Chapter 9

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***Mike’s POV***

Later on after Josh and I’s phone conversation, he called me rambling about how when he does propose to Ari that he wants it to be special.

Josh, I, and the rest of the guys brainstormed ideas.

Never mind, it was Josh and I brainstorming while Matt and Ian played Halo in the same room as us.

We thought that he could take her down to waterfront (because they hang out so much there) and play her a love song before actually asking her.

He hasn’t quite decided what he wants to do yet, though. He’s really stressing out about it, though.

I keep telling him that it’s not an urgent thing that has to happen right away. He can take his time. It’s not like Ariana’s gonna leave him just because he hasn’t proposed fast enough.

***Josh’s POV***

Mike and I have been brainstorming ideas for how I should propose to Ari.

Mike’s told me about a million times that I can just take my time. And I know that. It’s just that I’m kind of panicking.

I want the proposal to be perfect.

***Ariana’s POV***

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I say as Josh walks out of his bedroom, yawning. His hair was done in his regular way and he was already all dressed.

“Morning, babe,” he said in a distant tone. He’s been kind of spacey lately. Like his mind is somewhere completely else.

“Waffles or pancakes?” I shot him a casual smile.

“Neither,” he said, looking at me. What’s gotten into him? “I want to take you to breakfast, instead. You always make me breakfast. Let’s switch it up,” his tone brightened and a big smile formed on his face.

“Okay, Josh,” I couldn’t help but smile as we walked out the door together.

He took me to my favorite home-style diner and ordered me my favorite breakfast meal, two over-easy eggs on top of toast with hash browns on the side.

“Now that you’re all done with that, we’re going to the waterfront, okay?” he took my hand and pulled me out the door of the restaurant.

“Whoa, whoa! What’s the hurry, Ramsay?” I said, dragging behind him.

“Hurry? There is none!”

“Then how come it feels like we’re training for a marathon or something? Can we slow down a little bit?” I tripped over my own foot.

“Come on, we’re almost there,” he chuckled, ignoring my question completely, causing me to giggle.

He was right though, we were only a block away from waterfront. Before I knew it, he was plopping me down on our favorite bench and smiling down at me, still standing.

“Aren’t you gonna sit down?” I asked, looking up at him.

“I will in a minute, hold on,” he jogged off behind a tree.

“Umm, Josh…?” What’s he doing? He quickly reappeared with an acoustic guitar in his hand, “What are you doing?” I laughed.

“You’ll see,” he smiled and got down on his knee and started picking at the strings of his guitar. I immediately recognized the song: Porcelain.

“You thought by now

You'd have it figured out

You can't erase the way it pulls

When seasons change

It hurts sometimes

To find where you begin

But you are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

I'm right here when

You need someone to see

It's not speak

Or forever hold your peace

It's alright to take time

And find where you've been

You are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

Oh, when your heart releases,

You won't fall to pieces

You'll let those old diseases lie

Oh, and your heart releases,

You won't fall to pieces

And your breath comes crashing in

Like perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need…”

He played the entire song, and by the end I was crying. He set his guitar down and pulled a ring from his pocket. This just made me cry even harder.

“Ariana, I love you. I love you so fucking much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he paused, his eyes shiny from tears he’s trying to keep in, “When I’m with you, I’m never sad. I couldn’t picture myself with anyone but you. Will you marry me?”

I nodded about a million times, eyes filled with tears before saying “Of course I will, Josh,” I got up from the bench and jumped into his arms, still crying.

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