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After sharing the news with most of the hospital, Fletch sat at his desk gently playing with his fingers. He loved Ange, and he was losing her. He felt like he was plaguing anyone who he had dated, he lost Natalie and now it wasn't long before losing Ange. Before Fletch knew anything he was gasping for breath and someone had their arms latched around his fragile body.

"Sh..." A femanine voice whispered as it broke Fletch even more. He didn't want to but he let a load sob escape his lips as he sobbed into the woman's chest, "I wish I could tell you everything was going to be okay... I wish I could take this pain from you... But you should know, the Fletchlings are here..."

"I can't Jac... I can't tell them..." Fletch whispers into Jac's ear.

"Okay... It's okay. I'll tell them..." Jac whispers as she rubs Fletch's back as Evie, Mikey, Ella and Theo walk in. Jac moves away from Fletch as he wipes his face and sits down on his chair.

"Dad? What's going on?" Evie asks.

"Evie... I... Er... I'm sorry..." Fletch says as he shakes his head and fresh tears stream down his face.

"Don't worry Fletch... I'll tell them. It's killing you enough..." Jac rubs Fletch's back again.

"Jac? I've never seen you like this and the last time Dad was this upset was after Mum died... What's going on?" Mikey asks as Jac sits down around the small desk in the corner of the office. She beckons the 4 children over and lifts Theo onto her lap.

"Well... There is no easy way of telling you this... But... Ange is very very poorly... She... She is going to die..." Jac says as Theo sobs and hugs Jac. Evie runs to her father and hugs him tightly and Mikey and Ella consol each other. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Meanwhile on Keller, Ange was fighting the pain that was coursing through her body as she saw Dom and Chloe walk over to her. Neither child said anything but hugged their mother silently. Essie and Sacha turned to see the family holding each other. 

"Come on... Go to your office Ange... The three of you are on your break." Sacha says as he pushes the three into Ange's office. Ange falls into the chair and held her head.

"How many people were in the meeting? When Fletch told you guys." Ange asks.

"Only the people who had to know. Fletch has enforced the fact that practically every office has your medication and everyone knows that they call him if something happens..." Sacha smiles.

"I've never seen him this petrified." Essie says as her phone vibrates. Her face drops and looks at Ange.

"What's wrong?" Ange asks.

"I'm sorry, I have to go..." Essie appologises as Ange walks over to her and stops her.

"Is it Fletch?" Ange asks as Essie nods.

"I need to calm him down..." Essie says as Ange lets out a shakey breath and her legs collapse. Essie and Dom catch her and assist her to her chair and sits her down.

"Essie... I want him..." Ange whispers as she doubles over her bin and starts to cough up blood. Essie nods and walks out and heads down to Darwin.

Essie gently knocks on Fletch's office door and Jac walks over to her, "Thank you for coming down. The kids are in my office coming to terms with everything. I can't calm him down..." Jac sighs as they look at the broken man infront of them.

"Hey Fletch... Ange isn't feeling too good, she's asked for you..." Essie says gently as Fletch nods, "I am gonna tell you this now before we see her, but last thing I knew, she collapsed into me and Dom and she's coughing up blood..." Essie whispers. Fletch's head jolts up as his eyes bulge.

"I need to see her..." Fletch says softly before walking out and heading up to Keller with Jac following him and Essie went to calm the children down.

Fletch quietly opened Ange's door and saw his weak girlfriend clutching to Sacha and coughing up blood. Fletch quietly walked over to her and lifted her into him. He sat down and the woman clung to Fletch, "It's okay..." Fletch quietly whispered as Sacha hugged Dom and Jac held Chloe. Sacha and Jac looked at one another and nodded. Sacha, Dom and Chloe walked out and Jac sat beside Fletch and Ange.

"Fletch... Sacha has decided that it will be best that Ange is admitted as a patient. You know that coughing up blood is one of the last signs to lung cancer, I hate to see this Fletch, and doing this to you is bad enough... She's not going to last the week... I'll talk to you more about things we can do tomorrow. If you need anything, I'm going soon, but Joseph is doing a night shift so if you need me, get him to call me..." Jac says rubbing her ex's arm. 

"I know... I know it's rude to ask, but can you look after my four tonight..." Fletch asks softly. 

"Of course I will. I'll try and take their mind off of this. I'll do a Naylor-Fletcher movie night with the pizza, okay?" Jac says as tears spring to her eyes at the memory.

"I'll pay you back..." Fletch says.

"No. No need. I want to do this. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss your kids Fletch." Jac smiles softly as she walks out. Fletch watches her walk out and sighs. He glances down at Ange and back to where Jac had been stood. Once he had lost Ange, he'd need someone. He'd need Jac.


Welp I kinda abandoned this fanfic. But here is an update. Also I know that some of these facts about cancer may be wrong, but I'm not bothered. If you have any ideas of where I could take this afterwards, suggestions will be very appreciated :)

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