Pizza Date

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After a long and dangerous operation on Roman, Jac and Fletch were both out of theatre and were sat in Jac's office with a pizza.
"So. Let me get this right. When you broke up with Johnny, you called him a piece of rubbish so stick yourself in a bin?" Fletch asks Jac as they both laugh together.
"Yes I did. I was pregnant and the hormones were everywhere Fletch." Jac defends herself chuckling.
"That's amazing." He chuckles as Jac hits him playfully.
"Stop it!" She whines as he slowly calms down, "So tell me something about yourself then as I've exposed myself."
"Okay. Erm... Well... Nat and I almost didn't call Evie, Evie." Fletch began.
"What where you gonna call her?" Jac asks.
"Guinevere-Sophia" Fletch says as Jac starts to laugh.
"I'm sorry what!?" She wheezes.
"Natalie liked it and at the time I did." Fletch chuckles.
"I can just imagine you going 'Guinevere-Sophia Fletcher get your ass back over here'" Jac says and snorts. This sends Jac and Fletch over the edge and they both fall into heavy and uncontrollable laughter.
"That was amazing!" Fletch says and gasps, smirking.
"Oh no... What are you thinking Fletcher?" Jac says raising an eyebrow.
"I'm Peppa Pig." Fletch begins and looks at Jac.
"Nope not happening. Never in a million years Fletch." Jac spits and Fletch snorts.
"This is my little brother George..." Fletch continues and snorts once again, "This is Mummy Pig." He snorts once again, "And this is Daddy Pig" Fletch finishes and Jac sighs as she brews a long snort and does it. Fletch looks at her and starts to cry from laughing so hard. Jac joins in from the laughter and leans into Fletch's side. Fletch pulls her into his side and places his chin onto her head. Suddenly, the door flies open and Jac jumps away. Freida stood in the doorway smirking.
"Well well well, erm, you are needed on the ward." Freida smirks at the two.
"We'll be out in a second." Fletch says and Freida backs out of the room. Jac stands and Fletch walks towards the door and turns to face her, "This has been fun." Fletch says and chuckles at Jac.
"What?" Jac asks confused.
"Erm you have some pizza..." Fletch stutters and Jac tries to lick it off. Fletch walks over to her and gently wipes it off with his thumb and unintentionally cups her cheek in doing so. Jac looks up at Fletch in the eye and smiles softly. Fletch remained his hand on her cheek and broke the eye contact to glance at her lips before returning to her eyes. He pulled her closer to him as the door flew open. Jac flew back away from Fletch.
"Roman's crashing!" Nicky tells as Jac and Fletch ran out of the office.

Jac ran over to him whilst Fletch got Freida out of the room. Nicky went to Jac for support.
"Charging 50. Shocking." Nicky yelled as the women looked up at his stats.
"Nothing. Again." Jac ordered.
"Charging 100. Shocking." Nicky shouted and Jac glanced at the stats again.
"Nothing. Don't do this Roman. Please. Again." Jac ordered.
"Charging 150. Shocking." Jac stepped back and looked at the stats she sighed and put her head in her hands.
"Time of death. 20:07." Jac sighed.
"What!? Jac! No! Again!" Freida yelled as Jac took the machines away from Roman.
"Freida. I'm sorry." Jac says as Freida pushes Fletch away and lunges at Jac. Fletch instantly ran in front of Jac and grabbed Freida's arms.
"Freida! Stop! This isn't Jac's fault! If we knew about his condition we could have saved him but we didn't!" Fletch yells as he protects Jac.
Freida rolls her eyes and storms off as tears fall down her cheeks. Nicky tries to run after her but Jac frowns at her.
"We need you on the ward. Give her space." Jac says and she runs her hands through her hair.
"You need a break." Fletch advises and Jac shakes her head.
"I am fine." She spits.
"Ms Naylor, I'll get back to the ward." Nicky says and walks out.
"Jac. Please just take 5." Fletch begs and Jac shakes her head.
"No." She spits firmly yet with a broken tone in her voice. She storms out and to her office. Fletch instinctively follows her into her office.

Jac stands in front of her desk on the verge of tears.
"Jac?" Fletch asks nervously and approaches her.
"No. Stay away!" She says through her tears that were now streaming down her pale skin.
"Jac. Calm down." Fletch says and grabs hold of Jac's under arms tightly.
"I can't!" She sobs and Fletch pulls her into his grasp. Her grip on Fletch's back tightens as she sobs into his chest. He picks her up and gently places her on the sofa and pulls her onto his lap. She continues to sob in hysterics as Fletch rubs her back.
"I'm here now... I'm not leaving..." Fletch whispers softly into her hair.
"Why? Everyone else does." She sobs.
"Because I'm not everyone else. I'm me and I am not going to leave you." Fletch says supportively.
"Fletch, promise?" She whispers and he nods.
"I promise Naylor. There's something about you Jac. I can't leave you alone, even if I wanted too." Fletch says gently and Jac smiles up at him. Fletch gently runs his thumb across her cheek wiping off the remaining tears that hadn't quite fallen down her face.
"Fletch... Do you really mean that?" She nervously asks.
"Of course I do. I can't not mean it." Fletch says. He slowly glances down at her lips and back up at her eyes. Jac slowly and slightly tilted her head to the left and leaned into Fletch's lips. The two were centimetres apart as a loud knock on the door filled the room and the door flung open. Jac darted back off Fletch's lap as he rolled his eyes, "Yes, Doctor Chowdury?" Fletch says to the F1 stood in the doorway.
"The new CEO would like to see you Mister Fletcher." She spits out nervously. Fletch groans and stands.
"Fletch, you go. If you want me too, I can pick your mob up and take them back to yours." Jac offers.
"If you did that, you'd be a star." Fletch says with a smile.
"See you later." Jac smiles and Fletch walks out. Little did Jac now, by letting him go, she may never get him back.

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