Do you have a clue who this could be?" The police officer says and Jac's face drops.
"No... Oh my god... I have to get in there and stop him Fletch." Jac cries.
"Who is it ma'am?" The police officer asks as Jac runs into the building and to her daughters class.

"Emma! Come to me or I'll kill your mother!" He yells as Emma slowly walks out the classroom.
"Emma! What are you doing?!" Theo shouts and grabs her wrist.
"Theo tell Mummy and Fletch that I love them." Emma says as Jac sprints down the hall.
"Emma Naylor! Get into that room this instant!" Jac yells at her daughter as Emma runs to her.
"Mummy. Daddy is scaring me." The child says.
"Emma. Go to Fletch. He will take you to a man that you need to talk too." Jac plants a kiss on her daughters head as she runs off.
"Give me my daughter!" Jonny tells and points the gun at Jac.
"No." She says simply.
"Fine then." Jonny grabs Theo by his collar and places the gun to his head.
"Jonny! Let him go! Theo and the Fletchers don't need to be involved. Let the kid go" Jac places a hand on Jonnys gun and he pushes her back.
"This is all his fault!" Jonny yells as Jac sees his finger tremble against the trigger.
"Jonny! Please!" Jac yells as tears threaten to fall down her face.
"You really care about them don't you?" Jonny asks.
"Yes! I love Adrian Fletcher for god sake!" Jac yells.
"Then you deserve this." Jonny says and his grip around the gun tightens. Jac darts for the gun in an attempt to save Theo before a bang erupted the school.

As the bang flooded the school, everyone outside turned and stared at the building.
"No..." Fletch sobbed and collapsed to the floor.
"Fletch.." A small girl whispers as he looks up and sees Emma stood in front of him.
"Emma? Oh god..." Fletch enveloped her into a hug and stroked her hair gently.
"Fletch? Mummy said I needed to talk to someone about Daddy..." The girl whispers.
"Is Daddy in there?" Fletch asks seriously as she nods.
"He has a gun and pointed it at Mummy..." Emma whispers as Fletch picks her up, "Fletch? Is mummy going to die... And Theo?"
"I don't know Emma... I really don't sweetheart." Fletch says as Emma burst into tears and hugged Fletch tightly.
"I'm scared Fletch..." She says between her sobs.
"Me too... Me too..." Fletch whispers softly.

Back inside, Jac's head flicked down and saw her body shielding a terrified 6 year old. His body trembling against hers. She looked up and saw a bullet hole in the ceiling and rubble falling down around them. She noticed that the shadow of Jonny had gone and she slowly stood up. She picked the traumatised boy up and he wrapped his legs around her waist. Jac slowly opened the door to the classroom.
"He's gone." Jac says gently as she carries Theo to the front of the school.

Fletch stood with his back to the school and hugging Emma tightly.
"Where's Mummy, Fletch?!" The girl sobs into his shoulder.
"She'll be here soon Emma. I promise." Fletch muttered to her and stroked her head gently.
"It's okay sweetheart. Mummy is okay..." A voice spoke out and Fletch turned around.
"Jac... Oh my god... Thank you..." Fletch says and takes Theo from Jac and she picks Emma up.
"Mummy? What's going to happen to Daddy?" Emma asks.
"I don't know baby. But what I can tell you is that Fletch will be here now... Okay?" Jac says gently and Fletch smiles broadly.
"Mummy? Are you and Fletch boyfriend and girlfriend?" Emma says as Fletch and Jac chuckle.
"We'll see kiddo. We'll see" Fletch says. Jac smiles at Fletch. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

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