Chapter 1

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I pushed the shopping cart through the grocery store and walked towards check out. All the lines were really long, so it didn't really matter which one I went to. I finally chose line three. I came in behind a tall man, with silver and black hair. After a few minutes, he turned around and chuckled. He looked really familiar.

"Wow, this'll be the last time I come to the grocery store in the afternoon on a Saturday," he kept chuckling.

"No kidding. I wasn't expecting it to be so busy." I replied, smiling. He's really attractive, actually. His lips are really kissable... And familiar.

"Well, I guess there's a bright side to every situation though."

"And in this situation, what would that be?" I glanced down at what he had in his basket, "Getting a pack of coke zero?"

He laughed and said, "That's one thing. But I was gonna say that getting to meet you was the highlight."

I smiled really wide. I could feel myself blushing.

"Oh really? Well, I guess meeting you has been pretty cool, too." I tried to hide my excitement.

He grinned and his eyes locked onto mine, panned down to my feet, and then back to my eyes.

"What's your name, anyways," I said quickly, still blushing. His eyes are really sparkly.

"I'm Josh. What's yours?"

"Oh! I recognize you, now," his eyebrows raised when I said this. I dropped my voice to a whisper, "You're Josh Ramsay. But hey, don't worry, I'm not some crazy fangirl. I do like your music though," he grinned and nodded as a thank you, "And I'm Ariana."

"What a pretty name," he inched a little closer to me, eyes twinkling. He's really, really attractive. Damn.

"Next!" an impatient voice said. Josh's head whipped around as he let out an apologetic smile to the cashier and took a step to set his cokes on the counter. He pulled out his wallet as he looked back over at me.

"Hey, Ariana. What do you think about going out to dinner with me?" he nervously blurted out.

My eyebrows rose and I smiled, "You know, that actually sounds really great."

His nervousness faded out of his eyes and he smugly said "How about tonight? I'll make reservations at Joe Fortes'?" He handed a few dollars over to the cashier.

I was still smiling when I nodded my head and said, "Sounds perfect. I'll need your number though, Josh." I held my phone out to suggest entering each other's numbers in our phones. He pulled his phone out and set it in my free hand. I handed my phone over to him and our hands slightly brushed against each other. Is it dorky to say I sort of felt sparks?

We both finished entering our numbers in each other's phones and we were both still smiling. By this time, we'd both already checked out and were standing to the side of the counter. With casual banter, he walked me outside and helped lift bags into my car. Turns out we had parked next to each other.

He gave me a big hug before he left and I snuck a kiss on his cheek. We both climbed in our cars and parted ways. I smiled the whole drive home to my apartment.

By the time I got home, it was already three-thirty in the afternoon, and Josh had texted me saying he would meet me at Joe's at around five-thirty. Didn't give a girl too much time to get ready. I practically sprang into action and took the fastest shower I've ever taken. I continued to blow-dry and straighten my hair to perfection and proceeded to do simple but flirty makeup. By then, it was four-thirty already. I skipped to my bedroom and over to my closet and picked a light pink lace, a-line dress to wear with white sandals. I was on my way to Joe's before I knew it.

I got there with minutes to spare but to my surprise, Josh was already waiting outside in a black button down shirt, black skinny jeans, and a turquoise tie. Damn. I walked over to him, smiling. I caught his eye and his entire face lit up. I couldn't help but giggle.

Josh eyed me up and down before saying, "You look absolutely gorgeous," and swooping his hand down to cradle mine gently. He seemed to be waiting for some sign of my approval of him doing so, so I gave him a sweet smile. He seemed relieved and shot me an overjoyed grin as we were directed to our table.

When we got to our table, he made sure to pull my chair out so I could sit down before he sat down in his own. For a moment he just gave me a goofy smile and said nothing and I just couldn't stop myself from giggling. He snapped out of that and swiftly picked up a casual conversation by asking easy questions about me: my age, my last name, my middle name, my job, how long I'd lived in Van City, etcetera, etcetera. He would give his answer to each question after I said mine. It helped for us to get to know each other better. He eventually asked what my favorite food was, and I said I loved lobster. He then continued to order two orders of lobster tail and refused to let me help pay. He's really stubborn—it's cute.

After the fantastic dinner, we walked together sharing playful, flirty banter. Eventually we walked by a flower shop and he made me wait outside while he went in, against my will. He came back out with a assortment of flowers in his hand.

"Ta-da! For you, madam!" He gave a goofy bow and handed them over to me.

I dramatically gasped and took a sniff of their lovely scent, "Oh, you shouldn't have!"

We both started cracking up laughing and kept walking, now hand-in-hand. It just felt very natural, really.

Out of nowhere and he stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"Ariana, where's that candy shop you work at?"

"Josh, if you're planning on going to buy me more gifts..." I started.

"I meant that I need to know where it is so I can drop by whenever I want to see you! I think I'm going to miss you after this little date of ours," He gave me a dorky wink and linked arms with me.

"Fine, I'll show you. It's just a few blocks down, you dork," I giggled.

"Hey! Don't make fun of the guy who bought you flowers!" he nudged me with his hip.

We arrived in front of my work and he grabbed my hand again, "I hope you don't mind but I think my little visits might become a regular thing. This place seems great!"

"I don't think I'll mind that!" I laughed. I could feel myself blushing, I think I already really like this guy. I turned to look at him to find that he was already gazing at me. Before I knew it, he swooped in for a kiss. I know this sounds really junior high, but there were definitely sparks. I didn't want him to ever stop. Unfortunately, he had to breathe at some point so he pulled away with a big smile on his face.

"I've been waiting to do that all night." I could even hear the smile in his voice.

I nodded, "Me too." I couldn't stop smiling. I bet I looked like an idiot, but I didn't even care.

***Josh's POV***

How can I already like this girl so much? I mean, we've only known each other for a day. Yet when I look at her, it seems like I've known her forever.

Okay, I'm sounding like a Hallmark card now.

I think I'll visit her tomorrow at work. Maybe I'll ask her to join me and the guys at the bar.

***Ariana's POV***

After washing my face, I skipped my way into my bedroom and plopped down onto the bed.

Josh is a really great guy.

How did I manage to get a guy like him to even notice me?

Whatever, I'm not gonna question it now. I'm just excited about this whole situation.

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