Chapter 7

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Josh and I woke up at about the same time to the sound of his phone ringing violently on the side table.

“Hello?” he yawned, pulling the phone up to his ear, “Oh hey, Mike.”

I moved closer to Josh’s ear, “Hi Mike!” I beamed into the phone.

“Ariana says hi,” he chuckled, “Oh yeah? Really, he did? Ha-ha, oh god. I’m sorry I missed that.”

“Missed what? What did ‘he’ do? Who’s he?!” I whined.

“Ian got really drunk last night at the bar with Mike and randomly yelled something out,” Josh said to me, temporarily pulling the phone farther from his mouth.

“What’d he yell out?” I giggled.

“I’m not allowed to tell you!” he winked.

“Oh, come on! How bad can it be? Give the phone to me, I bet Mike’ll tell me!” I grabbed the phone from his hands, “Mike, what’d he yell?”

“Ha-ha, he screamed ‘WHEN IS JOSH GOING TO MARRY ARIANA ANYWAYS’ and then passed out,” Mike laughed over the phone.

Blushing, I said “Oh, well that’s interesting. I guess that’s good to hear that Ian’s open to that idea…” I giggled, looking over at Josh, who was rubbing his chin and grinning at me.

“Does that mean you’re open to that idea too?” Mike asked, curiosity filling his voice.

“Well I mean, of course I am. I love Josh,” I could feel myself blushing even more as the heat rose to my cheeks.

“Love you too, babe,” Josh leaned forward and kissed me.

“Aww, how cute. Now give the phone to Josh,” Mike said.

I giggled as I handed it over to Josh.

“Hey, man,” he paused, listening to Mike, “Ha-ha, very funny Mike,” a pause, “Well, of course I love her,” another pause, “Dude, I’ll do ask her when the time is right! Calm your pants!” his eyes widened as he turned back to me, “You didn’t hear that.”

I was blushing again, “Okay, honey. Whatever you say,” I beamed.

(Several hours later, at starbucks)

“Green tea frappachino!” a voice called.

“That’s you, Ari,” Josh released my hand. I walked over to the counter and got my drink before making my way back over to Josh and I’s table, “I’ll never understand how you can drink something that’s green like that,” he poked my cheek once I sat down.

“Mmm, it’s just so yummy!” I took a sip and looked into his eyes, “So about your and Mike’s convo earlier…” his eyes looked panicked all of a sudden, “Were you talking about proposing to me?” I winked.

“Umm, what makes you think that?” he asked, looking nervous.

“Oh, I don’t know. Because we had just been talking about Ian wanting us to be married and then Mike said something that made you say something about ‘asking me when the time is right’ and then you tried to cover it up—correction: are still trying to cover it up,” he sighed, “Come on, Ramsay. Come clean,” I grinned at him.

“Well, I mean of course I’ve been thinking about marrying you,” he said, shyly.

I smiled, “I think about marrying you sometimes, too,”

“That’s good,” he regained his train of thought, “I just don’t know how to ask a girl to marry me, you know?” he paused, “But hey, I never said any of this. I still want you to get emotional and be surprised if I do ask you.”

“If?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“When,” he corrected himself and chuckled, “But you didn’t hear that from me,” he said, standing up from his seat, taking my hand and pulling me with him.

“Whatever you say, Ramsay.”

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