Heart Ache

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Jac sat in her office similar to the way that she did for the past week. The only time she had left her office was for her electives and any operations that she needed to observe Nicky for. Whilst she was on the ward, she noticed the different environment. It used to be a lively and energetic place due to his obnoxiously hyper attitude. Over time that began to disappear, he wasn't on the ward. Had he been transferred? He can't have. The DON was based on Darwin. Maybe he was just taking a break. Jac smiled and sat at the nurses station as a new young lady approached her.
"Ms Naylor? Mr Fletcher said I'd find you here. I'm Chloe Goddard, your new doctor. My mother is Ange Goddard. I was introduced to the hospital through the Holly Cartwright business." Chloe smiles.
"Ah yes. I've been expecting you. Right here are three patients, diagnose them all and come back with your results. Any problems give me a shout." Jac says and smiles softly.

"Ms Naylor!" Madani yelled from the ward.
"What do you wa- oh good god" Jac muttered as she saw the patient being wheeled onto the ward.
"If you can't do this, I'll deal with him." Madani offered.
"No. No. It'll be fine. Fetus. With me!" Jac yelled as Nicky followed and they approached the patient.
"She still calls you that?" The father asks.
"It doesn't bother me" Nicky smiles softly.
"Right, Ms Naylor this is Theo Fl-" Cameron began.
"I know, skip the small talk. What's wrong?" Jac asks.
"Complaining from heart pains." Cameron explains.
"Thank you. Myself and Nicky will be fine." Jac says dismissing Cameron.
"Right can I have a listen to your heart please?" Nicky asks. She approaches him and he starts to wiggle.
"No. No. Mummy do it." Theo shouts as Jac glares at Fletch.
"We can't let that happen. I'm sorry." Nicky says trying again and the same outcome occurring.
"No. Mummy." Theo says and looks at Jac.
"Come on then Theo." Jac says and reaches for her stethoscope and listens to his heartbeat, "Hmm... Right let's book you in for a chest scan, an ECG and a Toe please." Nicky nods respectfully and walks out.

Jac began to walk away as Fletch runs after her and grabs her arm, "What's wrong with him?" Fletch asks.
"Never you mind. Why haven't you told them!?" Jac orders.
"There hasn't been a right time." Fletch says.
"If he keeps this up I'll be pulled off his case. I don't feel comfortable with him calling me that." Jac says as she starts to calm down.
"In that case maybe you shouldn't have left my family behind." Fletch spits as Ange walks over and pulls Fletch away from Jac.
"Fletch. Drop it." Ange says as Fletch starts heading back to his son. Jac's heart sinks. She'd been replaced. She sighed and headed back to her office to think about what she had just saw.

Fletch watches Jac head back to her office as he turns back to Ange," You don't think she has gotten suspicious about us, do you?" He asks concerned.
"If she knows, so what. She ended it with you. She doesn't want you. You deserve better than her Fletch." Ange smiles warmly at him.
"Yeah, I guess so. It's just hard cause Theo took such a liking to her." Fletch sighs.
"Do you want me to help you tell him?" Ange offers.
"Yes please." Fletch smiles at her.
"Daddy," The two hear Theo call as they head over to him, "It hurts Daddy. I want Mummy..." He cries.
"Theo Jac isn't your Mummy. She won't be around anymore. But I'll get Jac for you." Fletch says as he dashes over to her office.

"Jac, Theo is in pain" Fletch says as he swings the door open to find Jac. She silently stands and walks to her patient.
"It's okay Theo. It's okay." Jac soothes the boy as she listens to his heart, "Miss McKendrick, lets prep him for theatre." Jac says.

Fletch's world almost comes to a halt as he saw his youngest son get sped to theatre.
"Fletch..." A female voice spoke from behind him, "Come on..." She slowly led Fletch to his office as he sat down and she held his hand gently.
"Ange..." He mutters.
"Hey. It's okay." She calms him down as she sits next to him. Fletch holds her hand gently as he glances to the floor, "Fletch. Look at me." She glides his face to hers, "He is in the hands off the greatest cardiothorasics surgeon. He'll be fine." Ange smiles softly as Fletch pulls her into a hug.
"Thank you." He says as they sit together smiling.

About an hour later, Nicky knocks on the office door, "He is out and is okay. He had a blood clot in his left ventricle. He did crash on the table however Jac didn't give up. I don't know whether because it was your son she didn't stop or whatever but she knew what she had to do." Nicky says and walks out.
"I believe your son is waiting for you." Ange smiles softly as she rubs his shoulders. Fletch gently turns to her and smiles as they walk out together.

As they walk over they see Jac still talking to him. Jacs head bolts up and meets Fletchs eyes. She sheepishly looks away and stands up,"I'll leave you guys too it." She walks out and hears footsteps behind her. She glides to her office and Fletch follows.
"Thank you... Nicky said you didn't give up on him." Fletch says politely.
"I was doing my job." Jac says bluntly.
"You don't need to take that tone with me." Fletch spits.
"What was the purpose of you coming in here?" Jac spits.
"To thank you. But apparently you don't want that." Fletch replies.
"I'll tell you what. I don't want you to talk to me. I don't want you in my life anymore." Jac spits as Fletch walks out. Jac sighed and sat down, she didn't realise what damaged she had just caused.

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