CEO And Surprises

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It was the next morning and Jac and Fletch were sat in Jac's office, leant up against the wall.
"Look, Jac, I am sorry about what happened last night." Fletch apologised for the hundredth time.
"Fletch. You have apologised hundreds of times, however, I will still say the same thing, you lied to me. Why?" Jac asks confused.
"Because, I never thought that we would ever get together. It was when I was in bed with Abi last night that I realised how much of a mistake I had made and that I needed to get back to you." Fletch said nervously and twiddled his thumbs.
"So it was a big mistake?" Jac asked nervously.
"Definitely, one hundred percent." Fletch says. Jac slowly turns to face him and Fletch places his hand on her knee.
"Fletch..." The surgeon whispers as Fletch brings his face closer to hers, placing his forehead against hers.
"Jac... I l-" Fletch says as the door flies open and the CEO walks in.
"Fletcher?" She says and Jac flies away from Fletch.
"Erm. Jac this is Abi, Abi this is Jac." Fletch introduces the two women awkwardly.
"I am just going to pretend that didn't happen. Erm Fletch, do you want to come to mine tonight?" Abi asks. Fletch looks at Jac and sighs.
"Look Abi, I have to look after my kids tonight. Last night upset my eldest two and my kids always come first before my happiness. I need to look after them." Fletch says and Jac smiles.
"They are kids. They can look after themselves." Abi says and Jac darts around, glaring at her.
"A 15 year old, and a 12 year old stayed up late last night with me worried sick that their father was not going to come home. Exactly how their Uncle didn't. Those kids are vulnerable. They are terrified. They are grieving." Jac spits.
"What about that couple on the Young Adults Unit, petrified of loosing their child?" Abi retaliates, "They are grieving yet I don't see them cuddling someone who isn't related to them."
"Well maybe you should do something about it. Those bloody supporters out there have assaulted staff members. Get rid of them and then I may want to get to know you!" Jac shouts glaring at her.
"Oh shut up Naylor." The CEO spits as Fletch turns to Abi.
"GET OUT!" Fletch yells. Jac instantly looks at Fletch confused for his sudden out burst.
"Miss Tate please remove yourself from my office." Jac says agitated by the woman as she glides out. Jac leads Fletch to the sofa and they sit down together. Jac gently rested her head onto his shoulder as the two sat there in a comfortable silence listening to each others soft breathing. 

After 10 minutes of calming down, Jac gently turns and looks at Fletch. "Fletch? What was that outburst about when she was in here?" 
"I am so done with her and how she thinks its acceptable to talk to people like that." Fletch sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.
Jac smiles gently at him and they lock eye contact, "Jac..." Fletch whispers and tucks a stray bit off the women's hair behind her ear. 
"Fletch..." She whispers as the Nurse gently lifts his fingers to her chin and he guides their lips together. Jac gently wraps her arms around his neck and kisses back. Fletch lowers his hands to her waist and he rubs her waist gently. Jac slowly pulled away and nestled her head into the crook of Fletch's neck.
Fletch gently kissed Jac's head and rubbed her back gently. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Jac rolled her eyes. Fletch moved his arm away from Jac so she could jump out of his arms, however the woman stayed cosied up to Fletch, "Come in." Nicky walks in quickly and looks at Jac and Fletch stunned.
"I... Er... Ms Naylor. You have someone wanting to talk to you." Nicky says as professionally as she can under the circumstances.
"Okay. I'll be about in a second Nicky. And. You do not mention what you have seen in here. To anyone. Understand?" Jac says sturnly.
"As clear as day Ms Naylor." Nicky says and walks out. Jac groans and stands up and Fletch does too. She gently stands on her toes and kisses Fletch quickly before wiping off any lipstick from his face.
"I'll see you later Naylor." Fletch says as he heads back to his office and Jac walks onto the ward.

"Ah here Ms Naylor is." Nicky says to the new doctor with their back to Jac.
"Thank you for getting me Nicky. If you'd like to follow me to my office." Jac says as she walks away and the Doctor follows her.

As Jac opens the door, Fletch smiles at her in her desk chair, "Fletcher. You are supposed to be at work." Jac says and smiles at him.
"Well, I was. Until I decided that you and Emma will be coming to mine tonight." Fletch says with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"Fletch, I have to look after Sacha. I can't leave him alone to support himself." Jac says.
"Don't worry. Essie has agreed to go to yours and stay with him. There is no reason for you not to come." Fletch says.
"You are an idiot. Now get out my office, otherwise, I'll say no to coming tonight." Jac says as Fletch stands and kisses Jac's cheek before bounding out like a labrador, "So, now he has removed himself, how can I help you?" 
"Never seen you this happy Naylor." The Doctor says.
"I'm sorry, but do I know you." Jac says confused.
"Oh yes, I am sorry, Doctor March." She says and turns looking Jac dead in the eye.
"Zosia?" Jac says stunned.
"Nice to see you Jac. You look a lot better after Fredrik." Zosia says with a grin on her face.
"I... Wow... Er... Come here." Jac says and she hugs her and holds her hands, "How are you? How's Ollie?"
"I am doing good. Ollie, will never be back to his old self, however, he is getting better. He is remembering more and more which is good." Zosia says with a smile.
"So what brought you back here?" Jac asks.
"Running from my problems. Jac what have I done?" Zosia says as she hides her face in her hands.
"Zosia? Talk to me." Jac says confused.
"Emma's gonna have a half sister!" Zosia blurts out.
"What?!" Jac says confused and annoyed.
"I am so sorry Jac." Zosia says and tears run down her cheeks.
"I am not mad at you. I am pissed at Jonny. He sods off to America and leaves his daughter without a goodbye. Knocks up my best friend and doesn't bloody tell anyone. He has some audacity, the twat. How far are you?" Jac says.
"5 months..." Zosia says as Jac's eyes grow.
"That's mad. What gender is it? Have you got a name? Spill!" Jac chuckles.
"Fine. It's a little boy and I like the name Cory." Zosia blushes.
"Cory March. That's adorable." Jac smiles as Fletch walks in distressed.
"Jac. It's the school. We need to go." Fletch says and darts out the office and Jac chases after him.

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