Chapter 3

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(Several months later)

Things with Josh have been going really great and I also got to become pretty good friends with the rest of the band. The five of us hung out a lot, actually. Hell, I even get to hang out with Kevvy sometimes, too. 

I recently started staying the night with Josh more often. I have a stash of clothes in a corner of his closet, too. Occasionally he stayed the night with me but it was more likely for me to stay the night at his apartment. I stole a few of his shirts and put them in a drawer at my house and I think he even made sure to leave a pair of skinny jeans here, also. I guess you could say things are getting more serious.

Today’s been a lazy day, for the most part. I woke up at noon and since then I’ve been sitting around doing mostly nothing except for putting my hair in a messy bun and pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Josh is on his way over to pick me up right now for a coffee date.

I plopped myself down on the couch and switched the TV to MuchMusic. Of course, the Desperate Measures music video was playing when there was a knock on the door. How ironic.

“Come in!” I called, my eyes on the TV.

Have a piece of American Dream…

“Hey, babe—“ he stopped and looked at the TV, “Oh god, I heard that Ramsay guy’s a dick,” he chuckled as he made his way to the couch and sat down next to me, sliding his arm around me.

“I don’t know, he seems pretty cool,” I smiled and looked up at him, “And I mean, he’s kind of attractive too.”

He raised his eyebrows, “Kind of?” he jokingly crossed his arms, sticking his nose in the air. What a drama queen.

“Oh shut up, Josh. You know you’re perfect,” I said, pulling his arm back around my shoulders and snuggling into him. He kissed the top of my head and sighed.

“I guess…” he sighed again, dramatically.

All of a sudden, Josh’s phone was violently vibrating on his lap. He quickly answered before checking who it was.

“Hello? Oh, hey Matt. What’s up?” He stopped to listen, “Where?” He paused again, “Can Ariana come? Okay, cool. Okay. Sounds good, see you then,” Josh said. I couldn’t hear any of the other side of the conversation.

“What’d Matt say? Where are we going exactly?” I asked curiously.

“He’s got a date with some girl he met the other day on his bike ride. It’s now a double date, starring you and I. We’ve gotta be to the restaurant within forty-five minutes. Sound good?”

I nodded, “Casual or fancy? I need to know what to wear.” It’s good that Matt has a date; he deserves someone special in his life.

“Well, I think I’ll probably wear a tie…”

“But that’s a regular thing for you! What should I wear?” I whined.

“Hmm,” He thought for a second, “How about that pink dress you wore on our first date?” he grinned.

I thought for a moment. That could work. “Okay. I love that dress,” I kissed his cheek and got up from the couch, “Let me go change, babe. I’ll be right back.” I made my way over to my bedroom and shut to door. I began looking for the dress. It didn’t take too long considering my closet’s pretty small, but it was towards the back. I haven’t worn it since our first date. I quickly slipped into it and a pair of silver pumps before skipping to the bathroom to fix my hair into a casual ponytail. As for makeup, I brushed some mascara onto my lashes and called it good.

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