Break Up

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The next day, Jac strode into work to see a quiet ward with Madani and McKendrick bobbing around. She approached Madani and started to talk to him as she spots Fletch approach them.
"I best be going. Work to do, patients to treat." Jac says and glides off.
"What's rattled her cage?" Madani questions as Fletch shrugs.

Jac isolated herself from the ward, which was very peculiar for her, Fletch knocked on her door and she sighed.
"Come in." Jac says and Fletch walks in.
"I need your squiggle." He says and throws the paperwork on her desk.
"Wooow. You could knock someone out by doing that." Jac says.
"Maybe you should knock yourself out off whatever world that doesn't include me you are in." Fletch spits.
"Do not take that tone with me!" Jac yells.
"You are not my mother Jacqueline. Do not treat me like that." Jac slams her hands on the table and stands up.
"You do not get to call me by that! Maybe I should stay in this world that you say I am!" Jac shouts and pushes herself around her desk.
"What happened to you!" Fletch spits as Madani walks in.
"You two need to draw a line with this and sort this crap out at home. Ms Naylor. You have a visitor." Kian says and steps aside.
"Mummy." Emma runs to her and hugs her.
"Heya princess. Oh." She looks up and meets the eyes of Johnny and Stacey, "Why isn't she at the creche?" Jac asks.
"Cause she is coming dress shopping with me." Stacey says.
"Oh. Jac are you with him?" Jonny asks indicating to Fletch.
"No. Where did you get that from? Mr Fletcher back to work. I'll get them signed." Jac says as Fletch walks out, "Right. You went dress shopping last week. Why again?" Jac says confused.
"Jonny you didn't tell her?" Stacey asks.
"Tell me what?" Jac says confused.
"Stacey is pregnant." Jonny says as Emma's face drops.
"Does that mean you are replacing me?" Emma asks.
"Never darling." Jonny says.
"Fetus!" Jac yells and Nicky appears at the doorway, "Take Emma back to the creche please." Jac asks as Emma walks to Nicky.
"Come on you. Before we go, I think I know where the jammy doctors keep the jammy dodgers." Nicky laughs as Emma giggles.

As they head onto the ward Emma sees Fletch shouting at someone.
"Nicky can I see Fletch please?" She asks and Nicky smiles softly as she places the girl onto the floor and she skips over to his office.
"Oh please! She didn't even know Jonny was here before she started snapping my neck off. I am fed up! I lay all my cards out for her and then she packs her bags and leaves! My son calls her Mummy for god sake. I can't give her up! There's no way!" Fletch yells down the phone as Emma knocks on the door. Fletch's eyes meet Emma's teary face and ends the call," Emma." Fletch reaches for her and she screams. Nicky runs to her side as Jac storms out of her office.

"What have you done to my daughter!?" Jac yells and cuddles her crying daughter.
"She was at my door and heard more than she should have. If you'd have been a good mother."
"A good mother!? I requested my F2 to take her back to the creche after her father took her out. Anyway how dare you criticise my parenting when you are the one who cheated on your children's mother!" Jac yelled. The words stung Fletch as he finches back the tears,"Nicky. Take her back to the creche please."
"Yes Ms Naylor." Nicky reaches for the young girl as she moves from her mothers hip to hers.
"Oh and Fletch. I will never love you again." Emma mutters through her tears as Nicky carries her away.
"What did she hear!?" Jac yells.
"I don't know. Clearly she heard too much. I didn't see her before it was too late." Fletch says.
"I should have never let this get too far between us." Jac shakes her head in shame.
"And why's that?" Fletch asks.
"Cause my daughter is heartbroken." Jac spits.
"And mine won't be?" Fletch asks confused.
"Your children have got used to heart break. Mine hasn't." Jac spits.
"You know what fine. I'm done. I don't want this anymore. You have ruined what we have and there is no coming back from this." Fletch spits.
"You never were meant to be my happily ever after. You already met yours but you killed her." Jac spat as a reply.
"You have no right to blame Natalie's death on me!" Fletch retaliates.
"And? Watch me do it any way." Jac spits.
"No wonder you never could maintain a relationship, you just would shut everyone who ever loved and cared for you out." Fletch spat. Jacs world fell around her. Her walls began to rebuild and then nothing could break them.
"I don't care Fletcher, there is no more us. There wasn't any way." Jac spoke in a frozen tone. She didn't need Fletch. She and Emma would be fine without him.

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