Chapter 5

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The first thing I heard when I woke up was hushed crying. Matt. I slid out from Josh’s grasp, careful not to wake him and walked out of my room to find Matt curled in a ball on the couch, crying his eyes out.

“Matt,” I stepped over to the couch and sat down next to him, “It’s gonna be alright,” I put my arm around him, “You’re such a great guy, you deserve the best.”

“Then why did she cheat on me?” he sniffled, looking up at me.

“Because she’s a loser, that’s why. Matt, obviously she wasn’t the one if she did that. You’re gonna find someone ten times better than her that makes you feel ten times better than she ever did,” I pulled him closer to me.

“We didn’t even last a month, why am I crying?” he asked while suppressing more tears, obviously angry at himself for being emotional.

“You really liked her. It makes sense that you’re crying. But hey,” I said, looking down at him, “You’re gonna be alright,” I rubbed his shoulder, “Now,” I slowly got up from the couch, “Would you like anything to eat, drink? I could make you breakfast if you like,” I waited for a response while Matt thought for a moment.

“Can I just have a bowl of cereal or something?” his eyes were teary as he looked up at me from where he was propped on the couch.

“Sure, Matt,” I shot him a smile and went through the door to the kitchen. I grabbed a box of honey bunches of oats and poured a big bowl, complete with milk and slices of banana on top. I brought it out with me into the living room instead of making Matt come to the table, “Here you go.”

He reached his hands up to softly take it from me before proceeding to stuff his tear covered face. While I was gone, he had turned the TV on to MuchMusic and was watching the Top 30 video countdown. I decided to leave it there.

After a few songs, Matt was done with his bowl of cereal and was setting on down on the coffee table, “Ari, how do you and Josh do it?”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “What do you mean, Matt?”

“How have you been together so long without any bumps in the road, so to speak?” he asked, curiosity filling his voice.

“I don’t know. I guess we just really click, you know? Neither of us could ever dream of hurting one another because we love each other too much,” I said simply, keeping my eyes on the TV.

“How do you do that?” Matt asked, his nose sniffling.

“I don’t know. It just happens,” I looked at him, “It’ll happen to you one day, too. You’ll find someone worth it, don’t worry. I didn’t think I’d find someone worth it until I met Josh, honestly. He’s really the perfect guy for me. And hey, between just you and me,” I paused, “I think Josh might be the one. I think he’s the guy I’m going to marry,” my heart fluttered as I said this.

“Really?” Matt said, eyes widening.

“Yeah, really. I’ve really never felt this way about a guy before. When I’m with him, I actually feel happy,” I smiled, mostly to myself.

“I hope you guys do get married someday,” he cracked a grin and looked back to the TV, not saying another word.

***Josh’s POV***

I woke up with Ariana gone, probably out in the living room comforting Matt.

“Ari, how do you and Josh do it?” I heard Matt’s muffled voice say.

“What do you mean, Matt?” Ari asked in reply.

“How have you been together so long without any bumps in the road, so to speak?” Matt asked.

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