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Jac, Fletch and the children all headed back to Fletch's house after they had finished with the police. Jac gently lowered herself onto the sofa and Theo dashed onto her lap and cuddled into her. Jac smiled softly at the boy and stroked his head. Fletch looked over at Jac and smiled softly as her phone rung. She looked down to see Zosia calling her.

Jac: Zosia? Hey.
Zosia: Hey. Erm so. About Cory.
Jac: Hold on Zosia. Let me just take this somewhere else.
Jac gently moved the boy off of her lap.
"Mummy..." He mutters and rubs his eyes. Jac's eyes immediately dart to Fletch and he nods gently.
"Come on then Theo." She gently lifts the sleepy boy into her arms as she walked to his room.
Jac: Sorry about that Zos... What's up?
Zosia: Not me at the minute. But why the hell are you at the Fletcher's?
Jac: That's none of your business. Why did you call me?
Zosia: Well. I have an superfutation pregnancy.
Jac: Wait? What? Who is the second Dad?
Zosia: Well Cory is Johnny's but... The girl... Its Ollie's, Jac!
Jac: Wow...
Zosia: Not the time Jac!
"Mummy..." Theo mutters.
Jac: Zosia. I got to go. I'll speak to you tomorrow. Bye.
Jac says and ends the call as she picks Theo up and cradles him gently.
"Is it okay to call you that?" Theo asks sleepily.
"If you want to you can. But don't tell the others" Jac smiles softly at him.
"Our little secret." Theo smiles softly.
"That's right kiddo." The women smiles softly as Fletch stands at the doorway quietly.
"Mummy. Do you love Daddy?" Theo asks innocently.
"Yes I do Theo. I love him a lot." Jac smiles at the boy. Theo smiles as he falls asleep in her arms. Jac kisses his head and lays him down. She smiles at the boy and walks out.

"Well hello you." Fletch smiles.
"How much of that did you here?" Jac asks nervously.
"Enough..." He brushes his lips against her ear and whispers.
"Fletch..." She mutters and tilts her head away.
"Naylor?" He asks confused.
"Fletch... I have to go... Zosia needs me..." She says and steps back.
"Jac, is that true or are you trying to run away from this..." Fletch asks.
"I'm not. You'll see tomorrow that Zosia is in need of me... But I have to go now..." Jac says softly as she squeezes his forearms.
"What's it about?" Fletch asks.
"Zosia... Is pregnant... With twins..." Jac says and Fletch smiles.
"Who's the father?" Fletch asks.
"It's an superfutation pregnancy... Ollie... And Johnny... Are the fathers. Erm. One of each. Johnny's one is called Cory, she hasn't decided on Ollie's baby... Fletch. I need to go." Jac says and Fletch holds her shoulders.
"Go. I'll have Emma. Zosia needs you." Fletch says rubbing her shoulders. Jac nods and smiles softly.
"Thank you." Jac gently kisses his cheek.
"Darling, you missed." Fletch chuckles as Jac kisses his lips gently.
"There. Is that better?" Jac chuckles.
"Go and then hurry home." Fletch smiles. Home. Jac's smiled at the word as she agrees and rushes to Zosia's.

She almost pounds the door down when she gets to Zosia's as she sheepishly opens the door.
"You sound like the incredible hulk." Zosia jokes as Jac glides into the house.
"I can't be here for long. Fletch is looking after Emma." Jac says and smiles softly at the thought of him.
"Someone's in lovvvve." Zosia giggles at her.
"Am not. He's just looking after Emma." Jac defends herself.
"Then why was a male voice calling you Mummy?" Zosia teases.
"None of your problem." Jac says firmly, "Now. Why did you call me?"
"Jac... I don't know whether I can do this. One kid is enough. But two? That's more than what I bargained for." Zosia sighs as she opens up to her friend.
"If anyone I know can take care of twins and a brain damaged boyfriend, it is you. And I'd be here to support you all the way. Emma deserves to see her half brother." Jac smiles.
"Promise?" Zosia asks.
"Promise. If she can deal with the Fletcher clan then she can certainly work with her brother." Jac chuckles and smiles at the thought of the Fletcher family.
"They've really torn your walls down, haven't they?" Zosia says and Jacs smiles softly.
"Fletch and I aren't even together. But earlier Theo... Called me Mum..." Jac smiles softly.
"Is that what you want?" Zosia asks.
"I think so. The kids are amazing... I need to be going." Jac says and Fletch calls her.
"Looks like he needs you." Zosia winks as she rolls her eyes and walks out to her car.

Jac: Fletch, you good?
Fletch: Yeah, Theo is awake and wants you.
Jac: Aw. Bless him. I'm on my way home now so give him kisses until I'm back.
Fletch: The Naylor I knew a year ago would not be telling me to give my son kisses from her.
Jac: Well Fletcher, people can change.
Fletch: Apparently so. Naylor hurry home.
Jac: Fletcher. We haven't decided what we are yet so stop referring to yours as home.
Fletch: Okay then, Jac come back to mine, Emma has fallen asleep.
Jac: Fine. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Jac ends the call and she drives away chuckling softly.

As Jac arrives, Fletch opens the door and she walks inside.
"How is she?" Fletch asks and engulfs her into a hug.
"Confused. But that's understandable." Jac smiles.
"Mummy." A voice cries from the top of the stairs and Jac chuckles softly.
"Looks like you are in demand." Fletch says.
"I'll meet you in your room." Jac says as they both head upstairs.

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