The Vinyls

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It was a week later. Emma's birthday had passed and Jac was back at work.
"What brings you all the way to Holby?" Jac asked one of the patients mothers who was one of the doctors at St James'.
"Connie is itching to be transferred home. So I thought I'd check the facilities. Make sure it is adequately prepared." She says.
"So soon after her going to St James'? This is one of the hospital's that has the best cardiothorasic centre's in the country. Just saying" Naylor replied shrugging.
"I don't doubt it. But the personal check didn't do any harm."
"Well I will book that scan for Surgeon Hobbs and I'll conside the patch. But let me be clear about one thing. I am leading this operation. My ward, my rules." Jac says as the women nods and walks away as Fletch approaches the station.
"Nice for you to be back." Fletch says.
"It is good to be back." Jac said.
"What did you do with her?"
"Nothing much. For once me and Jonny met up and we spent the day with Emma. And we didn't argue. Somehow."
"Hm. That women. A bit stethoscope to dawn isn't it."
"I can handle it" Jac says nodding.
"Are you sure."
"You have nothing to worry about Fletcher."
"You better not drop down dead."
"Fletcher. It'll be okay." Jac says nodding as she walked away, to her office.

She entered and shut the door behind her. As she approached her desk she felt a sharp pain from her scar as her hand instinctly went to grab it. She continued to make her way to her desk as she sat down wincing. She knew the pain wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be so painful every now and then. Was it? Jac thought to herself as Freida walked in.
"Jac. You are in pain." Freida says.
"Please. Don't remind me." Jac says.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Freida. Get me pain relief. But do not tell Fletch. This is our secret."
"Okay." Freida says reluctantly as she walks out to the equipment room.

As she walks into the room, Fletch was also there.
"Freida. What are you doing in here?" Fletch asks.
"Just looking for some pain relief for the ward. We haven't got any left." Freida says.
"I stocked up on that earlier today. What's going on?"
"Nothing Fletch"
"Stop lying to me."
"I am not!"
"Is this concerning Jac?"
"The way you act with her, you might as well be dating." Freida spits as she marches out of the room and to Jac's office.

"What was the hold up?" Jac said as she struggled to sit on the sofa as Freida walked in shutting the door behind her.
"Fletch. He was in there and was hassling me to tell him what's going on..." Frieda states.
"And did you!? Please say you didn't!" I beg.
"What is it with you two? Dancing around each other. It isn't good for the pair of you!" Freida whines.
"I have other things to focus on Freida, Fletch isn't a priority." Jac says firmly and glares at the senior registrar.
"Jac. Sort it out woman!" Freida yells and walks out of the room. There was a knock at her door and she answered it.
"Ah. Come in." She says and does what she needs to.

Fletch stood at the Nurses station and watched the visitor walk into Jac's office, "Who is that and what does he want?" He whines and Freida strides over.
"Confused about your Naylor girl, huh?" Freida teases.
"She isn't mine and will never be mine..." Fletch sighs.
"It's alright mate." Freida hugs him gently and pats his back.
"Thanks." Fletch smiles softly as the bloke walks out of Jac's office. Fletch walks to her office and looks around at all of Raf's vinyls.

"I can't believe it's not quite a full collection." Fletch says sadly.
"Hey. Don't be like that. Would Raf want you to be disappointed?" Jac asks.
"No. I guess not." Fletch smiles.
"Anyway, it's just a collection, right?" Jac says and Fletch chuckles.
"Yeah. There are more important things than vinyls. I just wanted to do Raf proud." Fletch says looking at the floor slightly.
"More important things? Like what? Do you have a significant other?" Jac says teasing him.
"Not quite..." Fletch says.
"Ellaborate." Jac says raising an eyebrow.
"Well, you see, that there is a wonderful woman who has been flirting with me and I've been flirting with her for about a year now. And according to a colleague it's unhealthy. However, I would happily date her but I don't know how she feels..." Fletch says allowing his true feelings for Jac flow.
"Who is this person?" Jac asks teasing him as he sits on her desk.
"Yes?" Jac asks making them both chuckle.
"Come here." Fletch says.
"Nope. You come to me." Jac says and he does so.
"Yes boss." Fletch says saluting as they both giggle again.
"Fletch?" Jac says as Fletch stands in front of him.
"I-" Jac was cut off by the opening of her door.
"Jac! We need help! NOW!" Freida bursts in stressed. Jac looks at Fletch and he sighs.
"Okay. What have we got?" Jac says as Freida leads them out onto the ward to treat Roman.

In theatre, Jac and Fletch work together to do their best to save Roman, Freida's exs life. Freida storms in scrubbed up.
"Freida you can't be here." Jac says firmly.
"Jac. Please." She begs.
"No. Go and take a break or something but you can't be here." Jac shouts as she focuses back onto the operation.
"Jac. You are stressed. Once we've finished here, how about we go to your office and order pizza?" Fletch offers.
"Are you asking me on a date, Mr Fletcher?" Jac says smirking into her mask.
"I... Er... Yes... But...It doesn't have to be..." Fletch stutters as Jac chuckles.
"I'd love to Fletch." Jac says smiling softly into her mask. Bad things happen for a reason and this may be Jac and Fletch's 'bad thing'.

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