You Numpty

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A week later, it was a week before Christmas and Jac was still in hospital. Fletch had began to go to work but his main work was taking care of Jac. Sacha came running onto the ward with a 56 year old man dressed as an elf.
"Bay 5 please." Fletch orders as he and Sacha push the patient into the bay next to Jac.
"Alright cutie?" He says to Jac.
"Fletch. Are you kidding me. Can he not be moved?" Jac begs.
"Only free bay. Sorry!" Fletch says as he walks off chuckling.
"What?" Fletch says walking back to Jac.
"Don't leave me. With him." Jac begs as Fletch pulls the curtain between them.
"Jac. Sacha thinks its time to begin your next operation off removing more damaged tissue. Your Doctor will be arriving soon." Fletch says.
"Who is it?" Jac asks as Freida Petrenko stands at the doorway to Jac's bay, "Miss Petrenko."
"Miss Naylor." Freida replies.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
"Fletch? You haven't told her?" Freida says as Jac throws her head back.
"You have got to be kidding me. This is a nightmare. Fletch. Pinch me." Jac whines.
"I am not going to pinch you, you numpty." Fletch says.
"Nump- Okay. I will go through with it. IF and only if, I am under local anaesthetic." Jac says.
"Fine." Freida says as her and Fletch take her to theatre.

As they entered, Fletch put her under local anaesthetic and sat beside her.
"Jac, if you wiggle, I will put you under completely." Freida says.
"If you want, a visitor is on Keller, she want's to see you." Fletch says.
"Who is it?" Jac asks.
"A certain Zosia March." Fletch says as Jac beams.
"Zos. Checking in on Ollie, I guess. How is she?" Jac asks.
"You can ask her that. You can see her later. She said she definitely wanted to see you." Fletch says making Jac smile.
"Bless her. Of course she did. Wait. What is that? Move it to the left, no right, up a little" Jac says.
"No. Shut up" Freida spits as she puts Jac under anaesthetic, "Finally some peace and quiet."
"Was that called for?" Fletch asks.
"Yes." The Ukranian women replied as the two of them stand in an awkward silence.

As Fletch pushed the sleeping surgeon back onto the ward, the elf in bay 5 looked over "Jesus she has been through the wars hasn't she."
"Yeah. I guess you can call it that." Fletch replied as he glances down at the women he cares about.
"Hmmm. What are those puppy dog eyes about? Do you need someone to help shoot the cupids arrow? Someone down on the ED is good at that. Ethan? I think that's him."
"Erm... what the hell are you on about?"
"You like her don't you?"
"What? No? Where did you get that idea from!?" Fletch cries in outrage.
"Shut up Fletcher." Jac mutters as she wakes up and looks up at Fletch.
"Nice to see you Jac." Fletch says.
"Thank you?" Jac says confused, "So what's the deal?"
"There is no deal. I need to see my other patients, if you need anything give me a call." Fletch says as he walks away.
"Hey. You single?" Elf man asks as Jac sighs and rolls onto her side and faces the wall.

A little later, Fletch walked back into Jac's bay and looked at her sats.
"Fletch please, I can't sit here any longer. Please put me in my office and let me do some paperwork. The ward is overrun and you could do with the extra space. Please." Jac asks as she raises her arms up for Fletch to move her too a wheelchair.
"Fine." Fletch says as he lifts her up and Jac wraps her arms around his neck as they stand their for a second as they look into one another's eyes before Jac looks to the floor before Fletch lowers her into a wheelchair. He tries to push her but the wheelchair doesn't budge.
"Breaks." Jac says.
"I have used one before." Fletch says as he pushes her to the office and parks her behind her desk, "It's just I was focusing on not hurting you."
"Aww, love you too." Jac says as Fletch smiles at her before walking out. Jac covers her face with her hands as she feels a blush burn across her cheeks. Maybe she did love Fletch. She didn't know. 

Fletch wandered around the ward confused, did she really mean it. Or was it just a passing comment. Fletch thought back to moments before the shooting. What he had seen Jac like as he watched her break in front of him. It was like all he wanted to do was wrap her in bubble wrap and stop all of the pain but he knew he couldn't. She had gone threw so much. Her being in a care home, Emma, Sacha, Fran, Jonny but Jasmine being the main reason for her breakdown, she never grieved for her sister.

Jac sat in her office with a pen in her hand and signed a few papers before she threw the pen across the room. It was Christmas Eve and she wasn't able to see her daughter for Christmas Day. She picked the tablet up and facetimed Jonny as Fletch walked in.
"Mummy!" Emma cried from the app as Fletch held the tablet for Jac.
"Hey baby, how are you?" Jac asks.
"Daddy. Daddy." Emma said as she ran away.
"Is everything okay?" Fletch asks.
"No. She has run away." Jac sighs as she buries her head into her hands clearly distressed.
"Maybe we should try this later?" Fletch offers.
"Maybe..." Jac sighs as Emma runs back over, "Emma are you being a good girl for Daddy?"
"Daddy, what does this big red button do?" Emma asks.
"Emma, don't press... it" Jac says as the tablet screen goes black and she knocks it out off Fletch's hands.
"Doctor's really are the worst patients." Fletch sighs.

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