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Jac was starting physio today and Fletch took the vast majority of the day off to be with her. He reached the room and saw Jac sat on a bench with a walking frame in front of her. He swung the door open and Jac turned to look at him.
"Finally made it then." Jac said.
"Yeah, sorry. I was caught up in theatre." Fletch said.
"It's fine. It just shows me you are looking after my ward." Jac says as a small smile grew.
"Right. Should we get on with this then?" Fletch asked as he helped Jac up and moved her to the frame as he stood in front of her in case she fell, "Take it easy and don't rush. It'll take longer to recover."
"Why... It sounds like... you have... had experience..." Jac says as she pulls her feet behind her as she steps closer to Fletch.
"Yeah. I messed my shoulder up after I got stabbed." Fletch says as he backs up a little to make more room for her.
"Wait... it was you... who got stabbed... in the basement... by a patient?" Jac asks as she continued to step to Fletch. The dragging of feet becoming more like steps.
"Yes it was. And it was a bloody nightmare." Fletch spat as they reached the end of the frame. Jac looked up at Fletch as their eyes met and they both stood in silence for a matter of seconds.
"Back again?" Jac asks.
"No. You've done well for today. We can practice again tomorrow." Fletch says with a smile as he helps her back to the wheelchair and takes her back to her office.

As they arrive, Freida looked over at them and raised a suspicious eyebrow as Fletch pushes Jac into her office.
"Do you think, Ms Naylor and Fletch?" Donna asks Freida.
"My thoughts exactly." Freida says as Fletch walks over to the Nurse's Station.
"What." Fletch said noticing the two suspicious faces staring at him.
"You, and Jac." Donna says as Freida starts pretending to kiss the air.
"No! Where did you get that stupid idea from? I was just helping her with physio. I know what it is like to be stuck in Jac's position. I was like that once." Fletch said.
"Still." Freida says pushing the point.
"We are just friends. Why can no one understand that?!" Fletch says as he loses his temper and storms off. Little did he now, Naylor was pushing her way out of her office after hearing the commotion.
"You do know the last person who pushed that was Raf... You pushing that stupid point is pushing Fletch more and more over the edge." Jac says as she wheels to Fletch's office and gently knocks.

"I am not in the mood." Fletch spits.
"Fletch." Jac says as he opens the door and he wheels herself through. She parks the wheelchair to the left of the door as she used all her strength to stand. Fletch reached out his arms for Jac to hold if needed as he guided her to a chair and she slumped down as Fletch sat beside her.
"That's getting better." Fletch smiled.
"I know. I was practising when you were dealing with Petrenko and Donna." Jac says as his phone buzzes, "Who is that?"
"What? Showing you a finger painting."
"No. He is 12. Asking when I am coming home."
"Are children always this needy?"
"Jac. Their Uncle Raf went to work and never came home."
"Kids, they are rescilliant. He'll get through it. It's just a rough patch."
"First, there Mum. And now this. I don't want them getting used to tragedy"
"You are a good Dad, Fletch. Yes, overbearing. But good nonetheless."
"So what do I do?"
"Make sure you make it home. He'll appreciate it. They all will."
"See. Why can't you be a bit more like this, more often?" Fletch says as Jac sighs.
"Er... labs are over run, we'll have to start sorting tests." Jac says as Fletch smirks, "What."
"Go on admit it. You love all this don't you." Fletch says as she gives him one of her rare smiles. 
"Maybe." Fletch looks out of the window behind him and turns back to Jac.
"It's starting to die down out there. We are through the worst of it, thanks to you."
"I wasn't exactly much help."
"Paying you, of all people, compliments really make me shiver inside, but you really were Naylor. We couldn't have done it without you. You will get better. Look at you. You already are. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." 
"You could have chosen a better cliche."
"We are all a little bit broken at the minute. Doesn't hurt to admit it. And it doesn't hurt to ask for help either." 
"Well. I am going to need your help if I am home by Thursday and back at work by next work."
"Next week?"
"Like I've said, if I have already missed Emma's christmas, I am certainly not missing her birthday." Jac says as she looks down at the floor as she notices Fletch's hand holding her forearm.
"Well we best get on shouldn't we." Fletch says as he moves his hand and he helps her up to do laps of his office.

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