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It had been a week since Fletch had told Jac about the news of Anges condition. No one other of the three of them knew. Dom and Chloe certainly weren't away, so that is why they would tell everyone at work today.

Fletch was clinging to Anges side because he didn't know what else to do. He needed to keep a close eye on her. Ange had a scan to confirm their suspicions of her condition. 
"Fletch!" Jac yelled at him and chased him down the hall, "How is she?"
"She is having a scan today to tell us what it is... I have gotten myself ready for the worst so if it is anything different, I will feel a little better." Fletch nods as they walk down to Darwin.
"Do the kids still not know?" Jac asks.
"No one but us know... We are waiting for the scan then we are telling everyone." Fletch nods and lets out a shakey sigh.
"We'll be here for you..." Jac rubs Fletch's arm softly as Joseph glides beside them.
"Patient in Bay 3 is asking for you." Joseph smiles at Jac.
"I'll page you when I know anything." Fletch nods as he makes his way to Darwin.

An hour and a half later, Jac's pager was going crazy. She glanced down at it to see Fletch begging her to organise a staff meeting. She inhaled deeply before paging most of the staff in thee hospital, well the ones that were somewhat important to Fletch and Ange or those who needed to know. Jac headed to her office before bumping into Joseph.
"I need to talk to you." Joseph smiles softly.
"Okay, but can it wait. Fletch has asked me to get a couple of people for the meeting." Jac nods.
"I'll tell you on the way there, come on." Joseph says and approaches the door.
"No. You aren't going. This could be really hard on Fletch, Ange, Dom and Chloe. Not many are going. I'll tell you later." Jac says and walks out heading to Keller's staff room.

"There you are." Fletch turns to see Jac as she walks into the room.
"I am sorry, Joseph caught me." Jac explains as she takes a seat near Chloe and Dom. Fletch nods and rubs his hands together.
"Right... Well... Erm... I don't want to be in this position telling you all this but, well, here I am. The other day, Ange had a scan as it she had a concerning shadow. She had a follow up scan earlier this morning and the results have come back in." Fletch sighs as his eyes tear over.
"Fletch, is Mum okay?" Chloe asks nervously.
"No... She has stage 4 lung cancer. It's been caught too late.." Fletch sighs as tears stream down his face. Chloe looks at Fletch with tears streaming down her face.
"No... No... NO!" Chloe yells. She fights her way towards the door as Fletch stops her and she screams into Fletch's chest.
"Sh..." Fletch whispers into the girls head as she sobs. Fletch looks over at a shocked Dom, who was shaking his head in shock.
"Why didn't you tell us alone?" Dom asks softly.
"Because I don't exactly want to be doing this either Dom... We'll figure this out." Fletch nods to Dom as Jac rubs Dom's back gently.
"Where is she?" Chloe asked softly.
"She's getting cleaned up from her scan and then she is going to start her shift. She wants everyone to work normally and be as normal around her as possible. None of us want to be in this situation so the least we can do is support her. If their is ever an issue with how she is, please let me know and I'll be there. Chloe, Dom, Jac, Ange will have her medication in her office, my office and there will be some in Jacs so if she hasn't taken it, you know where some is." Fletch explains as Chloe sobs into Fletch's chest.
"Right, guys get back to work." Jac says to the others before turning to Dom and Chloe, "If you two need to take some time off your shift today you are more than welcome." Jac nods.
"Erm, Jac, can I have a minute alone with these two please?" Fletch asks as she respectively nods and heads downstairs.

Jac walked back to Darwin with a frown on her face. Her and Fletch may not be together, but she still loved him. She knew that she had to be there for him when the inevitable happened. As she got to the nurses station, she saw Nicky, Joseph and some nurses talking about the meeting.

"Guys. Can we please respect Chloe, Dom, Ange and Fletch and not be discussing this on the ward. We just need to be there to catch them when they do fall." Jac says and walks over to Joseph, "I'm free for that chat now."
"Okay, let's go to your office." Joseph says as Jac agrees and walks over to her office.

The two sit beside each other on the sofa before Joseph turns to her and sighs.
"Jac, I still love you. I never stopped loving you." Joseph says. Jac turns to him.
"My feelings for you never left..." Jac says as Joseph smashed his lips against hers. Jac sighed against his lips as they broke apart.
"From Fletch and Ange, I have learnt that everything could change with a click of your fingers, Jac, be my girlfriend?" Joseph asks.
"You are so cringy Mr Byrne." Jac says as she pushes her lips against his. Despite how much she cared for Joseph, it wasn't the same. It wasn't the same because it wasn't Fletch.

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