Shock Horror

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Jac had managed to round up all of Fletch's children and Emma and they had made their way home. Theo, Ella and Emma had all fallen asleep yet Mikey and Evie stayed awake with Jac. Not only keeping Jac company, but after the recent events off Raf's death, the two eldest were terrified that their father wouldn't come home.
"Jac. Where is he? It is 11PM! He is never this late home!" The teenage girl complains as she tears up slightly.
"Evie calm down. I am sure he has just got caught up." Jac says as she pulls her into cuddle her.
"Jac? What if he has left us? What if he didn't want us? What if we were too much trouble for Dad so he gave up?" Mikey says nervously as Evie begins to cry. Jac looks at the upset children and holds their hands in hers.
"The pair of you look at me. Your father is gonna get home. He is probably looking after Freida, she is grieving and your father knows exactly what she is going through. He will be back soon." Jac says supporting the children and they both nod. Mikey edges his way closer to Jac and cuddles into her side. Within a few minutes the two children had fallen asleep. Jac reached for her phone and dialled Fletch's number.

Knowing Fletch, Jac knew he always answered her calls on the first ring, however this time it took five rings before he answered.
"Fletch? Where the blinking hell are you?" Jac whispered.
"At work. Sorry. I'll leave now." Fletch says and was panting almost as if he had just done a marathon.
"Fletch? Why are you breathing heavily?" Jac asked gradually getting more concerned.
"It's nothing. I am leaving now. See you in a minute Jac. Bye." Fletch says and ends the call.
"Fletch wait. I lo- oh okay... bye..." She sighs and puts her phone down. She gently pulls herself away from Evie and Mikey before picking Mikey up to take him to bed.

She carries the young boy to his room and laid him down gently in his bed. She tucks him in and smiles softly. She loved these kids like they were her own. She went downstairs and intended on doing the same to Evie but as she got down there, she saw the teenager sat up.
"Sorry if I woke you." Jac apologised.
"I never really went to sleep." Evie says smirking.
"So you heard the phone call." Jac said and cringed.
"You luv my Dad." Evie teases and the two laugh.
"Right. You know your Dad is okay, so go to bed." Jac chuckles and Evie nods. As she stands, she turns around and faces Jac.
"Just so you know, Dad loves you too." The teenage girl giggles and runs to her room. Jac chuckles to herself as the door flies open and Fletch walks in. He looks at Jac and sits next to her smiling softly.
"Your daughter exposed you." Jac giggles to herself as Fletch's face dropped.
"What did she say? I can't be bothered with anything tonight." Fletch says emotionless.
"Fletch what happened? And why do you smell of another woman's perfume?" Jac looked up at Fletch heartbroken.
"Jac. It's not what you think." He says defensively.
"So what is it then?! After everything you said to me earlier in my office you go and fuck another women!? Jesus Fletch!" She cries as two pairs of eyes stand at the top of the stairs watching them.
"Jac. I'm sorry okay. I just met her on a night out a while back and I didn't expect her to turn up as the CEO!" Fletch yells.
"So you said that you wouldn't leave me and look what you are doing Fletch! You know how hard it was for me to accept that I like you. Wait. No. That I love you! And then you go and fuck this up. Fuck what we had up." Jac yells at Fletch as he stands in shock.
"Jac... I'm sorry... I didn't know." Fletch apologised as he reaches for Jac's hands.
"It's too late." Jac says as she steps back.
"Mummy?" Emma's quiet voice spoke out from the top of the stairs.
"I'm coming baby. Goodbye Adrian." Jac says upset as she beckons her daughter down the stairs. She runs down and Jac picks her up.
"Jac. Let me give you a lift." Fletch begs and Jac shakes her head and pushes past Fletch and slams the door on her way out.

"Mummy said a rude word" Emma said and broke the silence off the car journey home.
"I know baby. Mummy was just very annoyed." Jac says.
"Is that because Fletch doesn't love you back?" Emma asks innocently.
Jac sighs as she pulls up outside the house. She twists her body and looks at Emma.
"Emma darling. I know how much you love the Fletcher's but you won't see them outside of nursery. Theo's Daddy did something that I disagree with and I don't like him anymore sweetheart. Just enjoy your time with Theo and I'll try and sort what happened tonight out for your sake." Jac says gently as her daughter nods. She picks Emma up and carries her to bed.

"Mummy? Does Fletch not like me? Is that why he upset you?" Emma says as tears fill her eyes.
"Emma Naylor. That is a load of nonsense. Everyone likes you. You have done nothing wrong. You understand?" Jac says annoyed and upset at what had come out of her daughter's mouth.
"Yes Mummy..." The little girl says quietly.
"Go to sleep darling..." Jac whispers and kisses her head before walking out.

Jac sits on the sofa with her phone in her hands looking at Fletch's number. Her head told her to forget him, but her heart said otherwise. She sighed and messaged him

Jac: I can't quite believe I am sat on my sofa messaging you. I just need to know why? ~ J
Fletch: Thank you for messaging me Jac. I didn't intend for it to happen, and I don't like her. Not the way I like you. - F x
J: But if you like me, then why did you do it? ~ J
F: Because I didn't want to admit that I did. I met Abi a couple of months ago and then I didn't know if you liked me back - F x
J: According to Freida it was obvious that we liked each other ~ J
F: Why are you talking about the past, I still like you - F x
J: Because I do but I'm not so sure about you Fletch. After the amount of pain you have put me through. The amount of pain Evie and Mikey went through. I don't know Fletch ~ J
F: What do you mean the amount of pain Evie and Mikey wen through?? - F x
J: They refused to go to sleep until they knew you were safe. Look Fletch, I am going to sleep as Emma will be up soon. Night ~ J x
F: Night Jac - F x

Jac put her phone down and smiled to herself. She was falling for Fletch and she was falling hard.

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