One Last Wish

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The next day, Fletch woke up at midday to see Ange in a hospital bed and him sat in a chair holding her hand.

"This reminds me off when I was in that blasted bed." A voice spoke from behind Fletch. He spun around to see Jac sat behind him.

"How long have you been here for?" Fletch asks as he wipes his eyes and sits beside her.

"A while. Joseph got in at 6.30 and I left when he got in. He was pissed at me but he'll get over it." Jac smiles softly.

"Look at us. Separating was good for us in the long run. Well better for you than it is for me..." Fletch sighs looking at Ange.

"Before she wakes up, what do you want to do about this?" Jac asks.

"I love the woman and I hate seeing her in pain... I want to say goodbye to her... get Dom and Chloe to say goodbye, induce her into a coma, my kids will say goodbye... Then turn off life support..." Fletch says letting out a shakey breath.

"Fletch are you sure?" Jac asks looking at her best friend concerned.

"And then I want... I want you too break things off with Joseph..." Fletch sighs stumbling over his words as he drops his head into his hands.

"Where has this come from?" Jac asks rubbing Fletch's back.

"Me..." Ange says turning to the two, "I can't keep doing this Jac... Please... This isn't a way for someone to live. Like you said last night, I'm not going to end it the end of the week, I am putting Fletch, Dom, Chloe and Fletch's kids by staying alive..." 

"I will speak to Sacha when he comes in. I need to do some paperwork, so I'll be in my office if you need me." Jac says softly as Fletch moves back to beside Ange's bed.

"Hey..." Ange says softly and leans up to kiss Fletch, "You do realise why I am doing this right?" 

"I still think you are going out of your mind crazy." Fletch chuckles.

"I love you so much and I don't want to see you alone and without someone loving you. Fletch, we had fun together, but you and Jac, you are each other's happily ever after. You know how every cancer patient gets a last wish before the inevitable happens?" Ange smiles holding Fletch's hand gently.

"What is your wish my love." Fletch smiles.

"I want to see you and Jac kiss. Or you profess your undying love for her." Ange says softly.

"Ange..." Fletch sighs softly.

"Don't worry about me, okay? I need to know that you are going to be happy and okay. Promise me one thing. You will look out for Chloe and Dom... They'll need you..." Ange says.

"I will forever love you, my Angel..." Fletch smiles softly as tears fill his eyes.

"Don't you dare get me started again... And Fletch, get her..." Ange smiles as she spots Jac outside of the room. Fletch places a last kiss against her lips before walking out. 

"Has she told you her last wish?" Jac asks.

"Yes... I just don't know how to implement it..." Fletch smiles.

"What is it? I'll try and point you in the right direction." Jac offers.

"So there is this woman who I used to be with." Fletch starts.

"Oh, Tess Bateman, right?" Jac asks.

"Er, sure, yeah. But anyway Ange wants me to profess my undying love to this woman and kiss her..." Fletch explains.

"Just grab her by the cheeks and kiss her, it's the easiest way. Anyway, I spoke to Sacha." Jac smiles softly.

"Hold up on the Sacha stuff. I need to make Ange's wish come true..." Fletch says softly as he grabs Jac by the cheeks and gently kisses her. Jac gasps against his lips and Fletch pulls away.

"That was her wish?" Jac asks softly as Fletch nods and Jac kisses him again. Her tongue exploring his mouth. The two were knocked from their world as an alarm broke them apart. Fletch spun around to see Ange flatlining. Jac and Fletch ran into the room and Fletch dropped to her side.

"No... Ange..." Fletch sobbed as he held her hand and kissed it softly.

"Fletch... Come on..." Jac pulled him away from Ange's body as tears fell down his face, "Chloe and Dom are in Ange's office. You need to tell them..." Jac sighs as she rubbed Fletch's back. He silently nodded and left the room.

On the way to Ange's office, Essie approached the tearful man, "Fletch, you good?" Essie asks.

"I need to get too Dom and Chloe..." Fletch said as more tears leaked down his face. The comment dawned on Essie as her face dropped.

"Oh my god... I am so sorry Fletch..." The nurse bought her friend into a comforting hug.

"Fletch?" Dom asked softly from Ange's office. Essie let him go and Fletch trudged to the boy.

"Dom... sit down..." Fletch sighed as the boy sat beside Chloe.

"How is Mum?" Chloe asked.

"We... Erm... She's not in any pain anymore... She's at peace with herself." Fletch says softly and looked at Chloe and Dom.

"What? Fletch? Is this some joke?" Dom says confused.

"I wish it was Dom... I wish it was..." Fletch said as the realisation hit Chloe and Dom.

The siblings hugged each other and sobbed into one another's shoulders. Fletch pulled them into a hug and comforted them, "Are you gonna leave us?" Chloe asks.

"I will be here for you for as long as you want my love and support for..." Fletch says.

"I just can't believe it. I get her back in my life and she leaves just as quickly..." Dom sighs.

"Fletch, can Dom and I have a few minutes please?" Chloe asked as she sniffled softly.

"Of course. Do you want me to make a hospital announcement?" Fletch asks as the two nod and Fletch leaves them alone.

Fletch walks to Essie and Sacha and sighs, "If they need anything, I'll be on Darwin." 

Fletch walks through Darwin as he recieved condolences from staff members before walking into Jac's office.

"Hey..." She greeted him and hugged him. Fletch crumbled into her arms and let out a heart wrenching sob.

Fletch held onto Jac like if he let go he was gonna lose her too. Jac felt Fletch's body shaking against hers and let out a sympathetic sigh.

"I'm sorry Fletch..." She whispered into his ear and rubbed circles into his back. Jac sat Fletch down on her sofa as she gently leant her head onto his shoulder.

"It just doesn't feel real. Even doing what she wished for... It just feels so wrong..." Fletch sighs.

"It's okay. I'm here for you now and I am all yours." Jac says looking at Fletch softly.

"Thank you... Do you mind if I give it some time before coming back to you... It's just I don't want to upset or hurt Dom and Chloe..." Fletch says.

"Stop thinking about others. Think about yourself for once..." Jac smiles and raises her lips to Fletch's and they share a soft yet meaningful kiss to confirm that their feelings for one another never properly went away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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