Chapter 6

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***Ariana's POV***

Matt’s been doing really well since his breakup with Taylor. He’s actually been hanging out with Josh and I a lot more than he did before and I can’t say I don’t like it.

Today Josh and I are going to Playland and I’m trying to prepare myself for screaming teenage girls running at my boyfriend. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that, really. Matt’s hanging out with us until we go.

“If you want you can just stay here all day,” Josh said to Matt.

“No, that’s fine. I think I’ll just call Kevvy and see what’s he doing today,” he said, reaching for his phone.

“Okay, if you get a hold of him tell him I say hi,” Josh said, grabbing my hand and approaching the front door of his apartment.

“Me too, I love Kev!” I said, smiling back at Matt as I started shutting the door, “See you later, bud!”

The drive to Playland from downtown Vancity is longer than I remembered, but still not very long at all.

As we approached the front gate I couldn’t help but smile, “I haven’t been to this place since I was a kid.”

“I was just here for SPF. Speaking of which, why didn’t you come with me to that?” he gave me a look.

“I don’t know actually! I should’ve though,” I bumped his hip with mine as we walked through the front gate.

“You should’ve. Now, what ride shall we go on first, babe?” he squeezed my hand.

“Hmmm, I never went on the ‘Hellevator’ as a kid…” I said, staring up at the terrifying ride.

“Ha-ha, you sure you want to try that today?” he started walking towards it, pulling me with him.

“I’m sure. Let’s be daredevils, eh?” I started skipping in front of him, still grasping his hand, causing him to jog behind me.

“Can we be daredevils at a walk?” he laughed, as I dragged him towards the ride.

“Nope!” I giggled as I came to a stop in the line, “I’m excited.”

“Me too, babe. But hey, don’t barf on me, okay?” he said, giving me a firm hug.

“Is that Josh Ramsay? Of Marianas Trench?” I heard a distant girl’s voice squeal.

“Oh god, it’s beginning. Brace yourself,” Josh grabbed my hand again.

Several girls ran towards us, yelling Josh’s name.

“Oh my god, oh my god! I love you so much, Josh!” one girl said, stretching across me to touch Josh’s arm.

“I love you guys, too. But hey, you’ve gotta respect my girlfriend,” Josh said, pulling me closer to him.

GIRLFRIEND?!” the girls screamed in harmony.

“That’s me!” I said, smiling at them.

“Lucky!” one yelled.

“What’s he like in bed?!” another squealed, causing the others to laugh.

“Well he’s a fantastic cuddler.”

They screamed.

“Hello? Are you in line?” the ride operator asked us.

“Oh yes!” Josh said, shooting a smile, “Sorry girls, we’ve got to go,” he pulled me behind him towards the ride and sat me down in a seat, “Sorry about that, babe.”

“No, it’s okay!” I said, watching him sit down before the bars came down upon us, “It was cute. Now if I die on this ride, I want you to know I love you, okay?” I joked.

“I love you too, Ari,” Josh smiled at me and the ride took off in the air at top speed.

I honestly can’t remember too much of the ride because I was too scared. But I do remember Josh and I screaming at the top of our lungs. We came off the ride hand-in-hand and nauseous.

“That was insane!” I said, laughing.

“No kidding. What next?”

“Wooden rollercoaster. No doubt,” I said, skipping towards it.

“Slow down, Ari! I can’t run the entire time we’re at this park!” he ran alongside me as we approached the rollercoaster. To our surprise, the line wasn’t extremely long, “You know, rollercoasters are my favorite.”

“I know, Josh. I saw the pictures of you from SPF,” I said, giggling at him.

“Oh yeah, those. I looked ridiculous in those,” he chuckled, kissing my forehead.

Before we knew it, we were at the front of the line waiting to get on.

The rollercoaster car pulled up and the other people piled out, screaming Josh’s name and soon we were getting in the front seat of the car.

“I’m scared!” I scrunched my nose at Josh as the car pulled out of the station.

“Don’t worry, I’m here,” he smiled at me before we went down the first hill.

For the entire ride, I was screaming my lungs out. Josh just laughed at me.

“Have fun?” he scooped my hand in his as we walked away from the ride.

“Definitely! It was terrifying though!” I shivered and squeezed his hand, pulling him towards the carnival games.

“Slow down, tiger!” he laughed.

“What the fuck?! Tiger?” I giggled at him.

“Sorry, thought I might try a new nickname… Guess not, eh?” he pouted at me.

“If you’re going to call me a name, it’s gotta be cute. Kay, babe?” I giggled again.

“Fine… Buttercup?” he tried another name.

“Hmm, I guess that could work!” I scrunched my face and stuck my tongue out at him as I skipped off to a darts game. He jogged after me, “Josh, you should be all romantic and win me something,” I laughed.

“Ha-ha, I guess I could try…” he handed a few dollars to the cashier of the game and picked up the darts. Surprisingly, he was really good. He got at least five balloons with his first dart, with still two darts to go. With his second dart, he got four balloons and with his third dart, six balloons.

“Whoa, babe! You’re more coordinated than I thought,” I laughed as he gave me a triumphant smile after throwing his last dart.

“What can I say: I’m a badass, eh?” He wrapped his arm around my waist.

“What prize do you want?” the cashier asked. Josh looked at me, implying he wanted me to pick.

I looked around at the prizes and spotted a gigantic alligator and casually pointed at it, “I like that one,” I whispered to Josh.

“An alligator for milady, please!” he said dramatically, making me giggle. The cashier pulled it down and handed it over to me.

“Thank you, Joshie,” I stretched the ‘eee’ on the end as I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

“You’re welcome, my love,” he did a slight bow and softly cradled my hand in his and started walking forward pulling my alligator and I behind him.

After a while, we decided to leave playland and go back to downtown Vancouver to spend the sunset at waterfront.

We sat on a bench together for an hour and I fell asleep on his lap.

He said he stroked my hair as I slept and watched the sunset, just happy to be with me. Eventually he woke me up and called a cab so I wouldn’t have to walk. He led me to his door and to his bedroom. I stripped to just a t-shirt and underwear and got under the covers.

I fell asleep almost instantly.

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