Heart Break

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Fletch climbs out of his car and bumps into Ange, Chloe and Dom.
"How are you all doing?" Fletch smiles and walks beside Ange.
"Good. You?" Ange smiles.
"Theo was up last night still not feeling great but Steven is looking after him." Fletch Sighs.
"Awww send him our love. Dom we need to be going Naylor will be waiting for us." Chloe smiles at her brother.
"See you later Ange, you too Fletch." Dom says as him and Chloe dash off.
Fletch smiles softly at her, "What you doing tonight?"
"Box set and a microwave meal for one." Ange chuckles.
"Well come to Albies with me?" Fletch asks.
"Fletch... Is this a date?" Ange asks.
"Can be." He smiles softly.
"I'd like that" Ange smiles and the two head up to Keller.

As Fletch and Ange reached the lift, Jac ran in with them.
"Well look who it is. How's Theo?" Jac asks.
"Getting there. He's still not 100 percent better." Fletch says as the lift reaches Darwin and Jac steps out. Fletch stays in the lift.
"Er... Fletch?" Jac asks confused.
"Sorry. Another nurse will be up to cover me." Fletch says as the lift doors close and continue their journey to Keller. Jacs world collapsed around her. She didn't want to admit it but the feelings for him had never left and now she has ruined her only chance of being happy with him. She'd lost him.

Fletch and Ange continued their journey to Keller. Suddenly the lift juttered and came to a stop. The lift lights flicked off and the realisation kicked in. Fletch was in the lift that his best friend was killed in. His breath quickened and he turned to the lift walls and pushed his weight against them.
"Fletch..." Ange whispers as she places her hand on his back.
"He died in here" Fletch mutters weakly as Ange turns him around and he slides down the wall. Ange meets him on the floor and he breaks down in her arms.
"I'm here... I'm here..." Ange whispers as Fletch calms his panic attack down.

Fletch falls out of Anges arms and leans against the wall. Ange shuffles next to him and rests her head on his shoulder. Fletch smiles softly and holds her hand.
"Thank you..." Fletch smiles and looks at Ange. Ange looks at Fletch and chuckles gently. Fletch smiles at her and cups her face with his hand. Ange wraps her arms around his neck and brings her lips against his. Fletch breaks the kiss and looks at his hands.
"It'd be nice to get used to that..." Ange whispers.
"Would it know?" Fletch says raising an eyebrow.
"Fletch. I don't want to be the back up. I need to be sure you want me as much as I want you..." Ange says uneasily.
"Ange. I've made it clear to Jac that I don't want her. I want you..." Fletch smiles softly.
"I want you so badly... All of you..." The woman mutters as her hands trace his body.
"Well I imagine we will be in here for a while..." Fletch smirks softly. Ange gently climbs on top of Fletch and tugs at his shirt. Within minutes Fletch had taken Anges clothes off and Ange had taken his clothes off and Ange was laying on the cold, metal floor with Fletch on top of her. Things got heated pretty quickly between the two as a source of warmth and what they both needed.

Eventually, Fletch rolled over and closed his eyes.
"If he was here, he'd be shaking his head." Fletch chuckles softly.
"I know he would be Fletch... Fletch... Me and him... We went too school together... In Scotland. He was my first love..." Ange sighed as they both started to get changed.
"It's a small world..." Fletch chuckles.
"It all adds up now. When he came down here, I got raped, I'd lost the only person who protected me. We stayed in contact. Then he started working here. He said that there was a guy here, who had a patient who was a pain in the ass and he got pulled in. It was only then that Raf realised that the patient wasn't the only one who needed treating..." Ange said.
"The women the patient bought in... She needed treating... I know... I was there... She was my wife..." Fletch whispers.
"So for all those years... He was talking about you? But you didn't show up to the wedding?" Ange said.
"Raf and Essies? I wasn't invited..." Fletch says shocked.
"It was a very... On the spot thing. They both wanted you there but Essies family wanted it to happen there and then." Ange says as Fletch nods. The flights flickered back on as the lift continued moving up. As the doors open, they were greeted by an emotional Essie.
"Fletch." The woman said through tears and hugged him.
"I've got you..." Fletch whispers as he looks at Ange.
"Essie... So we both know now, what's wrong?" Ange asks.
"Raf... He's..." Essie stuttered through her tears.
"My brother." A Scottish voice spoke. Fletchs arms collapsed below Essie as Ange takes her off him.
"Who are you!" Fletch yells.
"Fletch calm down. I can explain." he begins, "Raf is my twin brother."
"Bull shit!" Fletch yells as he pushes Richard into the wall and storms downstairs.
"I knew he wouldn't take that well. Ange. It's great to see you..." He smiles as he puts his hand on Essies back.
"I should check up on Fletch." Ange says and walks downstairs.

"Do you reckon something is going on with Mum and Fletch?" Chloe asks.
"Could be. I mean Fletch has gone to Keller so..." Dom says as Fletch runs past them and to his office. Dom stood up.
"I've got him" Jac says as she glides past the desk.

Fletch stood at his desk and crumbled. He fell to the floor in tears as Jac walks in. She runs to his side and pulls him into her chest.
"Rafs brother is here..." Fletch says through his sobs as he tries to pull himself out of Jacs arms.
"Just let me hold you whilst you are in this mess. You did it for me, so let me hold you..." Jac whispered into his ears as he nods.

"Wonder what's gone on" Dom says as Ange rushes onto the ward.
"Where is he?" Ange says.
"Mum what's going on?" Chloe Asks, Anges eyes meet Doms as she gasps.
"I just need to find Fletch." Ange says urgently.
"He is in his office." Dom says as she runs in.

"Fletch..." Ange whispers as he stands up and hugs her. Ange looks at Jac confused as Fletch gently kisses her. Jacs mouth dropped open as she stormed out.
"I'm so confused..." Fletch whispers.
"I'm gonna throw something else into the confusion now... Fletch, Raf is Dom's father." Ange mutters as Fletch looks at her in shock. His world could not be collapsing even more even if he tried.

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